Anyone Make YouTube Videos?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Curious if anyone here makes YouTube videos and would care to share their YouTube name for us to check out your stuff. Doesn't have to be NoFap related videos, just anything. I saw someone mention having a YouTube channel, and I thought it might be cool to share that stuff with the group, if you feel comfortable and don't care about anonymity.

    Anywhoozle, share away!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2017
  2. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  3. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    I considered becoming a YouTuber and made a few crappy videos which I've now deleted.

    Part of the problem is the YT comments section - people are seriously rude and I don't know if I could handle the criticism.

    Also it's hard to get a good following going.

    I think it's a good thing to be doing but you need to put in a lot of time.
  4. Yeah, I've had a similar experience. I've made a few videos, but they're not very good. Lol it really does take a lot more time and effort than you realize to make really good videos. Not really my thing, but I'd be excited to see other people's channels if they want to share :)
  5. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Yes I'd like to see them too - though I'd not be surprised if people didn't want to share them here. - It's revealing a lot of what you are in real life.
  6. I believe YouTube allows you to disable the comment section. Even allows you to pend comments until they’ve been reviewed.
    Deleted Account and Millenial like this.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking that too. But you never know. I know a lot of people on youtube talk about NoFap almost exclusively, so I'm curious if any of this people are here.
  8. The Youtube comments section brings out the worst of humanity.
  9. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    This might sound a bit weird - but I sometimes feel I have no right to watch someone's content if I haven't shared something similar myself... - i know that sounds silly because YouTubers don't care who watches their videos.

    Basically what I mean is if someone is being very open about who they are in real life... then I want to be just as open as they are... then I can engage with them on the same level. - I guess that makes me a massive hypocrite because I watch loads of TV and of course no one I'm watching knows I even exist!
  10. I did make videos myself doing drum covers to songs I like but my videos always got used against me by assholes in my old class, they would make fun of me and say that I was bad at my instrument. I know I'm not but with so much negativity I had to stop.

    I'd love to start doing them again but I don't have much time as I used to.
    Millenial likes this.
  11. Ugh, I hate that. :/ internet assholes always ruin everything. I really wish people didn't have to be such jerks, but wishing that away is like saying "stop teaching girls to defend themsleves and start teaching boys not to rape." There's always gonna be jerks, so we have to learn how to not let things like that get to us. Either that or just remove yourself from the negativity, like you did by stopping your videos. But if it's something you really want to do and enjoy, it would benefit you a lot to grow in your ability to let negative comments roll off your back. That's something I've improved in so much in the last year or so, and I'm really glad I did. It's made my life a lot more peaceful and allowed me to enjoy the internet again without getting so mad or depressed all the time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. I agree with all of that but these people weren't people on the internet, I knew them in person. Just thought I would clarify.
    But y'know I might do them again on a new channel and completely start a new but for now I study music in college and I do music outside college like my band and my grades.
    But yeah fuck those assholes :emoji_laughing:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    @CassTeaElle Just been watching some Fapstronaut YouTubers - I'm very impressed - It's a very different style of sharing to forum posts but it's good. - something to aim for maybe. : )
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys YouTube Kenny Sebastian.
    He is an Indian standup
    I believe you all will like him
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Lol why does it matter if women like games or not? And plenty of women like video games. My favorite channel is a gaming channel, although I mostly like it for the comedy. But regular gameplays can be fun to watch too, if the person playing is entertaining enough.
  16. Ah, cool. Have you heard of Funhaus? They're my favorite gaming channel. My husband watches a few others that I can listen to sometimes, like HappyDays. He's cool and has a nice accent. Lol and Frankie is pretty funny.
  17. This guy seems pretty funny so far, but his accent is pretty thick. Lol I love to listen to stand up while I'm working, but its a bit hard for me to understand when I'm not focusing super hard on it.

    Thanks for the recommendation though!
    u376 likes this.
  18. I've actually surprisingly NEVER watched a Pewdiepie video. Lol

    And I believe HappyDays is... Australian? Maybe British? He just has an interesting voice that's nice to listen to sometimes. Haha
  19. Honestly I'd say it's one of the big advantages of running a YouTube channel, you develop a thick skin pretty fast. I remember I was so easily moved by criticism when I first started making videos that just a single dislike I got on a video made me feel really bad and like I must have done something wrong for a whole day or two.

    Now I get a good laugh out of negative comments and don't mind dislikes since they actually help my videos rank better in search etc (the algorithm sees them as interaction - it doesn't care whether it's positive or negative).

    As for me, I have two channels, I started making self improvement videos but a few videos I made about lucid dreaming really took off and I attracted an audience interested primarily in lucid dreaming so that has become the primary subject I discuss on my main channel. I've recently started up a second channel to bring back the self improvement content but that channel doesn't have much on it yet.

    Here's my 2nd most popular video, a lucid dreaming guide:

    To check out my channel just click through to visit the video rather than playing it here, and then navigate to my channel and watch whatever you like.
    Deleted Account and Millenial like this.
  20. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    Great video @JesusGreen! - I had seen the movie 'Vanilla Sky' which I liked so I found this interesting.
    You've actually got a proper YouTube channel - 22407 subscribers well done.
    Can I politely ask: how many subscribers do you need before YT start giving you some money - do you get some?.. you deserve to : )