3 wet dreams in the past 2 nights

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by CH3RRY, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    So a little backstory. I quit MO 4-5 months, watched porn a few times after that but quickly dropped that too. I had a wet dream after being on NoFap for 2-3 weeks. At the time I had only experienced a couple of wet dreams in my life. None of my wet dreams had ever been sexual, including this one. I always ejaculated while dreaming of being stuck in the dream like running from something and then falling down and then I would react to it by ejaculating.

    Now skip to this year. It was the first days of this year, and I had a wet dream. In the dream I was watching Youtube, and there was a thumbnail that made me come all of a sudden. A few weeks later, on this week, tuesday-wednesday night I had a dream of me watching a scene of a porn shoot. I ejaculated when something happened in the scene. This specific thing that happened is basically a scene in porn that I always used to purposefully ejaculate to. I woke up right away after that, changed my shorts and went back to sleep. A few hours later, I had another wet dream. This one wasn't really a porn image, it was an actual dream and nothing sexual was happening in it. Until all of a sudden, I was basically witnessing a female undressing and that's when I ejaculated. It wasn't anything graphic, it's like just the idea made me ejaculate. And last night, or this morning I had yet an another dream. It was me searching something on google and watching the thumbnails, when I saw a specific one, I ejaculated immediately.

    The thing is, I have 0 desire to watch porn and I'm not addicted to it anymore. It's not on my mind at all during the day. But I do have some mild fantasies every time I go to bed. I don't think they are the cause of this, though they might enforce the real cause. The real cause I believe is, that my body wants to get rid of the sperm and since I always used to ejaculate to porn, my mind connects the act of ejaculating to porn. So I don't think I ejaculate because of imagery of porn in my mind, instead I get the imagery of porn because of the need to ejaculate.

    Before these wet dreams occurred, during the day time for a while I had a constant feeling of almost ejaculating especially when doing certain leg stretches. I guess after a certain time, your body really just needs to let it out. It's fine but annoying that this is happening in doses, rather than one big blow. Right now, I still have a feeling that there's more material to come out, so I might experience even more wet dreams. Has anyone else had multiple wet dreams in a short span of time?
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Yeah. In the beginning of my reboot, I had a few weeks were I got wet dreams practically every night, and sometimes also after napping during the day.
    They slow down eventually.
    PJT likes this.
  3. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Damn that's a lot of cum to clean up. This is good to know, but when you say they slow down eventually, it seems like it's the opposite that happened to me. Sure I had 1 wet dream after starting the reboot, but the next months after that nothing happened. Now since it's been so long since I ejaculated I'm having wet dreams.
  4. Last time I did my 90 days I had my first wet dream after 30 days. Then another one after another 20-ish days. Then they slowly started to increase to once a week and by the time I was almost at 90 days I had them like 3 times a week and some times multiple in a night. So I can definitely tell that from my experience the longer I go the more often they happen. Some dreams were mildly sexual and some were not.

    I do notice the same. If I have a wet dream early on it's because of sexual dream. I remember sex scene and then wet dream slowly building from that, but it was not there before scene. But when I have wet dream later on it's like wet dream comes by itself and then in dream something sexual happens very quickly to accompany that. Which also made me theorize that it's not images that builds the arousal but the other way around.

    It's like early strike wet dream is like having sex and ejaculating because of it. While late strike wet dream feels more like spontaneous ejaculation and sex jumping in during last second like "hey, is ejaculation happening, why you didn't invite me":
    arken3 likes this.
  5. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thanks for the reply. I really hope I won't be getting any more wet dreams atleast not this frequently. It ruins my sleep and I have to change my clothes and sheets. I've even thought about masturbating just to ejaculate so I don't gotta get any more of these. I say there is not a single good reason to masturbate but having these wet dreams has changed my perspective on that a little bit. I have no urge to masturbate, and I don't want to do it so I hope these have stopped or will stop very soon.
  6. I'm still awaiting my first one since starting a reboot, I wonder how long I will go before I have one.
  7. NeverGoingBackThere

    NeverGoingBackThere Fapstronaut

    I had two last night , I quit pmo 5 months ago , never looked back
  8. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    I have got 24 wet dreams in my current streak of 143 days of no PMO :rolleyes: . Most of them occur when I have 0 urges.I believe they have a purpose.
  9. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Wow I didn't know that this many people have had so many wet dreams. That number is quite a bit higher than mine. I just had one last night, alltogether in my 5ish months, I've had 6 wet dreams. And yes I also believe our bodies need a release.
    EyeofHorus26 likes this.
  10. determinedtowin13

