"12 months a slave"

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Coolkid, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Coolkid

    Coolkid New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys am Coolkid.

    I am 21 years old and for the past 12 months I have been struggling with PM, well the P part started way back probably 7 years ago but i would not say that I was an addict.M iso my real issue. I gradually started and for the past 6 months it has been 2x or 3x a day up until 8 days ago when I decided it was a foot in the wrong direction. I stumbled upon NOFAP 6 days ago and have been reviewing it and now am here. I want to go 60 days without PMO.
  2. Coolkid

    Coolkid New Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately my second thread is not about progress but i had a reset today and i M, later i felt so bad that i went back and PMO'D as much as i feel that the past 11 days that i have been clean,,just went down the drain like that, there is something telling me that I am not a FAILURE AND NEVER WILL BE!!!!!! I will get back on my feet,dust off and start again a fresh and go the 60 days but with more experience.

    I however would like an accountability partner and also i have decided i would post at least once a day. I would also like to know more on how to use Nofap