What's your opinion on Andrew Tate ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by she-dernatinus, Aug 26, 2022.

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  1. @Cirilla Mod, can you please lock this thread and ban she-dernatinus for being a keyboard warrior? No ban this thread but lock it so none can reply.
  2. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    She's just trying to bully you into bowing down before her opinions. Like Taylor said much later, she's a keyboard warrior of the highest order. Nuance is anathema to her. Get on with your own life and stop trying to get a reasonable answer from her, cause you won't get one. She's openly admitted that she's trolling (baiting is trolling) and by continuing to reply to her your giving her the attention she obviously craves (I'm only posting again to warn you of this.)
    Taylor25 and TakingTheSteps like this.
  3. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    Not to mention she is openly calling for violence upon other people, is not any rule against this kind of stuff in here?

    Anyhow, yeah, this thread got out of hand very fast and it's getting old now.
    Taylor25 likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Please do not spread false belief against islam, women are perfectly capable of leaving the house without escort as they were under the prophet nor is there any mention of stoning in the quran much less someone being stoned on account of their clothes.
    This being practiced by a few countries(i do not know where you believe they can be stoned to death if they don't clothe properly) or some fringe groups says nothing about islam, just like stoning being mention several times in the bible, having been used in the old days or having occurred in rwanda says nothing about christianity.
    Or socialism being the most destructive ideology just because it occurred under authoritarians regime with no accountability to the people and too much power concentrated in one individual

    Women are not as oppressed under islam as you westerners think, you see many muslims in non-islamic nations choosing to cover themselves even when they are forbidden or discouraged from doing so under these nation's laws because it is a choice not a requirement under islam.
    100 Days likes this.
  5. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    Lol, if you say so.
  6. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    She did what? I'm struggling to get through all these replies without wanting to put my head in the oven. TakingTheSteps must have the patience of a saint replying to all this.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Sure have it your way. Keyboard warrior of the highest order ? I wasn't aware there was an order for keyboard warriors, much less that I'd be part of it.
  8. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    The problem is that earlier on, I tried to give you reasonable answers that went right over your head, without even trying to process them and understand if they are coherent or not. And the end result was gaslighting for the most part, along with misinterpretations.

    So I got this reaction without needing to sound aggressive or employ the jargon I used in this very thread. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, so why even bother.

    This is the true reason you never properly analysed my thoughts and gave my replies the proper time for thought. Because you were simply never interested in giving my words their proper meaning, as your top priority is oriented somewhere else.

    But ofc, you're not going to admit that nor even acknowledge a tiny part of it. The narrative that suits you best is one where I am a 'violent, entitled and terrible feminist', that has no empathy for men, and where you are the 'better' ones.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    What was even the point of that reply?
    You make some false claims about a religion you seemingly know little about, i take the time to inform you that you were wrong as regard to that religion but also your own and you laugh out laud?
    Religion is the most profound difference that can exist between people and the 21th century is shaping up to be quite religious as nearly all post-cold war era conflicts were religious with the US president himself labeling the iraq war a crusade.
    Europe is becoming steadily anti-muslim while the islamic world is becoming more and more anti-western and you think spreading false beliefs about religion at a time like this is a laughing matter? Especially regarding your moralizing tone in this thread.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
    100 Days likes this.
  10. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    Your answers are not reasonable. Your answers are deranged. You tried to bait people on the site and got called out. You made your bed and have to cope in it.

    You keep saying you are not being aggressive, while calling for violence against others. You have absolutely no moral authority.

    You keep implying nobody else is capable of understanding what you are writing. It's actually just because what you are writing is nonsense that only makes sense in your own head. No amount of throwing other women under the bus will work. No amount of trying to manipulate men on here will work either. You already failed.

    I actually have already acknowledged things you've said that I agree with. Both on here, and in private messages. There is no narrative; people are criticizing you for things you have said. Things we can see with our own eyes. All anyone is doing on here is holding you to account for trying to honeytrap users. You're not the misunderstood victim here.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  11. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    I'll level with you. I don't care to talk semantics about a religion whose leader was a militant pedophile. I'm also pretty sure I never said I was a practicing Christian. Thank you and good day.
    The Passenger likes this.
  12. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You purposefully overlook the fact that you admit blocking misogynistic men, and ignoring any of the 'crap' they write after that point , and still have the audacity to say that your 'way' would amount to something socially significant.

