Some of us need more than will power and discipline to succeed on Nofap

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. I can't believe I'm on day 94 of nofap. I was the biggest loser, masturbater for 20 years. I failed at quitting for the past 7 years. I can't believe it's gone.

    The only reason I'm writing this is because I've read many posts now and I know many of you are struggling. I just want to share what finally helped me get to day 94 after so many years of failing repeatedly at Nofap.

    I've never been into religion. I find it cringe. I don't like Christian music, my family are not Christian, we never went to Church. I HAVE NEVER BEEN RELIGIOUS.

    I have lived a sad life and everyday is the same and unchanging. I used tremendous amounts of willpower to get in shape, study hard, earn money, invest. But there are some things that willpower (for some people) is never going to be strong enough to achieve.

    Some of you will be able to use willpower alone and reach 90 days and never watch porn again. Many of you will keep failing after a few week long streak. I have a lot of willpower, but for nofap, it was never enough.

    I gave up 3 months ago. I accepted that using willpower and discipline to change my life wasn't working and if there is a higher power, I need help. I just decided to open a Bible and started reading the gospels (Matthew, Mark, John and Luke) and some of the words gave me real peace and comfort.

    Again, I am not some crazy religious fanatic at all. Not raised Christian. I don't know what possessed me to start reading. But when I did, the urges left me and I can honestly say the past 90 days WERE NOT DIFFICULT for me at all.

    I have been addicted to porn for 20 years and tried quitting for the past 7 years. Willpower and discipline got me far in life, but for masturbating, it couldn't help me.

    Guys, if you've been struggling for years, perhaps try asking a higher power for help. Ask sincerely. I gave up control and realised that after failing for years, I'm just going to keep failing and I need help from an external force.

    I know this message is not for everyone but if it helps even one person get over this horrible addiction - as it did for me - then it'll be worth it.

    If a weird guy like me can quit PMO, then anyone can.
  2. chips220

    chips220 Fapstronaut

    Amazing testimony, i have a similar background. I eventually realised the 'higher power' is actually real..Jesus Christ

    keep up the good fight
    extravertedjoey likes this.
  3. Thanks for your message! I haven't even converted to Christianity or anything yet. I literally was randomly drawn to read the Gospels as a non- Christian. Maybe at some point I will fully convert.
  4. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Great advice! I ask my higher power every day to help keep me sober. This is one of the recovery tools I implement every day. At the end of the day I thank my higher power for keeping me sober.
  5. chips220

    chips220 Fapstronaut

    Fair play and good luck in your journey. Like anything else its always worth investigating to make sure you are on the right track. If you have youtube i would recommend searching "christian testimonies" or if you prefer the evidence route try (Evidence for the resurrection)
  6. GotToKeepTheStreak

    GotToKeepTheStreak Fapstronaut

    This is a really similar story to me. When people become Christian their life is turned completely upside down. You will ride on a wave of euphoria for many months. But God is a Father...not a Grandfather who just wants you to be happy. A good Father keeps you from danger when you are young and don't know any better. But at some point in your journey you will be old enough for him to let you stand on your own two feet - BE CAREFFUL WHEN THIS HAPPENS!! You might feel abandoned and are not, but you may find this period VERY challenging. I speak from my own experience but also many people that I know who went through this....including the author CS Lewis. He wrote about this in The Screwtape Letters. I highly recommend this book to you! Good luck and God Bless!!!
  7. Yup. Christ is the only way to be free of our sins. He’s very understanding and empathetic. He loves us and wants us to be the best version of ourselves