    determinedtowin13 New Fapstronaut

    Started no PMO a couple weeks ago, and in the past when I've taken breaks I usually get wet dreams after five or six days without ejaculation and then every 3-4 nights after that. Interestingly enough, I only had my first one of this stint last night. However, I have dreams that involve sex almost every night now --even though most nights I am not doing much fantasizing before bed. I've never had a wet dream the same day or the following couple nights after masturbation, so I used to justify masturbation (along with many other justifications) by saying, "Hey, I have to do it so I don't have to wash my sheets every few days." However, this time I'm determined to actually abstain for a few months, and I'm willing to suffer the consequences. I'm happy I made it over two weeks without a wet dream though. Hopefully they don't increase as time goes by. Based on this thread, I think the occurrence of wet dreams just depends on the guy. @CH3RRY I agree that our body just needs to release old sperm as well as maybe some tension; I think it's more a body thing than a mind thing, and I definitely don't count it as relapse.
  11. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    DO you have any fantasies prior to go to bed? Do you ever think about women, PMO, or anything stimulating within 2 hours of going to bed? I used to, and I believe that's what may significantly contribute to wet dreams...
    EyeofHorus26 likes this.
  12. EyeofHorus26

    EyeofHorus26 Fapstronaut

    No.My thoughts are super clean. I make sure that I do not surrender to the emotion of lust.

    I had wet dreams when I was in my teens.During that period I was a clean kid who had no idea what sex or lust was .

    However, when i started being an addict after the age of 18, wet dreams stopped.It was through nofap they started coming back.
  13. PJT

    PJT Fapstronaut

    To the original poster mine is the same story pretty much of the guy I'm replying to. At the beginning of the reboot there was a wet dream like 2 times a week. Now it's not as frequent. I noticed I get them when I have a big workout the day before.

    ASABOVESOBELOW Fapstronaut

    Your diet has a huge impact on wet dreams. Try to avoid any warming foods in the evenings, such as spices, chili, mustard, vinegar, red meat, smoked meats etc...

    Also Shisandra berry is very effective at astringing your internal energy/qi and preventing leakage, it is also beneficial to all organs in the body because of it containing all five flavours (sour, sweet, spicey, salty etc...).

    Another almost fool-proof method is to sleep on your side (preferably left side to support the organs better) with your legs crossed. Taoist/Buddhist monks in China use this position for this exact purpose, and it is known as "Slaying the White Dragon" or something to that effect.

    You can also do kidney strengthening excercises such as reaching down to your toes and then rotating your hips whilst in the stretch.

    The body re-absorbs semen after around 72 days or so, so there is no need to "expel old semen" or anything of the sort.

    Good luck!
  15. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the insight! Do you think a person can recover to their original self after ruination due to this bad habit, or are people who PMO permanently damaged?
    ASABOVESOBELOW likes this.
  16. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Okay now it's been around a week since my last wet dream. I stand by the idea that wet dreams occur when your body has a physical need to release. Every night, especially last night I was fantasizing in bed as I usually do but I haven't had a wet dream. I don't feel the pressure and need to ejaculate during day time as I did before I got the streak of wet dreams. And when thinking about my past, having wet dreams for me has never had anything to do with watching porn or fantasizing. Though if you haven't ejaculated in a long time, and are watching porn and fantasizing, they will most likely enforce having wet dreams. But those wet dreams are going to happen anyways. A few months from now I'm expecting to have another streak of wet dreams.

    ASABOVESOBELOW Fapstronaut

    Taoist and Buddhist Monks, Eastern Orthodox Monks, and spiritual persons of all legitimate practises do not have wet dreams, they are certainly not an inevitable consequence of the retainment of essence. You just need to avoid things which encourage the build up of sperm, and practise things which astringe the lower enegies, or transmute those energies into higher forms, such as those of physical development (the lowest positive form), mental development/producivity, or spiritual development (the highest form of energy/transmutation).

    Check out Professor Yan Xin's book "Secrets and Benefits of Qigong".... The guy is probably one of the most important persons of the past 1,000 years. Some of his accolades include hundreds of mainstream studies using external qi manifestation, and also providing healing for George H.W Bush, Bill Clinton, and the ex-Premiere of China.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.

    ASABOVESOBELOW Fapstronaut

    I definitely think so. Perhaps some latent potential has been lost, but the ability to achieve more than the majority of persons in society is easily within anyones grasp, no matter how many years of wasted essence has passed. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory this is equated to pre-natal qi (pre-birth energy, a combination of karmic/past life energies, and the energies of your parents upon conception and mothers health during pregnancy, and the time of birth in-relation to Zodiac's etc... I find combining Chinese Zodiac with Western Zodiac can give you a pretty good idea of your constistution), and post-natal qi (environment/lifestyle/diet/cultivation of energy/retainment or loss of essence etc...).

    That pre-natal qi is hard to replenish without becoming a spiritual master, but the post-natal qi can certainly be replenished to the level of say a world-class athelete or other person of vigiour.... It is generally considered that 100 days of spiritual cultivation and retainment/transmutation of the essence into higher forms is enough to fully replenish the post-natal qi, and bring back above-average (compared to modern-day society at least) vitality.

    Check out the book (you can find free PDF's online) I mentioned above, Professor Yan Xin "Secrets and Benefits of Qigong".

    ASABOVESOBELOW Fapstronaut


    Check out these books I uploaded in another thread.