    How does someone who claims having enough 'empathy' and 'patience' for this goal, still consider the option of 'erasing' any communication pipeline with those whom they aren't able to reach ?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    This is the exact problem with your demeanor: unfounded stigmatization, did you even consider the context in which I was making those defences ?

    Do you think I am blind to the fact that I have been very fervent in this very thread ? I have enough self-awareness don't worry about it. I never intended to deny any of this, if the context is this thread for sure.

    For the previous thread is the context of my defense claims. You don't even try to understand the correct meaning of someone's statements and still build your replies based on empty comprehension.

    You did the same when I highlighted the connection between patriarchal ideals of masculinity , and the misconceptions leading to dismissing male DV victims. I when I reformulated my thoughts and asked questions you simply admitted I had a 'point'.

    Maybe you should ditch this bad habit.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  14. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Except is that all those allegations were directed at me way before I started this thread. It applies for the previous thread too, where I employed no violent connotation.

    After what I've witnessed from your part, I don't think having my thoughts qualified as nonsensical by you, holds any weight. Considering that you only recently gained the lucidity to admit that my previous points were more founded than what you initially deemed.

    So yes, there's already was an unfair amount of misunderstanding directed at me. Followed by long rants of defamation.

    And the worst of all this, is that when I finally reached my limit, from this all so intentional scheme, and didn't care about whether or not my words sounded harsh, everyone pretends I had no reason to act this way.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  15. I love how you can twist the one thing we actually had in common into something to criticize about me. You really have absolutely no interest in finding common ground, do you?

    I do believe there comes a time, sometimes, where somebody is being repeatedly verbally abusive to you, where you shouldn't have to deal with that garbage anymore. I'm not personally responsible for changing the minds of every misogynistic man in the world, and I have never claimed to be.

    You seem to think that I'm on some kind of crusade with the goal of converting as many misogynists as possible or something. Maybe that's your goal, but it's not mine.

    The problem is that you view everything I say through your lens and your worldview, so you are constantly twisting and changing my words because you are incapable of seeing the world from another perspective besides your own. And I don't even think you realize you're doing it, because you can NOT see things from my perspective. It's like it's actually impossible for you. So whatever I say gets filtered and changed until it fits into your worldview, and then you repeat it back to me completely differently. And you don't even know you're doing that.

    I never said I have this great "strategy" that I think will save the world. Oh, and I certainly am not "constantly bragging about it" as you so absurdly claim.

    All I did was criticize YOUR strategy and said that I think you're wrong, and that I personally prefer to give people second chances and allow for change and blah blah blah, all the things I've repeated a million times already.

    And you take that all to mean that I'm on the same kind of crusade as the KKK guy. I'm not. He has made that his life's mission, and I think that's a beautiful thing, and if any woman out there wants to do the same with male supremacists, I applaud them and wish them the best. But I am not that person. I'm literally just a person trying to exist and live my life here.

    Pot, meet kettle. Because that's literally exactly what you do to me with every single reply you lob at me.
    The Passenger likes this.
  16. Girl, that's BS. Stop playing the victim. You are not a victim. In the other thread you keep bringing up, you were being incredibly negative and misandric from the start, as well as repeatedly ignoring me, the person who started the thread, when I tried to ask you to stay on topic and to stop detailing my thread.

    You were unreasonable and belligerent from the start. That's why everyone responded the way they did. You can't come here and rewrite history and pretend like you were being super reasonable and kind and everyone just attacked you out of nowhere, and only THEN did you decide to start being unreasonable, insulting, and aggressive. That's not what happened. And everybody knows that, except you apparently.

    If it seems like every single person is against you, maybe the problem isn't every single other person in the world. Just saying.
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    So, it just another way of recognizing the extreme disadvantages and high potential of failure of that 'way' you seem to like so much. It's true that you never claimed to be 100 % sure of your success, but be admitting that you 'cut off' those who are 'repeatedly verbally abusive to you' you implicitly admit you won't be able to endure the very path you chose to follow, because when you're confronted with a misogynist (or male supremacist) it's the exactly what you are going to face, non-ending verbal abuse, and extreme degradation and dehumanization towards your whole gender, along with the explicit intent to force you into obedient subservience.

    This is how exactly you admit this 'way' of yours to be extremely overrated, without saying directly that it's extremely overrated.

    If you have no inclination for that mindset, then why bring the story of that man who supposedly 'converted' 200 KKK members ? What do you want to prove using that incident, and urging ' to give this strategy some merit since it is not an outlier' ?

    You say that, but it is exactly what you do.

    Of course, but then why call it your 'way' in the first place ? Does it make sense to call any attitude or modus operandi your 'way' if you are completely detached from the intent of abiding to it ?
  18. Honestly, I'm tired of responding to you, because it's actually starting to feel a little mean to continue trying to tell you what the problem is when you don't seem to get it. Because you just take it all as some completely unwarranted and unjustified attack, and it's sad.

    I actually mean that. It makes me sad, because if you were just capable of humbling yourself a little bit and realizing that when everybody is saying the same thing, perhaps you might be wrong and perhaps you should listen.

    Tbh, some of the way you have been acting here reminds me of myself, before I learned how to handle criticism better and be more teachable. And it's sad to see, because I know how miserable that is and that you're really only hurting yourself.

    I truly mean what I said before, about how I suspect you will continue to have many negative encounters like this in your life, where you feel attacked and like everybody is against you for no reason, if you don't learn how to accept your own faults and see yourself more clearly. You say you have plenty of self awareness, but I don't agree with that at all. I think that's something you need to work on.

    And you'll probably take this comment as an attack too, but idk what else to say. Hopefully you take it to heart. I really do actually want better for you, just like I do for everyone else. Keeping no record of wrongs would do you wonders of good, if you gave it a chance.

    I used to be a bit of an SJW type, and let me tell you, that ideology made me into a pretty miserable person. I saw offenses everywhere, even where people didn't really mean them that way, and it reaffirmed the belief that people are all crappy and bad and want to oppress others and all that nonsense. Which, by the way, is one of the resosns I'm against modern feminism. Which you would know if you ever actually cared to hear my story and talk to me like a human being about why I dislike modern feminism, instead of just yelling at me about it and deciding I'm terrible for it.

    But anyway, the point is, getting out of that toxic ideology was one of the best things I ever did. I definitely don't agree with all of the "red pill" side of things, but I am grateful for those types of videos and discussions getting me to see how toxic some of my beliefs were. I'm lucky to have gotten out of that pretty early, before I was too deep into it, but it was still a radical positive change on my life.

    I hope you have that kind if change someday, and that's all I have left to say. I'm tired of the fighting and bickering and back and forth insults. That's not what I want to be doing with my time.
  19. I brought it up because YOU seem to be on a crusade like that. There's an example of what it looks like to put yourself in someone else's worldview and try to look through their lens. That's what I was doing with you.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    If giving you the realistic reasons society doesn't give weight to male DV victims, and kindly explaining how this prejudice is formed counts as misandry, then you surely don't measure the impact of your words. You made the decision I was a misandrist then because you didn't like being given concrete cultural reasons contributing to this mindset, and even stretched it to me saying that 'I didn't care enough about male victims'.

    Of course, there is no rational deducing behind that, only your own fabrications because in no way admitting that the prejudice disadvantaging male DV victims is mainly formulated from patriarchal ideals , means I don't care enough about male victims.

    Which extends the list of absurd statements you refuse to take accountability for, because I indeed care about those people. However, if not for toxic masculinity-related ideals, would we even witness this phenomenon in the first place ? Is this something that can be disputed ?

    The only reason you labelled me with that term is because you hated facing the fact that those prejudices are indeed related to machismo. And your immediate reaction was to spontanously vilify me instead of making a mundane mental exercise like Kim did, at least she had the humility to do that. Thanks @Kim Wexler

    After that your main focus became projecting everything related to 'misandry' and 'callousness' into the twisted version of my responses, and using melodramatic expressions to cement the image of 'the better one' that knows better than the 'callous' feminists who only spews baseless arguments meant to discredit men's suffering.

    My response is that this label of misandrist has been given on very unfair reasons, and statements that I didn't even intend to communicate. And this accusation held no proper ground from the start, only your lack of analysis and comprehension, and the distorted perceptions you conceived from them.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
    ARCEUS likes this.
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