Any Men have Orgasms without Touching

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by DannyCool, May 30, 2016.

  1. StewartSays

    StewartSays Fapstronaut

    Why consider this? It's relapsing at its worse.
  2. For some newbies of not fapping and no PMO'ing, who are still struggling, and don't have their shit together yet, it is probably dangerous to MO. Could lead to relapse. But ultimately, I don't know about you but my goal is not to stop MO'ing for rest of my life. If you are devoted Christian or something then go on, it's your choice. But I just want to be healthy, that's all. Or to stop O'ing for rest of my life for that matter. It's gonna happen with wet dreams anyways, or during sex. Might as well learn how to do it ejaculation free for all the physical benefits of semen retention. I frankly don't see any reason why NOT to consider this...
  3. StewartSays

    StewartSays Fapstronaut

    My goal is not long term. I just wanted to see if by holding in my semen for 12 months reverses premature greys and hair loss.
  4. Ya it will help, also take a look into an herb called He Shou Wu (Fo-ti). There are studies proving its efficacy at reversing these hair problems. Seriously dude it is potent as shit, research your brands well there are one or two that are excellent cannot discuss brands though in a thread.

    I don't talk phooey dude that herb is the real deal go do your research, best wishes man.
  5. I once ejaculated while training an L-sit, I full well knew I would orgasm if I kept holding the position and I purposely held it to climax lol.


    Also when I was younger, climbing the rope in gym lol, I suppose there was contact with the rope though. We also played this game called chicken fighting where we would climb the monkey bars and grab a hold of one another with our legs around each other's waist while hanging on the bars. I got so fucking excited to chicken fight this girl I had a crush on hahah, I remember straight up wrapping my legs around her and grinding hard. I didn't climax but it was my first time humping a girl, sorry not really relevant lol but this thread reminded me of it.

    Not sure why this thread was started lol don't care to scroll back to the first page really. Just sharing my experience. Imo this is not at all relevant to self improvement hehe.

    I feel orgasms are meant to be experienced through contact with a lover, whether the ejaculation takes place or perhaps one chooses to refrain and the energy is kept within and circulated through the body. I get a feeling if I turn back to the first page there is gonna be some Tantric or Taoist sexual ideas, Mantak Chia style maybe, or I'm just wrong and don't care enough to participate in this thread anymore.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  6. StewartSays

    StewartSays Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you mentioned this. I have fo-ti at home, 3 months supply. Pill form. Tried for one month and by week 3/4 I became extremely itchy all over my body and my skin became really greasy which I think is the herb reaction badly to my kidneys. I'm currently taking biotin, b12, b6, b2, b1, copper and zinc one pill supplement as well as semen retention. In a few weeks I will re start fo-ti and if the itchiness returns well that's sucks for me as I know MANY people have restored hair colour this way!
  7. takezawa1

    takezawa1 Fapstronaut

    I agree, i have noticed that it can get easy to get lost into other peoples goals on this site and forget my own intentions, or become a lot more strict on myself. After coming back around i had an intention, but now i have so much guilt influenced by reading other members posts. Everyone has their own specific reasons for coming to NoFap and there is not one way to get through this journey (HELL).
  8. I've did quite a lot of research on this. Exercise induced O's are apparently very common thing. Especially between females, not so much males tho. There is even a term for it - "coregasm". There are even workshops and books all about how to achieve them and stuff. They are supposed to feel different and more intense. I used to MO that way when I was a little kid, before I discovered that hands work better. I did something resembling sit ups to achieve them. I remember them being more intense than just fapping. And I could not achieve them every time, maybe like only once a week or something, I guess energy needed to build up. While by using hands I could achieve O wherever I felt like. Pretty much force it, it was just a matter of enough stimulation. So I kinda dismissed that method of more intense Os for more frequent Os instead.
  9. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    So something has happened for me since i posted the OP. There is for sure a difference in wishing to have the orgasm and it happening without doing anything about it. This is due to intention and searching for pleasure. The general rules of hard mode work best for me where there is no edging and no sex at all. What happened was that I had an intentional orgasm at home without waiting for it to get too much. This has set the tone to be searching for orgasm which has led me back to objectification problems. I need to keep going with hard mode till it gets crazy intense and wish never to take pleasure from a women for myself. The difference between me now and when i did my previous streaks is that urges dont cause me suffering or it is not a battle to get through them. That has been my new objective and i want to get up to a 30 day streak like this. It means not edging at all but not battling through and urge and having to take a cold shower to get through. It means no suppression but it does not mean to indulge either.
  10. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Yes if it happens through exercise unintentionally what harm but if you get into the habit of looking for that and you fantasise to induce it that takes on a different picture in my way of doing things. I am looking to gain control over the orgasm without ejaculating.
  11. Christiano

