30+ Days without PMO, Here is My Secret Method

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by archer thunder, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. archer thunder

    archer thunder Fapstronaut

    It was difficult to stay sober for 30+ days until I found this method :emoji_fire:.

    This method is so powerful to me :emoji_muscle: because it helps me to cope when hard times come :emoji_head_bandage:.

    I also find this fun to do :emoji_laughing: and therefore, it isn't hard to do it over and over again :emoji_grin:.

    It gives me this shameful pressure if I fail :emoji_confounded: which makes me try my best to fight PMO :emoji_persevere:.

    This method is

    Accountability Partner (AP)

    Yes, that's right :emoji_thumbsup:. Perhaps most people here have known it already :emoji_slight_smile:. To some of you, it might have worked and the rest might not :emoji_sweat_smile:.

    However, I want to tell you how I utilize this approach :emoji_innocent:.

    You see, although I have promoted this method to many friends of mine, they don't really use it well :emoji_upside_down:.

    Therefore, I think it will be interesting if I show you how I used it :emoji_point_down:

    1. Find a trusted person :emoji_two_men_holding_hands:

    So, basically, find a person that you can trust such as your best friends or family :emoji_boy:. In my case, I asked two friends of mine :emoji_two_men_holding_hands: and my father :emoji_older_man:.

    Of course, you have to be careful when choosing an AP because they might leak your embarrassing information :emoji_eye:.

    2. Report to him every day :emoji_writing_hand:
    Of course, I don't expect him to respond enthusiastically since I spam this message like every day :emoji_sweat_smile:

    3. If there is an urge, go text him :emoji_pencil: or even call him:emoji_iphone:
    Yeah, I mean, just let him know because this is similar to a coping mechanism you know :emoji_hugging:. For me, doing this kind of gives me social pressure where if I failed, I would feel ashamed to him :emoji_weary:.


    So yeah, once again, the accountability partner method works for me :emoji_v:. I really feel grateful to find this method :emoji_innocent:.

    I think one of the reasons why it works is because being honest with other people makes us feel connected :emoji_reminder_ribbon: and the opposite of addiction is connection :emoji_smile:

    PS: I know the video that I give in the link has so many critics but the idea still gives me values :emoji_pray:.


    Archer :emoji_bow_and_arrow: Thunder :emoji_cloud_lightning:
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
  2. Calm Warrior

    Calm Warrior Fapstronaut

    Congratulations, you have found an effective way that suits you. And unbelievably, you also discussed this problem with your father. A great father-child relationship.
    archer thunder likes this.
  3. C_Jacksparrow

    C_Jacksparrow Fapstronaut

    A huge respect goes to your father...indeed he is a great father....u have to be much lucky to have that kinda dad...
    Keep going... remember it is a lifetime journey...best of luck my Muslim brother
    Calm Warrior and archer thunder like this.
  4. archer thunder

    archer thunder Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much :emoji_grin::emoji_pray:. I wish you all the best too :emoji_innocent: