I'm new. Please be nice

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by HawkInMe, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Hi. I don't know exactly what to say here so I I'll probably just end up spewing out whatever words my mind can think of as I type. I don't mind getting too personal but I apologize in advance if I do.

    My name is Brandon. I'm 21 years old. I like guitar, horror, and absolutely love video games. My top 3 games go as follows:

    3: Super Mario 64

    2: Celeste

    1: Resident Evil 4 (2005)

    I don't know why I mentioned it but I did and it's there now.

    Onto the reason I joined.
    Since I was 12 or 13, maybe even younger, I was exposed to the internet and the wonders it held. As one might do when they're young and curious, I remember using my family computer and searching up female body parts (like "boobies" and "girl private parts." This is what i referred to them as. ) I was a kid/young teen at the time. This lead me down to where I am now.

    As I got older, I learned just how much more I could see on the internet. Vine was big at the time and so was Omegle (R.I.P). I remember hearing about this thing on the internet called "porn." As one does, I got curious. So I searched it up on an IPod touch I had gotten for Christmas. And there it was. Porn. So much of it.

    Fast forward to high school. I started watching porn and pleasuring myself a lot. And I mean a lot. Once before school, once after school, and before bed. Sometimes I'd even do it in school in the bathrooms. It slowed down once I got into some relationships where I might only do it every couple of days.

    Once Covid hit, my GF at the time broke up with me and resorted back to my old ways. 3 or more times a days. The Hub was giving away free Premium subscriptions at the time and because I had nothing else to do, I took it.

    It got bad. Worse even. Basically to where it is now. Tab after Tab of endless porn open (over 900 tabs as if writing this), an alt Instagram and Twitter (X) account created JUST to find porn, and thousands of explicit pictures & videos downloaded onto my phone.

    I've tried to stop many times but to no avail. I always go back to them. I reached my breaking point today where I had a major urge while at work and dealt with it in the bathroom during my lunch (I didn't even get to eat my lunch and I was excited for it ). This has to end. It's interfering with my work, my relationship (I have an amazing, supportive partner who recommended I do this), my family, friends. I'm sick of it.

    I'm here and committed and ready.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    Whitedragon03, Germazx, FZL and 10 others like this.
  2. Monk123

    Monk123 Fapstronaut

    I am also new here, we can get it. Stay focused!
  3. Welcome Brandon!

    It's nice to know that you wants to get rid of this shity addiction of yours and you are at the right place.

    I have to get one thing clear. You said "I remember using my family computer and searching up female body parts (like "boobies" and "girl private parts." This is what i referred to them as)." By "referred to them as", do you mean that you saw all women as boobs and pussy? You couldn't see them as humans?

    By reading your post you really express yourself as having a big addiction to both porn and masturbation. If you trully had 900 tabs of just porn up at the same time, you must have had very much RAM in your PC, because that's hella many tabs!

    Masturbating a minimum of 3 times per day must have taken much energy and time from you? I don't know how it has been for you, but those few times when I masturbated twice in one day, the first time to reach an orgasm went quite quick but the second time it feelt like forever to get the job done, even with porn. But maybe you were/are able to get the job done much faster than me. If I would have masturbated 3 or more in one day I would have spent hours most likely.

    It has to be very annoying that your urges can even ruin your lunch brake on the job. It sounds like your brain has a strong grip around you, and it controls your life more or less. It's very unfortunate to here.

    But you can be free from this by staying very "determined" on your goal and have faith in yourself that you can do this. Avoid at all cost to relapse and begin to do things that you truly enjoy in life, rather than doing things you "think you enjoy" even though it's your brain that's enjoys it the most.

    Instead of open up 900 tabs with porn, open up 900 tabs with things you enjoy or have an interest in. Like searching for up coming video games, which you really enjoyed according to your post.

    I hope I didn't wrote something that upset you? I just wanted to get things clear to myself and be a supportive community member. I hope you will get rid of this strong addiction of yours.
  4. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Hello! I appreciate your support and I'd be glad to answer any/all questions you had!

    1. Referring to the "female body parts", no. I didn't see woman as just boobs and pussy. I just remember looking it up as a kid and basically getting trapped in that hole of internet porn that only got deeper. I've had partners in the past before my current one and I was truly with them for love, not sex. The sex was nice but that's not how I saw them or any other woman.

    2. Regarding the 900+ tabs of porn, I had that on Google Chrome on my phone. On Android devices, there's a folder you can show and hide at the click of a button called a secure folder. I had Google Chrome in there that had all my porn in it. Chrome in that secure folder has since been deleted along with all other types of porn I may have had downloaded or open. Only stuff I keep was of my beautiful current partner because sometimes we send some spicy pics to each other. But that stuff feels personal to me where as porn felt controlling. Because of all the porn, the intimate, spicy photos of my partner didn't even appeal to me because my brain was so fixated on porn. I'll keep them but still no masturbation. Sometimes it's just fun to get each other riled up before I get home and we do stuff with each other.

    3. I used to only once a day but then it got to a regular 2. 3 times happened when I was just bored and decided to get over that boredom with porn and masturbation. It would last hours at times and even start to hurt with how much I was masturbating but I couldn't stop until I either came or was in too much pain. It really sucked.

    4. The lunch break thing didn't happen only once. It's actually happened multiple times. And not even lunch breaks, some times just regular breaks or even just going to the bathroom an hour into my shift. It really sucked because once I was in there, I couldn't stop even if I tried. I actually lost a job because of this reason. Not that they knew what I was doing but because I would spend an hour each day in the bathroom when I was supposed to be working.

    If I missed anything, please feel free to ask! Again I really appreciate the support and the encouragement! Been going strong since I started this and I don't plan on going back (hopefully). Please feel free to reach out :)
    Lou Bloom and Operation Change like this.
  5. First and foremost, thank you for clearing things out for me, even though some things you could have keep for yourself, but that's up to you :)

    1. Gotcha! Well it's good to here that you didn't see them as just "boobs" and "pussy", because it's very unfortunate when your brain has been able to manipulate you to the stage where you see women as objects instead of humans. It's also nice to here that your relationship was/is more about love than just sex, even though it's a bonus and something you both enjoyed hopefully.

    2. I see, when I watched porn before I quit, I never saved them to a folder. I never watched porn while not masturbating, porn was only a tool for me to be able to ejaculate faster, since my imagination is pretty bad. I never got to the hardcore porngraphic content either, I only watched the soft stuff, because that was enough to make me get the job done. Telling me about you and your partner sending spicy photos to each other is actually none of my business. As long as you treat each other with respect and honesty, I'm happy. It's very nice of her to support you during this hard times and during this journey to a porn free life. That makes her a keeper, because some other women maybe would have left the relationship because of the strong addiction.

    3. Aghh, to jerk yourself off until your penis hurts can't be a nice feeling! I guess your brain wouldn't let you stop until it received what it really wanted. I can't imagine that pain because I have never been in that situation. You must have felt so much regret afterwards? To have such a strong addiction that it would make you hurt yourself has to be awful.

    4. Jesus! To loss a job because your addiction made you spend an hour in the bathroom everyday to watch porn and masturbate must have felt really bad and you must have been really disappointed on yourself. I feel sorry for you man, really.

    Even though you have suffered so much from this addiction with lossing a job, sometimes spending hours of watching porn and masturbate until your dick hurts. You haven't tried or thought of reaching out to a therapist or a psychologist about this addiction of yours? It feels like this addiction has harmed you more then done you any good.

    You must have a high pain threshold and also be strong mentally be able to have lived with this for such a long time, because I wouldn't.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2024
    Revanthegrey, Lou Bloom and HawkInMe like this.
  6. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Haha my apologies for getting a little too personal. I tend to get personal when being honest and sometimes I forget that some things don't have to be said so I apologize.

    Also my partner is AMAZING! A couple nights ago I broke down and we talked about everything and she continued to reassure me that no matter how difficult this gets, she will be by my side 100%. I absolutely love her and we are still going strong! She's the best person I've ever met.

