40 years old dad, hoping to gradually get rid of porn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hope4freedad, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Hi friends,
    I have been watching porn from age 17 and now I'm 40 yo. Whenever watching porn, I always feel shame. I almost watch porn/masturbate several times a week. I have tried to stop watching porn so many times before but had no luck. I am married and have kids, so really looking forward learning from people at this website, and finally be able to avoid porn. I really not sure how, and I know it is really hard, but I hope :)
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2022
  2. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    I’m really upset , I have regular sex with my wife (once a week) but still watching porn and hiding it from her, I hope I can get help from this website and it will be a great change for me
  3. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Hi there,
    I´m a 41 year old dad, and i´ m on my 3th streak for 5th day now, i made it to 30 days twice but i relapsed.
    I have the remojo app, it helps, it blocks everything and reminds you to stay away.. but it also can be deleted of course.
    I told my wife the truth about my problem, and that it has a history of 20 years..
    We are still very much in love, and it was a bit akward at first,..
    Hey, maybe we can follow each other in this journey..
  4. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Hi, thanks a lot for your message. 30 day strike is awesome, I wish you luck and hope to get better like you to avoid porn.
    I will install remojo app, that definitely helps, thanks for the suggestion.
    you have been brave to share this with your wife, I am very embarrassed to do that now. It's great that you love your wife and share this problem with her.
    my main motivation is also my wife and family I love.
    sure, let's keep each other posted in this journey.
    good luck buddy.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  5. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Tomorrow, one week, it´s the hardest..
    I´m allready feeling the new benefits.. it give´s a boost to my self-awarness..
    How are you doing.
    Robbiebob, hope4freedad and ANewFocus like this.
  6. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    What steps are you taking today to stop porn?
    Robbiebob and Jefe Rojo like this.
  7. Beans83

    Beans83 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, 39 year old dad here also attempting to quit. I am 5 days in and it’s been crazy rough, the urge was really strong all day none stop yesterday. It’s now 3am and I can’t sleep, was wondering if either one of you are experiencing anything like this?
    Robbiebob and (deleted member) like this.
  8. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, i highly recommend the remojo app, i put it on high restrictions ( no social media)
    I'm on the 3 streak and it does go better than the first one.
    I really know the force of those urges, but it builds a discipline.
    Robbiebob and hope4freedad like this.
  9. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Great work guys to heal yourself from this affliction. Putting in porn blockers is good, and whatever “white-knuckling” techniques you find that work for you are important. Three other things that have been helpful for me are:
    1). You can’t do this alone. I work with a therapist, have worked with accountability partners [with mixed success], and joined a NoFap and SAA weekly support groups. Voicing this issue out loud to another human being in a supportive and non-judgmental environment is so powerful in helping this sexual addiction/compulsion lose its power and let you feel like you are not alone in this and have others who have walked the same or similar path be there to support you.

    2) Digging deeper as to why you chose PMO as a solution; a solution to feeling lonely, not feeling appreciated or affirmed, not feeling man enough or good enough, self-soothing instead of dealing with difficult emotions, unresolved childhood trauma or abuse, feeling lonely or stressed, or whatever the myriad reasons we all have for going to PMO. I think you have to look with curiosity at your PMO behavior because it is telling you something, and if you can figure out that need or feeling you can work to understand it and heal it.

    3) Educate yourself. Read as much or listen to as much as you can to grow your knowledge and understanding. I’ll throw out some resources I have found helpful:
    Unwanted, by Jay Stringer.
    Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction, by Eddie Capparucci.
    Any Patrick Carnes book (e.g. Out of the Shadows, Gentle Paths).
    Out of the Doghouse, by Rob Weiss.

    Pure Desire (puredesire.org)

    Porn Free Radio (www.recoveredman.com)

    Sex and Relationship Healing (sexandrelationshiphealing.com)

    I wish you well in healing yourself, and your relationship.
  10. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Thx for the usefull message, 1 week finished, no urges, but sometimes a tought or so, but very do-able..
    I´m in for the 90 days this time, i feel stronger allready after my last relapse i felt so empty,
    Another reason to keep it up..
    Robbiebob and hope4freedad like this.
  11. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    I currently installed a porn blocker (remojo) on my phone
    also whenever I have urge to watch porn I either try to have sex, or masturbate (I know it is not ideal but I feel better to masturbate rather than watching porn)
    I want to read more about porn addiction and it's root causes as Robindale suggested.
    Robbiebob likes this.
  12. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Hi Robindale, really appreciate your message. It's great that you have been 500+ days without watching porn, awesome.
    I am going to find an accountability partner, and read more about root causes. Thanks for suggesting books and podcasts.
    ANewFocus, Robbiebob and Jefe Rojo like this.
  13. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    You're welcome and best wishes on your successful journey. You can do it!
    Robbiebob and hope4freedad like this.
  14. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Almost 2 weeks in again, how are you doing hope4freedad,..are you still good..
    ANewFocus and Robbiebob like this.
  15. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Hi Someonefrom1981, thanks a lot for asking. I am still good, had high urges last night to watch porn, but luckily I could avoid it. I pressed the `panic button` of the forum, and it helped me distract, then I saw your message! Thanks a lot for asking, I hope your success as well in the recovery.
    ANewFocus, Robbiebob and Jefe Rojo like this.
  16. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    I´m doing good, excellent really.. my mind is beginning to get more focussed and the determination is huge..
    2 weeks in now..
    Let´s do this.
    ANewFocus and Robbiebob like this.
  17. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    Are you still with me.. don´t give in, not an inch..
    ANewFocus, Robbiebob and hope4freedad like this.
  18. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Hi someonefrom1981, thanks a lot for your message. Yes, I am still good, high urges today. But still good, almost two weeks free of porn. I hope I can keep going, I feel better about myself and like you feel more focused in my activities. Let's do it!
  19. Someonefrom1981

    Someonefrom1981 Fapstronaut

    We arecalmost in our 3 weeks in.. i started to get real vivid dreams.. does this also happens to you..
    ANewFocus and Robbiebob like this.
  20. hope4freedad

    hope4freedad Fapstronaut

    Yes, sounds great almost three weeks! yes I also see vivid dreams recently, maybe this is normal and only temporary.
    I am happy that I have not watched porn past 17 days, but I still masturbate :( and sometimes fantasize about those porn scenes, it's really bad I know that I should eventually get rid of masturbation as well .
    some people also recommended taking cold shower to control urges, i found that useful and took cold shower more often.
    good luck buddy!
    Robbiebob likes this.