✊5 Years Without PMO - Here's What Worked For Me!✊

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by JJackson, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    You’re doing so well. I’m not 5 years free of pmo! However, less and less of it, especially orgasm.
    I’ve heard about the rewiring, I’m not doubting that. Yes, good habits are key.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  2. Jay77

    Jay77 Fapstronaut

    Such an inspiring thread… Thank you for this.
    JJackson likes this.
  3. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Willpower played somewhat of a role but the more important stuff is listed in the original post.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  4. Sarah-Walker

    Sarah-Walker Fapstronaut

    I've been clean for well over three years, but honestly feel like a donkeys arse. In some ways it harkens back to when I was addicted, and like you say we have deeper rooted issues to solve.

    Much like too much of something addiction is usually a coping mechanism, so stopping porn is like ripping the bandages off a fresh wound, underneath needs to heal and all you did was scratch the surface.

    I don’t know just yet what or how I’m going to fix my issues, but a good place to start is picking meditation back up with breathing exercises as well. I’ll check out some of the stuff you posted, thanks!
    JJackson likes this.
  5. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Glad it helped you a bit. Wishing you all the best in recovery. That phase you're in is miserable and you're incredibly strong for not letting it pull you back to being addicted. I lost that fight multiple times. Hope you find the answers you need to heal whatever's causing you pain! Congrats on reaching the level you're at!

    Stay strong! ✊
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  6. connection

    connection Fapstronaut

    JJackson, you are the best. I wrote on this post with my deleted account last year, I told you that all your recovery and earnings resonated with what I really want for my life.

    Unfortunately, almost a year has past and I didn't recover yet... And I feel bad about that, life happens fast and I could have more than 300 days of "no PMO" by now. I just remembered these days that I saved your post, and I read it again and remembered all that I wanted for my life.

    I think life is testing me on this. It's like my "life test", I feel it that way. Because no matter what I do to look for love, life won't let me have it.
    It's like it's telling me: "You are not ready yet. You need to recover and be at your maximum. Then you'll find love."

    I'm not wasting any more time. No matter how bad are those mental porn images/videos, I'm going to counterattack everytime with my wishes:

    - That my body does not automatically overreact to sexual desire when I am with my future partner (I want to think much more about connection than sex, not wetting my underwear when I'm with her, eliminate premature ejaculation, etc.). To be in control in that sense. My last relationship broke into pieces because of this high sensitivity and my "handicapped" brain.

    - I want to give up the sex I have known so far. To give up porn and masturbation and its symptoms of unhappiness, to give up that incomplete sex that I have never been able to enjoy. The only sex I would like to try is the sex I have when my brain is fully recovered and I do it with a feeling of union and love for my partner.

    - To be at 100%, and this way to be able to maintain a love relationship without insecurities, enjoying and making my partner enjoy, and also really connecting emotionally with her.

    - That in a few months my body and mind won't ask me for porn anymore.

    - Be truly happy. As I was when I reached long streaks.

    Thank you for inspiring me in these thoughts, JJackson. I hope I have relapsed for the last time. I will read this everyday.
    LetsBeLovely87 and JJackson like this.
  7. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    That's amazing to hear man! No doubt you'll achieve your goals just from your mindset and energy alone!

    It's actually interesting to hear you say you feel like lifes testing you and on the other side you'll find Love. I literally felt like I was being tested a few months in because things suddenly got harder out of nowhere in certain ways. It was 6 months after I found my wife who I knew from minute one that I'd marry but at that point we hadn't even started dating yet, but I still knew right away. Since my addiction was suddenly attacking me so hard and other personal things lined up with it, I felt like it was a test of my Love for her vs my addiction. Call me superstitious but the thing that made me take it that way was I got a notification from a meditation app that said "this is a test" right when things suddenly got temporarily harder. The notification was obviously just them literally testing thier notification system but the timing seemed spiritual to me. They'd never sent a test notification since then and before then.

    On the day that the added difficulty went away toward the end of the month, I happened to get a video in my YouTube feed from a channel I watch and it was the day the couple behind the videos got married. The video was old too, 2011. I felt that was a sign that I'm right about her and since I survived the test I'm hers! Married each other some years later!

    Also grew a massive amount outside of the addiction before i found her. Grew so much that I really consider that a different life. Surrounded by the wrong people and became the wrong person. The year I dumped them out of my life, acknowledged what I had become and started growing was the year I found her. So grateful that it worked that way because despite the fact that she'd Love me either way, I wouldn't want her to have seen that version of me. I feel you're on a similar path and you'll be happy to not have found the one you're looking for during the years when you're not quite who you want to be.

    Wish you the best in your journey! You'll definitely get there! ✊
    connection and LetsBeLovely87 like this.
  8. connection

    connection Fapstronaut


    It's so great that you passed that test man! I can imagine what it should mean to find the right one, not being in a relationship with her yet, and besides things got harder... It's totally Pleasure from porn VS Love, it was a very difficult test specially because you weren't together yet, and you nailed it.

    I'm very happy to hear that you change that much, moving away from the wrong people, growing in personal development... You know what? I'm not even surprised that you found your wife after that, that new energy took you to the better path you belong. That's what I believe in.

    About the notification and the couple behind the videos getting married... For some time now, I am more opened to see those hints as signs to improve your life. I think sometimes 'something' communicates with us. Or what we call a stroke of good luck, or bad luck, sometimes it's not a coincidence.

    For example, I have failed the 'Porn vs Love' test so many times. And I don't know what the heck happens with it, but things always go bad in love for me when I indulge with porn. I'm not only talking about being different with them in behaviour, I'm talking about strange 'energy' things happen and they 'emotionally' move away, or everything gets complicated. For example, the other day I saw a girl I've seen sometimes and she catches my attention. I was more or less decided to talk to her, and then something happened. In the same place, I crossed someone that I know. I literally don't know almost anyone in this city and I've NEVER crossed anyone, but surprisingly I did know that person, then we talked and the girl flew away. On the same place, at the same time, and when I was decided to talk to her. And things like that happen from time to time.

    I'm almost certain that when I give up porn completely, my romantic life will change enormously, and I hope it's soon because after all these years, it sucks.

    Thank you for your words man :) I wish you all the best to you too, and I'm looking forward to tell you when I reach there!
    JJackson likes this.
  9. Mohammad1381

    Mohammad1381 Fapstronaut

    Hello brother congratulations on 5 years i wish you success in every aspect of your life
    Brother i really need your help let me tell you my story first im 21 years old untill 1 year a go I've never masterbated or watched porn untill one year ago of course i did see sex scene in movies or nude picture somewhere else but never porn or jerking off and now i ve been clean from porn for almost 5 month and i think i jerked off without porn 4 or 5 time during this 5 month but never porn
    And my problem is i cant never forget about porn its not hour goes by that im not thinking about it either im thinking about sex scene or
    Thinking about how to quit porn and every thing i see about woman even women shoes or totally a normal picture of a woman not even sexy remind me of porn and addiction or even when i see people around me i think about is he watches porn is he having sex tonight is he ever jerked off or can someone live without pmo or watching porn and jerking off is a normal behaviour and ... This kind of stuff that if i wanna continue this shit wont end and this thoughts is ruining my life
    Before my addiction i woud see a sex scene and never think about jerking off or porn or this stuff i just wanna go back to that life

    Do you struggled with this problem?how should i deal with it?
    And another question is im game developer i play game a lot and in my work looking for assets you see lot of women and triggers and in the games i play too please tell me what shoud i do in response to this situation do i need to dont see any movies or play any game so i dont see the trigger untill i get better or see the movies and games and try my best to ignore the trigger or women and pass them throug and when i say trigger i mean rising heart beat and remind of porn not getting urge or getting arousal

    Dear jackson please help this ruining my life what shoud i do

    And another thing that i forgot is some time i spend considerable time scaring about what if urges came up what shoud i do and some times i think about porn to test my self to see if i temped or not and if i tempted i immediately feel down and ruin my day
  10. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 5 months!

    I don't really have any advice that i didn't already say in the original post. Meditation would probably be the most helpful thing for you to deal with the thoughts. But you have to be patient with it. It'll take a few weeks of being consistent for it to help a lot but stick with it. Look up an app called "healthy minds program" that should help. And if you didn't read the original post, try reading it. Other stuff in there might help. Hope some of it helps you!