6 Year Quest - Ghost Mode (2023 to 2029 End)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Snake Diet Ghoul, Sep 29, 2023.

  1. I don't want to jinx my goals or act narcissistic so won't say much about myself.
    The goal of this self-improvement journal is to keep myself accountable and ensure I don't break my streak.
    What is the 6 year quest about?

    My journey towards becoming a real life demon.
    Any time I feel like I need relief or am close to a relapse, I will post here. Or keep posting updates.

    I believe we live in a world where we share too much info about our private lives, goals, and dreams. There is nothing wrong in talking about them, but sometimes we talk too much and there's less action. I want to transmute that NoFap Hardmode energy and achieve silent victories. Destroy ego.

    I forgot what this felt like since a long time ago so it's time I return to my roots.
    I'm making this journal for myself, not for others. Feel free to ignore. Thank you.

    Quest mission: 6 Years of Total Celibacy (locked up)
    Reward: Can do degenerate stuff later and socialize
    1. Do not react, explain, or say a word about my vision
    2. Stay in an emotionless state (emotional regulation)
    3. Get revenge when the time is ripe, be patient
    4. Enjoy life and other unfair advantages after work is done
    5. Whether I feel good or not, do not express to others. Talk to a tree instead. Get used to that.
    6. Work like a dead corpse (zombie) and keep going

    Motivational motto: "You can do whatever you want, but only after you achieve your goal. Until then, stay on a tight leash. Lose friends, no social life, complete isolation? Suck it up, because that's the price we have to pay for what we want. No room for normalcy."

    Favourite quote: "The Devil was once God's child."

    DAY 0, START!!!
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
    ZenYogi and I_always_try_again like this.
  2. 66 hour and 44 hours fast down
    Many more to come Screenshot_2023-09-28_125301.jpg Screenshot_2023-09-30_132901.jpg
  3. Day 1 and doing another fast already
    Constipated af from the last refeed so had to break it
    Ate Jeera fried rice, onions, and coconut powder. Gonna jump into another fast after I clear out. I shouldn't have eaten those strawberry candies yesterday coz they constipated me like hell. No packaged foods, lesson learned.
  4. Day 2:
    Cleared out very well
    Workday went smooth
    Dry fasted the whole day
    Going to continue and attend work fasted tomorrow as well.
    That's it for today's update.
  5. Fast done ✅
    Ate cheesecake and noodles today, good meal.
    Day 4 complete Screenshot_2023-10-04_121700.jpg
  6. Day 5 complete ✅
    Ate peanut butter and dumplings today-
    Was kind of a bland day but went smooth.
  7. Nofap Week 1 Complete ✅
    7 days down
  8. Day 8
    OMAD after a 26 hour fast tonight
    Pizza, cake, and ice cream
    $5 dinner from an ashram cafeteria in my area

    Attached Files:

  9. Relapsed last Sunday after 9 days of hardmode
    But quickly recovered now
    Currently on Day 2 of Nofap
    Back on track again
    Completed a 45 hour fast also today
    Ate chicken nuggets, burgers, and wraps with my mom outside
    Touched sand (no grass in my area)
    Chaotic work day also, so sleep is a bit messed up but will work on it
  10. Using a levels app to gamify Nofap and make it fun so I don't get bored of doing a streak and relapse. Must do a 6 year hardmode streak for personal reasons. Anyway, restarting now

    Day 0 - Clown
  11. Day 2 - n00b
    Entering Day 3 soon in just a few hours
    Dead calm
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2023
  12. Day 5 down
    Did an 80 hour fast recently
    Jumping into another one now