Almost one YEAR OF NOFAP

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Me01, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. Me01

    Me01 New Fapstronaut

    First I want to apologies for mistakes I will make since english is not my native language. SORRY!

    Alright so first I want to say why did I start nofap?
    Im 20 years old who never had gf,had no money,had no friends, thought about killing myself, had social anxiety, was depressed a lot and big loser. However one day accidentally I runed on nofap and started reading all this successfull stories. So I decided to try it.
    Ofc I failed couple times before starting this strake.
    So what did change?
    I found my first gf (and had my first breakup), found a job, got in collage, found many new friends, got in shape, social anxiety and depression are gone and Im really confidant.
    So is it all because of nofap?
    I strongly believe it had the biggest impact and that it motivated me for all the other thing.
    Few tips for all those who want to try it:
    Take cold shower every day- this is really important in my opinion this way you will improve your discipline
    Sleep on your back if you don't want to have wet dreams (I also had my first wet dream after I started nofap)
    You won't always feel good- yeah even when you start nofap you will have bad days
    Write every successful day without porn and masturbation (this and cold shower are the most important to succeed)
    So to make conclusion:
    Nofap really did work for me and it will for you too it's just a meter of time it took me 6 months to start feeling real benefits and for you it might will take more or less. Pls don't give up on it before one year passes and than tell if it does work. The reson why does it work for so many people is that you feel motivation to get better and pmo are killing it so you can't think the way you normally would.
    Well that's it I hope I motivated someone to start nofap or to stay on the right path.
    This post is also my way to thank to all of those people who shared their success stories and motivated me to try this (and I hope that you who are reading this do the sam one day).
  2. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    WTG! Keep it up! (So to speak!)
    TheFlash123 likes this.
  3. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Man, You got inspired by the Success Stories of Others and now you got to write a Success Story, thats fucking awesome. 1 Year of Nofap...holyshit, man! And you're 21, I am so glad you did this now. When I was 21, I went on PMOing thiking i will get rid of it by 24, at 24, it was 27 I'm 30 now, man! My life would have gone on a completely differnet trajectory had I beat PMO at 21. Nevertheless, I would like to think I still have time to correct it. Thanks for the story.
    jun007, MATTI233 and Retentionman like this.
  4. a_man_following_the_way

    a_man_following_the_way New Fapstronaut

    I'm 21. Day one! Thanks for your story. Really motivational.
  5. MATTI233

    MATTI233 Fapstronaut

    You still have time my bro. Everybody has time here. You make the time
  6. MsteiN

    MsteiN Fapstronaut

    Amazing bro, you really changed your life and condition
    Very Well!
  7. kafatopu

    kafatopu Fapstronaut

    Im just like you bro. You are great inspiration for me! I hope i will be succeded.