    As for a therapist, I've looked into it, but I unfortunately have never been in a good place financially until just recently. My partner and I are actually moving to a new place because we can afford to now so I actually might go back and look into therapy again. My doctor said a psychiatrist would get ahold of me after Christmas but I have yet to hear anything.

    Also yes, losing that job really did suck because I really liked everyone I worked with and I loved that job. BUT I now have a full-time job and I'm doing really well in that aspect. But I have already gotten talked to for the same thing from the previous job about the long bathroom breaks so that's also another reason I want/need to quit PM. I love my job and I cannot risk losing another one.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    Lou Bloom and Operation Change like this.
  7. There is no need to apologize, I only said that as a reminder, so you don't write something you'll regret afterwards or write something that makes your partner upset.

    Sounds like you have a very loyal partner! To have a person that got your back during hard times is awesome! I can truly understand that you love her and that she's amazing, and I agree with you. Loyalty and honesty is very important in a healthy relationship!

    I see, yeah, therapists can be quite expensive. Hopefully that psychiatrist will reach out to you soon enough. It's good to hear that you at least have had those thoughts of seeking professional help. Even though it might be expensive, i would suggest that you see it as an investment for a better future and for your own health. Congrats, to your new place as well!

    I really hope you won't lose this full-time job because of the same reason as the other. I suppose your co-workers and boss are clever enough to understand that your long bathroom breaks doesn't have to do with stomach issues, and to tell them that you have a porn/masturbation addiction maybe would be a bad idea and get consequences even?

    To get rid of an addiction as strong as yours won't disappear with a snapp of a finger. It will probably take quite some time. I'm pretty new to this NoFap journey myself. I've been porn free for 126 days and haven't masturbated in 17 days and my goal is to reach 90 days without masturbation because it seems like 90 days is the sweet spot for many that wants their brain rewired from porn/masturbation addiction, and hopefully I will feel it as well.

    If I would give you some advices that might help you in this journey it would be:

    - Get a porn blocking app on your phone and even on your computer if you watch porn on it as well (if you don't already have one of course). Since you mentioned that you have an android I would recommend an app I use, it's called "BlockerHero" and it is a free app to download but the free version is very limited. I pay a small fee every month for premium, so I can get the ultimate protection against the shit the internet has to offer. But the free version will give you a solid porn protection at least. But with premium you are even able to block specific words and websites, even though the app itself blocks you from porngraphic content, words can still come through. I have gone full hardcore and blocked as many websites and words as possible that I know would trigger me to relapse. It's just a recommendation, the choice is of course yours.

    - See porngraphic content from a more realistic perspective. Try to see it as an industry that are able to ruin people's life. Some people (especially the women) might do things against their own will or do it to be able to survive, because they doesn't have any other choice at the moment. Do you really want to promote an industry that might harm people and in worse cases even make people take their own life because they can't live with the things they have been through or done. When I think back at the time I watch porn, I feel disgusted by myself, I'm very happy I didn't pay any subscriptions to any porn site. I don't want to support that awful industry. That industry feeds on peoples addictions, and the addiction itself won't make you see it from a realistic perspective.

    - Stop give the brain what it wants. Those urges and cravings for watching porn and masturbate is all because of the brain. When you watch porn and orgasm, you brain will release dopamine, and dopamine is a pleasure hormone. Because of your addiction your brain has learned something called a "quick fix", and by that I mean, the brain knows that porn = orgasm and it will make you watch as much porn as possible until you eventually will get horny enough to begin masturbate which will lead to orgasm. It wants to release as much dopamine as possible. In the real world you won't be able to get anything you want when you want, you need to work hard to accomplish things. Why would you let your brain get things the easy way if you don't? It's easier said than done, I know, but you shall be the one who decides when you wanna do stuff and not your brain.

    - Try to keep yourself busy and distracted. When you feel the strong urges to watch porn, instead of letting your brain get what it wants, go play some Super Mario or something similar that you truly enjoy. The more you do things that you "really" enjoy and stay away from porn, your brain will slowly begin to forget the porn and instead begin to enjoy the other stuff you do. Maybe you have noticed that you doesn't feel as much joy from playing games as when you watches porn and masturbate? It's because your brain releases much more dopamine when you do things your addicted to. You need to rewire your brain to be able to enjoy other things again.

