35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    Going from 2-4x a day to a 3 day streak is awesome! You should be proud of yourself. As for breaking the streak, that depends on what your goals are. You have your counter set as PMO, so yes, sex breaks the streak. But if it's set at PM, then it doesn't. Personally, I don't count M in the presence of a girl during sex as breaking the streak (as is what I think you were saying above), but that is a personal call. It is definitely a sign though that you need a reboot if you can't get yourself to O normally during sex. The most important thing for you right now is to more clearly define what your goals are. Keep up the good work!
  2. bns259

    bns259 New Fapstronaut

    I would like to join if there is still space!
  3. FreebirdFH

    FreebirdFH Fapstronaut

    That's good to know! Thank you.
  4. Sounds like a good plan. I'm having the same issues.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. We are currently full but I will add you to the waiting list and tag you in a comment when we get an opening.
  6. I'm moving forward strongly. Modifying my diet to mostly satvic food has been a huge help. Introducing fasting once a week for 24 hours from friday noon to Saturday noon and have a long meditation session on saturday - feels like a mental reset for me.

    The challenge has been staying up later then I like and feeling a very light version of inner guilt/shame (similar to PMO) for not honoring my own word to stop being online at a certain time.

    Been going through a range of emotions each day of the week, loneliness, depression, frustrated, inspired, etc. Noticing a sense of detachment form the content of my emotions and becoming more relaxed as the context of my experience as the witness.

    The red flag/danger zone has been alot of reading sexually charged material through Reddit (some for curiosity research and some for my work) and youtube videos with girls in it.

    really enjoying reading about bramacharya and learning 2 new yoga asanas for the purpose of sexual transmutation.
    artifact and discovery like this.
  7. Looks like you guys are having a tough time sticking with it. I've been fighting this for 26 years. It took drastic changes to get results.
    RightEffort likes this.
  8. Hey bro no need to apologize It takes alot of courage to come out and own up to it.

    I have a suggestion what if we would introduce some form of accountability as a "relapse ticket" if someone relapses so this would add another layer of pain to hopefully prevent a relapse. Could be a financial donation to a charity or could be forced to have a 5 minute cold shower or cleaning the toilet or something unpleasant.

    Do you guys think if you had something like this it could be beneficial?
  9. I'll a firm believer in positivity. You know yourself, make a plan and implement it. Porn blocker, erection strategie...
    artifact likes this.
  10. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    So.. with the thousands of posts on this board.. I think I'm probably gonna make a first here and discuss something no one's probably ever discussed before. I am having porn temptation except... it's with food. Yes, food. The porn thing itself is going well. I'm staying off it, not being tempted either. I download stuff off torrent sites and there are often porn ad banners on the sides with porn images but they don't bother me. No.. my issue now is with.. food.

    As I mentioned earlier, I am on a keto (extremely low carb) diet combined with fasting. At first it was 16 hours a day fasting, but I bumped it up to just eating breakfast every day, and otherwise the only exception is a teaspoon of creamer for coffee/tea. The body goes through a withdrawal process when it is starved of carbs, and I have been feeling extreme fatigue, combined with depression and irritability. I also just found out that one of my old friends from about 10 years ago died a few days ago at the age of 38, which put my emotions into overdrive. I had been forcing myself to go for walks in the park, but this has ended. Being so lethargic, I've been using the time to catch up on tv shows and movies that I had been meaning to catch up on for a long time (I currently have the winter off from work). I keep telling myself that it is short term, that I will loosen up on this regimen on Dec. 31 so I can enjoy NYE, and from there ease up on it all and go out more and live a more normal life. But it is what it is.

    As for food, I have a big keto breakfast, and I feel fine until about 6pm. From 6 until bedtime, things get a bit rough. I need to fight off the cravings, stomach growls, feel weaker than usual, etc. As I've been watching my videos, I find myself pausing at scenes where delicious food is being shown and just stare at it, thinking how good that all looks (something I never did before). It drives me nuts. It's almost like P-subbing. And then, just a few hours ago I had a disturbing dream. (I get on this site shortly after waking up, while drinking my morning coffee). I snuck into some event, where there was a free buffet for members, and stole a giant soft chocolate chip cookie and ran off with it. As I was escaping, I took a big bite of it and felt the same rush I would get when PMOing for the first time after restraining myself for a long time, basically after ending previous successful streaks. It felt so good, so satisfying, but then I told myself WAIT! You're on keto, you can't do this.. but my response was.. I don't care, I'm eating it. And I took another bite and felt a second wave of the rush. That's when I woke up. I even continued to feel that rush as I lay in bed before opening my eyes. It was crazy. The whole thing is crazy.

    But anyway. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Addictions and cravings come in many forms. I'll be changing things up again soon.
  11. Can you explain why you're on this diet? You might have to choose: nofap or keto
  12. That is an interesting suggestion. Maybe if it was a voluntary thing for whoever wanted to try it. I've tried the negative reinforcement thing (with the Stickk site, for example) and it didn't do me much good. I ended up paying a lot of money and then just lying about my success. I have a sort of rebellious spirit, so negative reinforcement seems to have the opposite effect on me. In other words, it makes me want to do the thing (in this case, P and M) more. I definitely would not impose that on anybody who didn't want to participate.
    discovery and RightEffort like this.
  13. That is a problem I wish I had, after getting buried in holiday sweets from family and co-workers. It probably wouldn't kill you to have some carbs every once in a while. They are necessary for your survival, which is probably what these dreams are trying to tell you. Congrats on your nofap success, by the way. I'm trying to get back on track with it.
    discovery likes this.
  14. Calling @srussell @zweezer and @darknight -- Are you guys still with us? We haven't heard from you in a while (a month, actually). Reply to this comment if your counter is up to date and you want to remain in our member ranking.
    RightEffort likes this.

  15. 100% on with you bro - I too have the same thing I think our mind constantly is seeking pleasure in every form and once PMO is out the next thing is food lol

    So I am also using the method of fasting but I'm doing the buddist method which is to have 2 meals per day and do only plant-based diet for keeping my food satvic which according to yogic teachings reduces the negative mental tendencies and creates more harmony.

    The keto diet is a hard one but once you get into the state it is easy - i have personally had good success with it, however, I choose not to do it because of many neg. effects (Body odor, bad taste, etc) and inability to sustain it.

    I won a fitness modeling content reducing body fat to 3-4% while eating 200 carbs per day - and i'm only 150lbs or so 5'6 tall in my experience on low carbs metabolism increases and cravings increases too - where as keto cravings are intense at first but then its easy - just differnet paths - I had a coach/trainer who helped me with the diet as i had no idea how to do low carb successfully.

    either way good on you for taking this discipline and either way your going to learn so much from the experience. Much love take care :)
    discovery and artifact like this.
  16. 500+ days no PMO? What did you do, chop your wang off?
    discovery likes this.
  17. At one point I wanted to. It's been 4 years.
    I had to be extremely strict with myself.
    artifact likes this.
  18. Hey man love to hear about your journey - how long it took you to reach to 4 yrs? how many relapses, what were your biggest insights and disciplines?

    Also love to know what brings you to this community - do you still have strong urges? what is your current sex life like if you like to share more would love to hear your experience
  19. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the feedback guys. UPDATE: Shortly after making that post I found the solution to my problems. If only everything were that easy! After digging around a bit deeper on the internet, I found an article saying that this was common and drinking a large glass of water mixed with a dash of salt several times a day should help. I did it, and it did! A by-product of your insulin levels dropping off is that your water and sodium levels drop off drastically as well. I still find it strange that I was dehydrated but never got thirstier than usual because of it. But whatever, it worked. Yesterday I had much more energy, went for a two hour walk, did other productive things and was not depressed or irritable. And all it took was a simple Google search. If only I had done this earlier instead of assuming it was something I needed to suffer through! And I don't even taste the salt when mixed with that amount of water.

    Primarily to lose weight, but also to put my body into a permanent state of ketosis, where I would get a steady flow of energy throughout the day from burning fat instead of depending on sugar kicks from carbs that come and go. And... no way man! :p

    I totally understand that my body is screaming for carbs. It is something that it's had all its life, and now suddenly it's starved of them. That was basically a wet dream the other night about food. It was scary. As for survival, when mankind was in its primitive state, for tens of thousands of years, they had very little carbs. Really it only came in certain nuts and fruit that they had to be lucky to find. Most of their fuel came from animal kills, and they didn't eat every day. So really, what we consider normal with primarily burning carbs is a relatively new thing that our bodies aren't truly evolved for. And thanks man! As more time goes by, I feel less inclined to turn to PMO.

    Thanks Right Effort! Yes, it has truly been a learning experience. On a number of levels. One of the big side benefits has been that I was always the guy who made sandwiches and heated stuff up in the microwave, but now I feel like Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen with all the cooking I've had to learn how to do to sustain this diet (without being an asshole o_O) And that is awesome about your modeling contest. Yes, I am still waiting *eagerly* for my body to go into full ketosis. It gets easy, and you reap the full benefits. Luckily, I'm not getting those side effects that you had. Sorry that it didn't work out for you in the end. Looks like you're on to something though with the Buddhist diet! Keep it up.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
    artifact and RightEffort like this.
  20. discovery

    discovery Fapstronaut

    Yes @Longterm , I was wondering about this myself. Not so much how, but why. What is the point? If you haven't achieved the full benefits of a reboot by now, you never will. Don't you want to have sex again?