90 Day Extreme Mode Reboot (No PSubs Challenge)!

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Ūruz, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the 90 Day Extreme Mode Reboot Challenge!

    This is a challenge for those people who, on top of staying away from porn and MO, also want to abstain from consumption of porn substitutes. This mode is different from Hard Mode, in that on top of not allowing PMO, it also does not allow PSubs.​

    The challenge rules:

    1. No watching porn!
    2. No masturbating/edging (even without porn)!
    3. No orgasm (not even during sex; involuntarily orgasms such as nocturnal emissions/wet dreams/nighfalls are allowed, since they are out of our control)!
    4. No consuming porn substitutes!
    5. Sex is allowed (but no intentional O).
    6. If you relapse report in the thread and reset your day count to 0.
    7. You must check in this thread regularly (preferably every day, but at least as often as you can).
    8. You can join with your current streak if you want to (as long as your current streak is less than 90 days and includes no PSubs, standard Hard Mode streaks do not count), or start from day 0, up to you.
    9. After you complete this challenge you can tag me (@Ūruz) and I will edit the original post and add your name to the Hall of Fame list.
    10. After you complete this challenge you can leave or you can do it all over again and go for 180 days, or more, of the Extreme Mode, up to you.

    Some FAQs:

    What is the Extreme Mode?

    The Extreme Mode, is just a standard no–PMO mode (Hard Mode), plus with the added rule of no PSubs (porn substitutes)! This is also known as "no–PMOPS mode", where P stands for "porn", M stands for "masturbation", O stands for "intentional orgasm" (wet dreams don't count, since they are out of our control and not intentional) and PS stands for "porn substitutes".

    What counts as a porn substitutes?

    A porn substitute could be anything (videos, pictures, written text, etc) that is not technically porn, but you are using as porn, to stimulate the same pathways of arousal and dopamine release in the brain. A classic example would be browsing lingerie ads in a women's magazine. Or maybe browsing Instagram to find a picture of a hot woman in tight jeans, or skimming through a medical anatomy textbook to find drawings of reproductive anatomy, etc. Or things like watching news on TV because the weather lady is just very attractive to you sexually, and you are there for that and not for the forecast. Anything that you use as a substitute for porn, without it technically being porn, to stimulate your arousal the same way as porn does.

    What are the reasons to stop consuming PSubs?

    While PSubs are not technically porn, you are using them as porn, to stimulate your brain in similar way. So what happens is that your old conditioned porn neuro–pathways in the brain are still used, and therefore they can not fully fade away. So for healing to be complete fully, getting rid of PSubs, at least for the duration of reboot, is advised.

    On top of it, PSubs can also trigger urges in us that lead to full out PMO. I'm sure many of you had this happen, when you saw some triggering Instagram picture or something like that, and that led you to a relapse. This is why staying away from PSubs as much as possible, especially early on in the reboot, can help tremendously with building a good streak.

    What are the other reboot modes?

    Sometimes it might get confusing with all the reboot modes that people are doing here, so let me summarize them here, so you can have a clear picture of where the Extreme Mode fits in:

    1. Lite Mode (aka Easy Mode / Soft Mode): NO P—no porn (MO is allowed, as long as it's not done with porn, O during sex is also allowed).
    2. Standard Mode (aka Normal Mode): NO PM—no porn and no masturbation (intentional orgasm is allowed only with a partner).
    3. Hard Mode: NO PMO—no porn, no masturbation and no orgasm (no intentional orgasm, even during sexual activity with a partner, wet dreams don't count since they are not intentional)
    4. Extreme Mode (the mode of this challenge): NO PMOPS—no porn, no masturbation, no intentional orgasm and no psubs (psubs = porn substitutes; things that are not technically porn but are used like it, such as browsing cute girls on Instagram or lingerie advertisements in women's magazines, etc).
    5. Monk Mode: NO PMO or NO PMOPS + no sex (full celibacy) + one or more of some other discipline goal (such as staying away from sugar, fasting, daily meditation, daily exercise, forcing oneself to wake up at 4am to work on self improvement goal, etc).
    6. Mind Mode: NO PMO or NO PMOPS + no sexual thoughts/fantasies allowed.
    7. Custom Mode (aka "Meeting My Goals" counter option): design your own rules (for example maybe some people wanna do Semen Retention but still want to M for some Tantric reasons, etc).
    As far as this challenge is concerned though, it's option Nr. 4! You can also join if you are on one of the more stricter modes (such as Monk Mode, Mind Mode, etc) that include no PMOPS. But no easier modes like the standard Hard Mode—if you are participating in this challenge you must commit to avoiding both PMO and PSubs (PMOPS) as a minimum!

    Why I should do the Extreme Mode (no–PMOPS) instead of the Hard Mode (no–PMO)?

    The same reason why people do Hard Mode instead of the Normal Mode, or Standard Mode instead of Lite Mode—the reboot process is faster and more powerful! Like with losing weight, the more cleaner the diet the better the results. Some choose easier modes of reboot, such as the Lite Mode, because they can't handle too much at once, that's fine. But for other people they feel they can handle it, and they would rather get more faster and more powerful healing benefits instead. Up to you which route you want to pick.

    Extreme Challengers!

    Everyone who is attempting or has attempted the Extreme Mode Challenge will be added to this list. Successfully complete the challenge and you will be added to the Hall of Fame list!​

    The Extreme Hall of Fame!

    People who have successfully completed this challenge will be listed here. Just tag me (@Ūruz) once you're successfully completed 90 days of no–PMOPS and I will add you to the list!

