"addicted since 11 years old"

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Meryouma, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Meryouma

    Meryouma New Fapstronaut

    Hello, I want to tell you my story, it all started when I was 11 , my classmate at that time told me about man and woman relationship, I became curious about it , so she gave me the name of a website to go and watch everything. and that's what I did , and then I started to become addicted. After a while my ipad was broken, I stopped watching for 3 mounths and I forgot about them even after buying a new one ,but one day an ad appeared, and that's what reminded me of them , and it all started again , I was like 13 years old ! And now I'm 20.nothing changed , I tried a lot of times but ...
    I hope this time I will be able to control my self.
    Tafi likes this.
  2. Tafi

    Tafi Fapstronaut

    well, being in a relationship might make you stop watching porn. Anyway, good luck in your journey and welcome to nofap community.
  3. MindlessWorm

    MindlessWorm New Fapstronaut

    You got this Meryouma! Wishing you ease on your journey