Anyone else tired of Consumerism?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by SirQwerty, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    During the most consumerist time of year, I'm starting to feel tired of stuff. I just want to disconnect, live minimally off grid. We're always being sold something: Medicine, entertainment, toxic lab-made junk food, and yes, sex. Everything has seemed to lose its flavor. I no longer find TV or games entertaining. I used to enjoy Minecraft, but now I want to do it real life: Garden, explore, and enjoy nature. Does anyone else feel this way?
  2. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    I sometimes feel the same way.
  3. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I don’t mind some extent of consumerism - work that people invest lots of time, effort, and talent to create and show to the world. But feels like the shit that gets pumped out in high quantity and low quality is all over the place now. Movies are worse, video games are worse, songs are worse, food is worse, clothing style is worse. Fuck modern houses by the way, they look ugly as fuck in america. Those giant windows and weird rectangular architecture sums up everything about USA right now.
    Don80, recon117 and SilentWolfSong like this.
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I think part of it is keeping up with the Jones-es. If there wasn't this comparison game, where we feel obligated to have everything that everyone else has, I feel we would enjoy what we have more. Somewhat connected to the consumerist idea. I tend to be a minimalist as well... hopefully can live it out more once I have my own place.
    Don80, Bradziggler1990 and SirQwerty like this.
  5. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    I feel like I've made it out of that phase. Staying focused on my path, being satisfied with what I've been given. Sometimes I feel like just staring at a wall lol, I'm tired of the modern world. One day hopefully we can have an off-grid cabin community and live the simple life. Enjoy nature and each other's company
  6. Yea guys, this consumerism in the US is wild. I’ve even gone into tens of thousands of dollars into business debt because I wanted the “option” of buying anything I ever wanted. It was so stupid. Thankfully my wife and I are able to slowly get out of debt and we’re on a good trajectory, but overall the notion of “getting the next new shiny toy or experience” is such a dangerous allure because it doesn’t seem to be damaging but then it enslaves you.

    So yea, I’m slowly desiring and working towards just less consumption of goods and more minimalism.
  7. Yeah I feel like a mindless zombie seeing dozens / multitudes of ads. However I am also understanding the need for tangible rewards with experiences and hands on things becoming more important.