[26M] Hi there! Excited to join the community and make a positive change in my life

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hydroid09, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. hydroid09

    hydroid09 Fapstronaut


    I'm a 26 yo cis male.
    I've been watching porn since I was 17.
    After the initial 'first time you discover porn phase', I've had a healthy relationship with it: I would consciously choose a time and day to indulge in watching porn or reading or listening to erotica.
    IMO, my compulsive behavior started 2 years ago when I moved to a new place with absolutely no friends living a couple of hours of driving distance. I started watching porn more regularly when I got home from work and I made it my default way to "combat" boredom, loneliness and stress.
    I reached a point last year in December when I realized that I was viewing porn to the detriment of other aspects of my life - meeting friends, working on hobbies - things like that. I reached out to a friend who suggested therapy.
    So I've been seeing a therapist for the past year trying to work on my addiction and other aspects of my mental health. Infact, this forum was recommended by them recently.
    Over the last couple of weeks I noticed that every waking thought I had was about porn or sex and I would have to actively redirect my focus to work. I tried not watching porn for a couple of days but I could not do that without having to focus all my mental energy on this one thing (I failed in 24 hr). I have tried a few things - working in my living room, website blockers, eating a piece of chocolate when I feel the urge to masturbate instead, calling someone up to distract myself but none of these have worked. I hope that having some accountability to a community might help me do better.

    I have decided to 'reboot' so that I can develop a better relationship with masturbation and sex. I want to be in a position where watching/listening/reading porn is a conscious choice which I make without guilt or shame for compromising on other important aspects of my life. I want to control the habit and not let it control me.

    Given my recent failures, I would like to start with a modest goal:
    No porn for the next 5 days starting today Dec 26th.

    Accountability, encouragements and advice would be, by me, much appreciated.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  2. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    @hydroid09 welcome to nofap! You have come to the right place! I encourage you to start your own journal in your age group and thereby you will gain community and that will prove what you are looking for: accountability, encouragement, and advice! in turn, you will be able to help others too!
    NICEDUDE, Jefe Rojo and hydroid09 like this.
  3. SirGalahad

    SirGalahad Fapstronaut

    Welcome, brother! Best of luck on your nofap journey!