100 days - from my point of view

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by jos_neko_kopa, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. jos_neko_kopa

    jos_neko_kopa Fapstronaut

    I am extremely glad that my old wish came true, which is to leave a post in the section of success stories. Now, judge whether it is successful or not, but from my point of view, the answer is yes and no. I won't bore you with the consequences that PMO left on me in 11 years of consumption, they are similar to other addicts.

    How I coped with this
    Like everyone else when they start this path, they will fail a lot until they find the right formula for success, but I couldn't find it and believe me, there is nothing I didn't apply. Every attempt was in vain because sooner or later it would fail again, in those attempts the most I succeeded was 76 and 82 days, those were the times when I applied the method of will. What is the will method? People need will in life in various spheres of life in order to succeed in achieving certain goals, however my personal experience has convinced me that I do not need will for this endeavor in general, and that I do not have to fight my dirty PMO thoughts, it's a sisyphean job.
    Imagine that for the past 100 days I had to tell myself "You mustn't do PMO" every day instead of "I have no will and desire for it, I'm not attracted to it, despite it". If I had done the first thing like I did before, you wouldn't be reading this article now. There were temptations and there will always be temptations, but they did not leave an impression on me and I really have no intention of returning to that mud.

    You didn't get a concrete answer, because I didn't deal with this, but God my savior, Jesus Christ. If it wasn't for him, I would never have heard of the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION stop pmo method. I recommend this method to anyone, but if you decide to read it, be careful. I had to read the same book 11 times in order to understand and apply everything only the eleventh time. Feel free to call me crazy because I read the book 11 times, we share the same opinion.

    Was this period behind me successful?
    In terms of results, I achieved everything I set out to do, discipline is definitely the biggest benefit I received. Every three weeks I added another challenge and successfully introduced new useful things into my life. I've never been able to do that before, and if I did, it would only take a few days, and this progress is still on the upswing.However, if everything is not beautiful and colorful, it is not. I am in a depressed state, and I accepted it only recently, when I noticed that all the symptoms are present, and it has been going on for a very long time. I don't know how to rejoice and enjoy myself, even if I have a reason to, every day I'm under pressure because of private problems, I don't have anyone to talk to about it because I'm separated from my family, and my friends are in a completely different dimension and they wouldn't understand me. I have only God left, but I'm afraid that even l doesn't understand what he wants to tell me. My self-confidence didn't increase significantly, which sounds strange, but I think it's because of the depression.Sorry, I know you came here to motivate yourself and not to read negativity. I promise I will get out of this and there will come a time when I will release the story with a positive attitude.

    You know, I was once where you are now, I went into the greatest darkness of that sin, I was on the verge of suicide more than once, I wanted to be gone. I didn't see the way out, but it still existed. Are you desperate? Your answer to this question depends on whether you get away with it. If you are, that is the right answer and you need to surrender to God and tell him that you are sorry for everything and that you are desperate about everything that is happening, cry out to him and he will hear you. He heard me too, and I thought he never would.
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    I am sorry to hear of your troubles. Can you find a support group IRL? Sometimes we just need more connection with others. Good luck.
  3. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I wish you the best of Luck in your Journey and congrats on making it to 100 days.

    I have read the book The Famous book...Allen Carr's stop smoking...man, I find it so ridiculous and overhyped. I have read it, and left a review on goodreads. Let me post it here:

    Phenomenal waste a time - thats how I would describe the experience of this much hyped book. Through out the entirity of the book Author keeps saying "follow the instructions". The least useless of the chapters is chapter 28 (Timing.) Honestly one can just read chapter 28 and get the gist of this book. I wish I were eloquent or dexturous with words to write a scathing review for this 2 page pamplet of a book. I now re-affirm myself that I will no longer tolerate BS beyond two chapters. Through out the book he builds up the Hype to convey what??? Chapter 32 is such a joke. two things, he says, first: make the decision that you are never going to smoke again second: Don't mope about it, rejoice! I have no freaking idea how his books get a rating of 4+. No intelligence in the world can explain how he manages to write a whole book that builds up to a simple advice. This book will go down as my most hated books. I hate myself for reading it. FML.
    luxtorpeda likes this.
  4. fenix71715

    fenix71715 Fapstronaut

    This was really inspirational for me. I hope to be in your spot this year. Good luck.
  5. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    Good to know
  6. nik_the_pope

    nik_the_pope New Fapstronaut

    I am just thinking out loud...
    What if the masturbating was not the source problem for you? You did a really good job, you were stopping yourself and preventing etc, etc... but truth to be told, I think there's a strong believe in you that masturbation will make you worse or you'll get punished for it...
    I am not here to play a smart head, neither the one who will teach anyone on what is more acceptable for God and what is not... but, depression is a very strong sign that you are and were suffocating yourself for a very long time...
    Having no joy is a very tough state, I would never like to experience it... Please rethink about the practices you've taken on you... You might be doing quite opposite thing than you've imagined. Maybe there's an issue with your hormones - like, if you have a higher level of testosterone, not having the sexual relations, nor masturbating can actually make your life worse... Body is a machine, has its own rules..

    Either way, I am sorry to read about your pain and struggle - I hope this will be better for you very soon. Samo njezno prema sebi ;)