    Hall of Famers:

    P.S.: This challenge was inspired by the old 180 DAY CHALLENGE: EXTREME MODE challenge that I was doing (which was recently closed by a moderator for unknown reasons); shutout to the now Deleted Account member who originally created it years ago, hope you're doing good wherever you are! I liked it cause it was one of only few challenges on here that did not allow PSubs. I took the liberty to edit the rules slightly, such as making it 90 days instead of 180 (if you want to go for 180 you can always do it twice), to make it more palatable, as well as some other small changes, but for the most part it's the same.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  2. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Alright, let me start—day 1!
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  3. Good luck to you @Ūruz on this challenge.
    Ūruz likes this.
  4. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  5. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Thanks! :)

    While I might have gotten porn somewhat under control for now, PSubs are the main thing I am struggling with right now. And I can't say I will feel truly rebooted until I get them in check too, cause as long as they are a problem there is always danger for escalation to porn, at least for me. So I figured to make this challenge, since there was no PMOPS challenge on here that specifically targeted PSubs. Most challenges here are standard Hard Mode and they technically allow PSubs...

    How about you friend? Are you doing no PMOPS mode also, and staying away from PSubs? Or just doing the standard no PMO mode? ;)
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  6. I'm doing well so far going for that full NO PMO the hardcore monk mode.
    This challenge will be interesting to so many guys, by the @Üruz - Could you list down all the P. Substitute we should be aware of ?

    Thanks in advance for that! ;)
    Ūruz likes this.
  7. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  8. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Gotya! Well friend, if you ever wanna crank it up a notch and go on NO PMOPS mode, you know where to find this challenge! ;)
    Sure! So basically, while porn is something that is intentionally sexual and is made with intent to arouse us sexually—obviously videos, but also things like erotic books (written porn), erotic audio (audio porn), etc—PSubs are everything that is not technically porn (not necessary sexual or made with intent to arouse us), but we are using like it would be porn; a porn substitute. So for example browsing lingerie ads in a women's magazine, that's a classical example; they are not made to arouse us, they are just made to advertise an underwear product to women, but if we are looking at them to stimulate ourselves sexually then it's a porn substitute. Also things like reading a book on sexual education, not to learn but to to stimulate ourselves sexually. Or things like watching a Youtube video of a woman talking about whatever, not because you care about the content but because you find her cute in a sexual way (she could be dressed conservatively, but even if you just find her face sexually attractive, and watch it cause of that reason, it's still a PSub for you). Now it doesn't mean that you can't consume content online that has people you find attractive in it, but it's about the intention—we need to be honest with ourselves and ask ourselves, "why did I click this Youtube video, is it cause I care about the content or was it simply cause of the thumbnail that had a cute woman on it"?

    It's hard to list all the possible PSubs, cause what we find sexually stimulating is largely subjective to everyone. I don't particularly care about feet for example, but if somebody does maybe they should not visit a women's shoe section at an online store. Again, it depends from person to person; are you engaging in this for sexual stimulation, or are you engaging in this for other reason and the fact that it is sexually stimulating is just an annoying side effect? If so, I guess it's fine, obviously there will be things like that in life—you just have to be honest with yourself about your intentions.

    Some people say PSubs are only artificial things online. But I would go as far and say that they could also be real things offline. Like if it's summer and you are walking down the street and ogling at every short skirt that walks by you, you are essentially using your brain the same way as you would use it to watch porn. But at the same time there is nothing wrong with looking once in a while in a non–creepy way, enjoying the sight and then looking away and going about your day, because at the end of a day we are sexual beings and being attracted to people in real life is normal and natural part of our sexuality. So for the most part PSubs would only be things online, but like I said, you have to be honest with yourself.

    Some classical examples would be:
    1. Browsing some woman's pictures on Instagram, cause you find her cute, even if she is not necessarily posting sexual pictures.
    2. Watching Youtube videos about sexual themes, these could be educational videos, comedy videos, news videos, etc, not because of the content but because of subjective stimulation you are getting from them.
    3. Watching Twitch streams because the streamer is a cute woman.
    4. Swiping on dating sites like Tinder, cause you just want that dopamine stimulation.
    5. Browsing online stores, cause you want to stumble on pictures of hot clothing models.
    6. Etc.

    It's all about the intention. Usually, if you are honest with yourself, when you are engaging in PSub you will know it. I just tend to ask myself: was this a compulsive behavior? Or did I needed/wanted to watch this this video or see this image for some kind of other purpose? If it's former then chances are it was just me engaging in a PSub.
  9. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  10. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  11. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  12. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Day 1!

    Had a slip up on PSubs yesterday; some Youtube videos. Luckily it didn't lead to PMO though. O well, it is what it is—we keep getting back up and fighting!
  13. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  14. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  15. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

  16. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Day 0!
    Ūruz likes this.
  17. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    @Don80 Welcome along friend! :)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
  18. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Day 0! A setback and I should have handled it in a different way. Yesterday I managed to stay out of p-subs and ogling women. No P until the night. And then an issue happened before my sleep time, and I was done. But I have to deal with it today and I'm getting serious with my recovery.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
    Ūruz likes this.
  19. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Day 5!
    Don80 likes this.
  20. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    In my case, p-subs stimulate the erotic fantasies. Everytime one checks out a woman, the subconscious treats her as a potential partner. Also p-subs increase the risk of a relapse. Even checking out women's faces should be discouraged if it's done intentionally. I guess it leads to some dopamine spikes.
    Ūruz likes this.