    I hope some of these suggestions of mine are helpful.
    HawkInMe and Lou Bloom like this.
  8. Lou Bloom

    Lou Bloom Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the resistance, mate. Stay strong. :emoji_muscle: Y
    Revanthegrey and HawkInMe like this.
  9. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Glad to see current members actively welcoming and engaging the new comers! This is crucial for recovery...helping others helps us.

    That being said, welcome to the community @HawkInMe ! This is a fantastic place to find hope...I was hopeless when I came here 5+ years ago, and now I surround myself with other like-minded individuals on the pursuit of sobriety and recovery.

    I would recommend heading over to the 'Reboot Logs' section and start a journal. I choose to update 2 times a day minimum. It keeps me accountable as well as providing me a place to speak candidly about my struggles and successes. I also DM regularly with numerous members. This also works as an accountability tool while providing a way to discuss matters I may not choose to post publicly.

    A few other tools I rely on are reading other posts and contributing when I feel I can add value, welcoming new comers, reading recovery literature, prayer/meditation, healthy eating, adequate sleep, exercise, and being of service to others in any other way possible.

    Again, welcome to the community! Wishing you the absolute best!
    Lou Bloom and HawkInMe like this.
  10. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    I appreciate the reminder! As I said, I tend to get personal but that's only because I want to tell 100% of the honest truth. I see no point in hiding details but I also know it could make some people uncomfortable. Hence why I warned people about it in the initial post.

    Yes my partner is absolutely amazing! I have never had this kind of support from anyone. I was so used to my problems be push aside or completely ignored. To be honest, I didn't expect her to stay with me after I told her everything. But she reassured me that I will always have her support. I love her so much and will never let them go!

    For the therapist, yeah. I've been looking into it. I was even looking at online therapy like BetterHelp as my partner had said she used it before and had good experiences using it. From what I saw, it might be like $300 a month which isn't terrible but I want to explore all my options before I settle on one. Also thank you! We've been looking for a new place since like Mid-November so we are extremely excited about the move!

    I don't plan on losing this job. I got warned a couple of times about the long bathroom breaks and used the stomach issues excuse quite a bit. It actually sucks because there were actually times that I DID have stomach issues like when I started my antidepressants. I was just told to correct it and my try to schedule my bathroom breaks around my coffee and lunch breaks if I plan to be longer than like 5-10 mins. I started doing that but eventually fell back into the old habit of going whenever. Hence why I'm done with this addiction. I want my life back and I want this job.

    I'm aware the addiction won't just disappear over night. I know it'll be hard but I'm in this for the long haul. I am absolutely done with it. I want to explore who I ACTUALLY am! Not who porn made me THINK I am! When I was talking with my partner, I actually brought up to her that I actually don't know who I am under the addiction because I've had this addiction for so long. I'm ready to change and explore who I am!

    I love all of the advice that you gave me and I will take each one into account! I've already been doing the distractions one too actually! I recently set up my PSVR2 again and I own Beat Saber on there. Whenever I get the urge at home, I boot up the game and swing those sabers for 20ish mins! Get my mind off of it AND also get in a workout at the same time! It's like a win-win! I have other games I play too on PSVR2 but that's the one I will ALWAYS boot up before any other. Gets me moving and focused!
    Operation Change and Lou Bloom like this.
  11. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome! I actually have started a journal and I usually update it every morning or the previous evening if I can!

    You can read it here: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/my-rebooting-journey.356337/

    I will definitely look at what this place has to offer more in depth in the oncoming days as I'm a bit busy with packing and moving houses and work.

    Again thank you for your wishes and welcoming! Hope to hear from you soon! :)
    GeorgeJetson and Lou Bloom like this.
  12. I'm happy that you have taken my suggestions into account!

    It's nice to see that you have found one distraction that might work for you. I love playing video games myself, and they have become a good distraction for me as well during the worst times of urges.

    One thing I will share to you from my own experience with using video games as a distraction, is that some games might involve sexual content and that's not a good thing if you already have bad urges as it is. Unfortunately, my first time I tried NoFap, I keept myself away from both porn and masturbation for 10 days than I bought Cyberpunk 2077 one day because it had a major discount. Which was a big mistake because Cyberpunk 2077 involves much nudity and sexual content. If you have played it, you know this already? I didn't relapsed because of a specific scene or character in the game made me to, but some things in the game gave me flashbacks about porngraphic content I had watched before the NoFap attempt.

    So another advice from me to you is to stay away from games with that kind of content, if you already has bad urges as it is. Games I have avoided during my second time now is Cyberpunk 2077, GTA games, The Witcher 3 and the Saint Row games. I don't even know if you even are familiar with these games or have ever played them? I just wanted to give you a hmm, of which games could make you get flashbacks, and relapse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2024
    HawkInMe likes this.
  13. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Glad to see you're taking action to get sober and stay stopped. As someone who has battled this addiction for 30+ years, consistency has been the most critical piece for me. Whenever I got "too busy" for my recovery, the old habits would creep in.

    Glad to see you here my friend! Wishing you the best!
    HawkInMe likes this.
  14. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Hey, brother! Welcome to the NoFap gang!

    I hope you get all the support that you need and overcome your addiction!

    You can message me anytime about anything if you want.
    HawkInMe likes this.
  15. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Ah yes! I am familiar with all those games! I've known about the stuff in those games for a long time and it honestly never did do anything for me but I understand where your coming from about giving possible flashbacks and relapse.

    I only have Cyberpunk downloaded on my PS5 at the moment because my partner is currently playing through the game. I haven't had a desire to really play the game that much as of recently but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I find it very fun! I would also say the same thing for Buldar's Gate III for the nudity/sexual content in it but again, I don't have it downloaded at the moment.

    For now, I'm gonna stick with my rougelikes, platformers, and collectathons like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Risk of Rain 2
    Operation Change likes this.
  16. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much! Glad to hear how long you've been sober and I wish to do the same! I'm in it for the long haul as I mentioned and I won't give up no matter what!
  17. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your welcoming words! I will definitely message you with any questions I may have!
  18. It's good that games hasn't been a trigger factor for you, because than you won't have any restrictions what to play and what not. Especially when you use it as a distraction during hard urges.

    I get a feeling that you are more of a nostalgic player or am I wrong? Because Crash Banditcoot and Spyro did I play when I was a kid, and that's maybe 15-18 years ago. Maybe they still make those games until today? I don't know since I don't play them anymore, and I don't have any interest of them either. At least those games you mentioned in your recent post doesn't have any sexual content in them which is good, especially during a rewire.

    One of the reasons I also want to quite especially my porn addiction is because I can't wait for GTA 6 to be released sometime 2025, and I know for sure that it will include both nudity and sexual content, and I want to be able to play it without getting flashback of the past and begin to do stupid shit again. If a sex scene appears I want to see it like " A couple is having sex together and having a good time and that's nothing strange with that", and after that I keep enjoying the game. If it would have released today when I'm not rewired and one of those scenes would have appeared or something similar, my brain would have got stuck with that specific scene and my focus on the game would have been more or less impossible. I hope you catch my drift?
    HawkInMe likes this.
  19. Max Imumoccupancy

    Max Imumoccupancy Fapstronaut

    Welcome, and success on your journeys, not just this one. There are many factors that contribute to what we do in our lives. I hope you can overcome them.
    HawkInMe likes this.
  20. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Crash and Spyro actually got completely remade from the ground up a few years back and those are the versions I have. I also have a PS2 which I have a lot of classic PS1 and PS2 games for! Especially Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Love them so much.

    And I completely agree about GTA VI! I want to be able to enjoy that game too. Mind you sex in video games doesn't bother me nearly as much. But when it comes to movies, like horror for example, there might be a scene where a girl is topless and I want to actually enjoy the movie instead of my focus being taken away from the whole point of the movie and focused on tits. At some points, I've actually stopped the movie my partner and I would be watching so I could go deal with the urge. It was that bad.
    Operation Change likes this.