    Christiano Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this! For me it went a little different. I had the sensation build up while not having any sexual thoughts at all. I was just watching a show and my friend even walked into my room at the hotel we are staying at for work and I thought I was gonna bust in front of him. After he left I laid down in bed and I started breathing deeply and even slightly moaning. I never do that when I would just normally masturbate so I knew something was different. I relaxed my body and just closed my eyes. I started thinking of a girl I was talking to. My thought process wasn't the same though. I didn't objectify her, or at least in my belief I didn't. I was really focused on how beautiful her personality was. I did have sexual thoughts about her but this time they were actually intimate ones. The orgasm I had after a little while was mild but I still felt great, in fact probably even better! Definitely abstaining again just for this opportunity! I'm back on day 4 so far.
  12. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Ok here are my stats and my experience. I was being a little modest yesterday.
    Feb 2015 to Sep 2015: 216day hard mode
    Oct 2015 to Dec 2015: Taoist practice no semen lost.
    Dec 2015 to May 2016: One reset every 25 days.
    Start of June 2016: 3 resets in a row - binge.
    Middle of June 2016: 2 resets in a row - binge.
    The difference in June is not as negative as it sounds. Leading up to the end of May I had a similar experience of intimacy with girls I fancy on a very deep level. They were also extremely appreciative of this.

    One girl I met in the ocean while swimming on the beach. I talked to her for a little and then walked back to the beach. When I turned around she was smiling at me. I was on about a 25 day streak but my physical condition had also improved a lot after a good deal of training which is helping my energy and communication. When she came out of the water I was to chat to her with ease. She put suncream on my back in a very gentle and kind way. Soon after she had to leave and again just before she disappeared she looked at me and smiled.

    There was also another girl who I made eye contact with while waiting for the bus. She kept looking back towards me and smiling such a full smile while on the bus. She was wearing this incredible dress and was again incredibly good looking. I did not even talk to her but somehow she was supporting me. To ask her out would have been inappropriate and would have signaled looking for something and destroyed the atmosphere. I made a connection with her before I left the bus and she was absolutely delighted. Beaming.

    A third girl I have actually become friends with meeting up a number of times. We have a lot of similarities and interests. She sent me some emails with suggestive comments and I did mo with her in mind once. This has led me to getting angry at her on another occassion and has signaled my fall into wishing for orgasm and objectification as oppose to just experiencing the internal ones in a light hearted way. It is not that she is amazing on her own but the connection helps me bring love for everyone because I am aware of not objectifying her. However she is the one who has brought me back into the mo cycle. I think it is important not to look or search for sexual pleasure.

    There is a subtle but clear difference between:

    1. mo cycle of desire and aggression.
    2. hard mode with suppression.
    3. hard mode without suppression.
  13. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut


    Remember now don't focus on looking for an "o" for yourself this will ruin all. Start focusing on other aspects of your life such as fitness, anger, pride, family and take the attention away from the desire. Desire is not the only thing that will bring a depth of understanding. Working to be kind to others and support others is the consequence and objective of this kind of transformation of desire. You have the heart of others within you now so don't seek for anymore and work for others and don't get obsessed about desire. I am going to pick some things to work on I will let you know when I get in a new routine. Fitness will definetly be one of them and working with anger and frustration plus seeing others same as myself etc.
  14. Roro 9090

    Roro 9090 New Fapstronaut

    Hi every one
    I am having similar strange situation
    After 60 days of nofap i got aroused and was on youtube for hot girls funny video some of them were nude and then i felt like when you want to pee and with no intention i ejaculated am very frustrated plz help
  15. triicky

    triicky New Fapstronaut

    This happened to me too but while i was lying down to bed i was pressing myself and i ejaculated but a tiny of sperm.So i want to ask one more time does this count?
  16. @rm0uR

    @rm0uR Fapstronaut

    Nah I can't get that right. And I suffer from PE so that says a lot.