3 Years...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DanForABetterLife, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. DanForABetterLife

    DanForABetterLife Fapstronaut

    3 years...

    I've learned about NoFap about 3 years ago.
    3 years ago, I was so addicted to pornography and masturbation that I do it at an average of three times per day. One, before I go to school. Two, when I go home from school. And three, before I go to sleep. Been doing this routine for almost 10 years of my life since I was in high school.
    3 years ago, I was very skinny, I am 5 ft 4 in and I only weigh 55 kg.
    3 years ago, I can't even lift 10 lbs plates for a bench press and run a mile with no breaks.
    3 years ago, I have so much acne in my face. Now, thankfully, my acne has lessened and I only get occasional breakouts.
    3 years ago, I spend most of my time alone, in my room, or in an apartment and my life would revolve around studying, going to school, and occasional eating alone outside by myself.

    3 years...

    I was hooked because of the benefits listed from NoFap... Sexual attraction, More focus, Happier life, Fulfillment, More muscle gains.
    But it was more. I was so addicted to fapping that it was so hard for me to abstain. I needed to have something to learn about myself. About my addiction. About my underlying issues. About the problems, I was masking with fapping.

    A year ago, I started my self-help workshop on Recovery Nation. It was full of insights and information. And it was a great workshop to start the recovery toward better health.

    I am still on this journey. I still fail sometimes, but learning from my mistakes is what's important for me in this journey. I am not fully recovered and have not achieved the recommended 90 days for a complete reboot of the brain.

    But from that guy, who jacks of on average of three times a day, to someone who can achieve 2 weeks of not acting out and have developed some good habits that are a part of his values, I am proud of what I have achieved and I just wanted to share my progress.

    On a weekly basis, this is what I currently do.
    - Morning Meditations
    - Gym workouts and Nutrition
    - Going out with a small group of friends
    - Going to my relatives, especially to my cousins
    - Reading books, more on Developmental Trauma and Emotional Health. (I want to learn more on why I can't share myself fully with people when I socialize)
    - Having time in nature

    The journey has been rough for me, and sometimes, I would really like to give up on this and just let it be. But I know that I will never achieve fulfillment when I continue my compulsive behavior of Porn and Masturbation.
    Suki likes this.
  2. Suki

    Suki Fapstronaut

    Do not give up, learn from your mistakes (relapses) and continue to improve your life, and you will undoubtedly achieve everything you want and become better version of yourself. Stay strong, you can do it!