★100 Days Report

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ak89, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. ak89

    ak89 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I've officially entered my first 3 digits for the first time in 10 years since I got addicted to PMO. How is it so far? One word... awesome!

    I am 27 yo male, single. I've been addicted to porn since 17. I knew nofap 1 or 2 years ago. I felt that my life was stuck in so many dimensions and I was wondering if this PMO addiction is the thing that was holding me back. I didn't make any real nofap progress in the first one and a half year. I remember that my longest streak at that time was 30 days but I just lost my motivation after that so I got back to my old habit.

    I remember how tiring it was to reset the day counter I set in my phone almost every few days countless times. The fap - nofap cycle continued for months until one day I found myself almost paying for sex. I was so terrified of my own addiction, afraid of entering the point of no return. Even in my PMO days, I've always had a rule, no paying for sex, but that day I almost broke it. I realized my addiction was getting worse and it's starting to control my life. I was really down that day but that's the moment I made the decision. I want to regain control of my life!

    I don't really remember what my first steps were, but there were several things that really helped me, even until today.
    - Finding the motivation. First you have to find your own motivation of doing nofap. I found mine after reading 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg. I decided to believe that by breaking this one habit, I can also improve other areas in my life as well.
    - Get busy and replace your PMO habit with something else, in my case it is reading book, running and playing guitar. Exercise and cold shower work wonders together. Read self-help book such as the one I mentioned above.
    - Talk and share your problem with other people. Admitting your own addiction and sharing your progress will replenish your motivation along the way. Remember that PMO is very bad, but the good news is it's pretty common. Most guys will understand what you're struggling with.
    - If you have a religion, doing a daily ritual (bible reading, praying etc.) will help.
    - Last but not least, if you're single and not seeing anyone, have a crush or fall in love with someone! I accidentally found someone that I like on my 2nd week on nofap. All I can say is the timing was perfect. It helped me by diverting my focus and energy from the PMO craving. Anyway, in the end the relationship didn't work out, it doesn't feel good but I can't be more grateful for it.

    The first two weeks were not easy. I was high on the following month (the effect of getting a crush). The rest of the weeks were not as hard as I thought even when I feel down.

    100 days on nofap changed my life in many ways. It's not a magic trick, it doesn't change my life instantly but still it gave me the mental state that I need to make my life better from now on.
    - The feeling that I'm in control of my life, once again. From now on my future is mine, nothing is holding me back anymore.
    - More self-confidence. As the other nofap members have stated, nofap will boost your confidence. In social life and also in other aspects as well.
    - I feel more urge to be social.
    - People will notice your change and some people will even kindly compliment you.
    - I rediscovered my long lost passion in my hobby (guitar). I've never even felt this inspired to play guitar before.
    - I exercise (run) and do cold shower, which feels fantastic. You gotta try it!
    - I can concentrate better, no more uncontrollable PMO urge ruining my days.
    - I am still interested in women, but now I have stopped checking out girls on the street. I just got a much better control of my eyes and mind naturally after hitting my 30 days++.
    - So on!

    As for now, I still have my high and lows. Sometimes I still feel tempted to do PMO again but I feel that I've made too much progress. It will be too tiring if I had to reset my counter again. Anyway, I don't want to go back to my old lifeless life. Maybe I can just continue nofap for a lifetime.

    Hope this post can give even the smallest amount of inspiration for you, because nofap success stories is also my source of inspiration.
    One last word, the key is to believe that you can find a better version of yourself by breaking free from PMO.

    I will update my post again once I've reached my next milestone. (200 days?)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  2. CIgnaz

    CIgnaz Fapstronaut

    100 days is impressive man, keep up the good work!
  3. Pyara31

    Pyara31 Fapstronaut

    More power to you mate.. Don't look back now :)
  4. CuriousOrange

    CuriousOrange Fapstronaut

    I feel inspired! Thanks very much for posting.
  5. LifeWorthLiving!!!

    LifeWorthLiving!!! Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 100 days.
    Great achievement
    Great post
  6. terminator1

    terminator1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you this is very uplifting for others currently struggling
  7. hueY300

    hueY300 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! Impressive!
  8. lfromcr

    lfromcr Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, @ak89! Keep going--it IS possible!!!
  9. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    Congragulations. It certainly is easy to draw the blinds and not admit one has an addiction and that he/she is weak and powerless in that moment. Kudos for seeing it for what it is. Regarding nofap for life, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. Multiple members here have more than a year under their belts and they still come to pay it forward and become ap for other people.

    Stay Clean
    Best Wishes
  10. thefaptrap

    thefaptrap Fapstronaut

    very inspiring man, good job on 100 days. Give's me inspiration to beat my 44 days
  11. ak89

    ak89 New Fapstronaut

    yes you can beat it man!!
  12. Kenzo89

    Kenzo89 Guest

  13. Gavit18

    Gavit18 Fapstronaut

  14. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Indeed seeing it's possible and done by other people makes it more inspiring. One needs not to even visit other sections of the forum, just read success stories see what successful people have done, carefully evaluate it and make it work for yourself. Simple, yet hard.
  15. lantti

    lantti Fapstronaut

    Well done, 100 days? That calls for triumph!:p
  16. PUNK

    PUNK Fapstronaut

    nice work
  17. laris

    laris Fapstronaut

    Nice post!Never give up again.
  18. Sorry that I missed this thread to give you a huge congratulations on making it to triple digits!