101 days.growth.setbacks, and the messy success.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. *When i began i could barely stand more than a few days, before falling down again..
    *As i fought i started learning to crawl a few weeks at a time, before falling down again..
    *As my legs grew stronger i found myself walking for a few months, before falling down again.
    Now begins my journey into running, and i will not fall anymore.

    The last 2 years since i began NoFAP summer of 2014 and i have seen many battles won and lost. Today and yesterday i looked at P. I looked also a week back. I did not O but i did edge a few times and had some serious struggles recently, including a few wet dreams and some MO away from P. I have hit the 101 day mark twice now, and have also hit the 80 and 60 day a few times. I bring this up because overall that means i have only viewed P a handful of times in the last year(the amount i would have viewed in 1 week easily before joining NoFap)

    So i am going to keep my streak of 101 days no PMO and continue to count it. And now I'm going to aim for a cleaner goal of 100 days no P what so ever, no M for 100 days. People may not agree with me keeping my counting since i viewed, edged, and later had wet dreams or masturbated.. But i still consider it a victory to walk away from P before i full on O. And so I'm counting it as not PMO'ing fully(having the willpower to stop before the full loss of creative energy/sexual energy.)

    LAST. I would just like to state my future goals as it gives me motivation and drive to continue to grow. Growth continuous is the most important thing and because i feel i have seen that i would like to share this as a success story. Although its not without it's messiness and battle scars.
    It's difficult for me to admit that i am not some super will-powered man who can accomplish anything i want the first try. I have a tendency to want to be the best at everything right away and realizing i am not, and seeing the grip of compulsive sexual release in my life, has humbled me. Another amazing thing NoFAP has helped me with, humility.
    Any helpful words or encouragement is much appreciated. I have some nervousness stating i will not M for 100 days, but i am ready for the next level and to begin to run. I will need your help community, stay with me.

    Added I have discovered and know now with certainty that retaining semen for prolonged periods of time without a spiritual cultivation process to transform this sexual energy into creative energy, and find other outlets for it, can be very unhealthy. It can lead to backed up plumbing and major issues.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2016
    Bunny Bon and vibemaker like this.
  2. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey man,

    congrats on making it this far! This is a huge change!

    I can relate to this very good. But when we're not fapping our energy away, after we experienced some disappointment, we may just grab some lunch and then get back to our "problem" we want to solve.
    It's good to be nervous. This means your not dead and you're working on something which is important to you. You have gone this far already and this is just the next level. You can make it!

    “Whenever a situation arises that creates fear, there are two alternatives—either you fight or you take flight.”
    Osho, Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously

    Have you good any recommendations for a guide or something on this topic?
    NamaClature14 likes this.
  3. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    Best wishes. I believe you will make it. Crush this goal. Stay clean
    NamaClature14 likes this.
  4. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Well done to you! I know how hard it can be so keep going. all best.
    Have you had or been through a flat line?
    NamaClature14 likes this.
  5. I didn't go through any flat lines. I didn't get to the point where i was getting ED but rather i found myself becoming only visually stimulated when having sex with a woman. Or i found that if i wasn't at the certain position or angle, i wouldn't be able to stay up. Also if i wasn't the one dominating, i couldn't either; If she tried to be on top, forget about it, i would lose it.
    So those were my warning signs that i was well on my way to ED and that i had a problem.
    Andyst343 likes this.
  6. Thanks for the kind words. Believe it or not these little encouragements and people taking time to read my posts help me out tremendously.

    I do have a few good recommendations for spiritual cultivation. This delves into a topic that unless the person seeks the answers and methods for themselves however, it will never really click or stick with them in their day to day lives. So while i will not give you specifics here, i will point you in a few general directions that can take you on your own journey. Research the underlying reason why people do Yoga, Chi-Gong, Falun Dafa, Meditation.<< These are all popular and proven methods to begin opening the energy channels within your body and moving sexual energy so it does not stagnate in your Root center and then cause us to go mad or sex crazy men, or expel that energy because we can't handle it.
    Here are my overall recommendations that i have discovered lead me to better control over my mind and my life and had a direct effect on my willpower that were needed to be able to even start spiritual cultivation.

    *First and the most important: Eat healthy and alive food. Drink water not corn syrup soda pop.
    What we eat and drink literally becomes who we are. That saying as a child, you are what you eat, is not just a saying. Not only does diet effect your health, it directly effects the brain and overall energy levels which in turn effects willpower. Recent studies in the last 10 years of the Microbiome in the gut(the small bacteria and organisms within us) shows that the gut and it's flora an fauna have a direct connection and effect on the brain and is actually the cause or prevention of many diseases. Stay away from stimulating foods at night or depressants. Peppers, hot sauce or spices, alcohol, pills, coffee, onions, garlic. These fluctuate your energy in your body, whether your able to feel it or not it does, and leads to instability. I still eat many of these foods but not at night.
    Added i became i vegetarian January 2016 and have seen immense improvement in my energy and focus, plus a lighter body feeling.
    * Second. Exercise. Self explanatory, you have to move. It is crucial to mental, physical, and spiritual well being. Even if its just a walk, you must move your body.
    * Third, replace old with new constructive habit. I had the hardest time giving up at first because i found myself with extra time on my hands. I then became bored. I then fapped. The only way the mind can let go of such an addictive habit, IMO, is by picking up another one. Too many however replace one destructive habit with another. Replace it with a healthy and creative hobby to help you leave this bullshit fake-ass pixelsex on a screen porn.
    * Last: Spiritual cultivation.

    It may seem like alot right away. So take it in chunks. Start with your food, and watch how much it will effect your life in 7 days alone.
    vibemaker and cubs2516 like this.
  7. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Great job! Let's all keep it up!!!!
  8. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Thanks for your great reply. Appreciate it much! :)