Anyone Have Success Quitting Sugary Foods?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by rob13_, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    I'm tryna improve my diet now, but am struggling to eliminate Sugary desert foods and snacks from it. I'm fine with carbs like breads and the like for now, just tryna start off slow.

    If anyone has had success kicking these poisons (at least mostly) then tell me your secrets to success.
  2. I've never liked candies cakes etc.

    For me... A deeper more evil sugar haunts me.
    Pizza, pasta, etc are complete trash. Sugar. Covered in fat. Saturated in salt.
    Nothing is worse. I normally work out before I eat. My day was screwed up .I was starving at had cheese pizza before my work out. Omg I was useless! Completely lethargic.
    I try to eat mostly vegetables high in protein during the day. Save meats and what not for dinner time. Carbs are necessary. Get them from vegetables, fruits, rice, potatoes.
    Bread is industrial scale poison! Its not easy but you get used to it quickly
    rob13_ likes this.
  3. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    What methods did you use to kick your habit of pizza, pasta, etc? That I could use to kick my vice of candies and cookies and the like.
  4. I've completely eliminated unhealthy savoury snacks from my diet (potato chips, etc) and many types of sweets like lollypops, jelly beans, gummies, etc. However I still indulge in chocolate and ice cream every now and again (once or twice a week). I'm at the point where most unhealthy snacks and sweets make me feel sick when I eat them. Try focusing on adding more healthy foods to your diet like eggs, meat, vegetables and fruit instead of focusing on trying to cut out bad foods. I think this is what I did to transform my diet. Goodluck.