What are your "comfort videogames"?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Orphan, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    I love games with great stories. This year, I'm kinda in game heaven, since both "Broken Sword" and "Riven" are getting remastered! I play the original versions at least once a year, and they're my video game equivalent of comfort food. Can't wait to play the updated versions.

    I also am a HUGE fan of the Mass Effect trilogy - I probably play through all three games in the Remastered Trilogy once a year too. (Paragon all the way)

    I'd love to know which video games you keep playing year after year, when you feel like you want something familiar to keep you going!

  2. Recovering Writer

    Recovering Writer Fapstronaut

    Hollow Knight.

    Great vibes and game play. Technically challenging so it gives a good reward when I accomplish something. Definitely played it through at least 3 times. Can't wait for Silk Song!!

    Pikmin 3 also comes to mind. It's a pretty chill experience without a great deal of challenge and it's always fun discovering faster and better ways of time management.

    Oddly enough. Resident Evil 2 remake. Essentially the horror aspect is gone so now it's a have I can finish in five hours, more or less in one sitting.
    SleepyShade and Orphan like this.
  3. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    Man, you're FAR braver than me! Horror games terrify the life out of me! :D
    Sychar likes this.
  4. Far Sight

    Far Sight Fapstronaut

    For me, comfort video games are those that allow me to focus my attention on listening to a YouTube video on the background without the game itself distracting me too much.

    I found these games to be good for that type of gaming:
    • Euro Truck Simulator 2
    • Minecraft, mainly fishing or mining
    • Just Cause 2, just driving around the map looking for collectibles
    Orphan likes this.
  5. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    • Ghost of Tsushima
    • Anno 1800/1404
    Orphan likes this.
  6. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    The Bejeweled, Halo and Tony Hawk franchises. There hasn't been a new Tony Hawk game in years, so I hope that someone is working on one (not just a remake). There is a Skate game in development, so I'm very excited about that. I don't know when it's coming out, though. A new Halo probably isn't close to being done. Maybe in an year or two.
    Mr. Unhappy and Orphan like this.
  7. Bastet

    Bastet Fapstronaut

    Genshin for sure. I just love spend time there
    Orphan likes this.
  8. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    NBA 2k, I'm a basketball junkie I need my fix I tell my self every year Im a stop buying the games but I cant help it because 2k has an monopoly over basketball games.

    SMT/Persona. I'm really into the franchise. Honestly I'm glad SMT is gaining some popularity. Its the god father of monster catching JRPS and isn't giving the credit it deserved.
    Ammar2 and Orphan like this.
  9. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I feel your pain. I gave up after NBA 2k19. It's still a great game, but I resent how badly it was nerfed after they shut the servers down.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.
  10. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut


    Honestly you aren't missing out on anything.I play on the switch version and its riddle with bugs and cheap exploits.
    Orphan likes this.
  11. socneop

    socneop New Fapstronaut

    I have alot of them! So im just gonna make a list in no particular order.
    Sonic Adventure 1 & 2
    New Super Mario Bros
    Resident Evil
    Halo 3 & Reach
    Black Ops 1
    Ratchet and Clank
    Pursuit Force
    Kingdom Hearts

    All of these i played either growing up or during a difficult time in my life. I hold them all very dearly
    Orphan likes this.
  12. My list:
    - Call of Duty (any game of the series I feel like playing at the moment, usually the latest release)
    - Borderlands 2
    - Forza Horizon 5 (to chill to)
    Orphan and Mr. Unhappy like this.
  13. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima. It's an abandonware. You can get it for free.
    Orphan likes this.
  14. SleepyShade

    SleepyShade Fapstronaut

    Mine is either Hollow Knight or Dragon Ball Legends for sure. Both games that challenge me and make me forget about my worries for a little while.
    Orphan likes this.
  15. My favorite was Day Z. I loved exploring and meeting people.
    Orphan likes this.
  16. Mr. Unhappy

    Mr. Unhappy Fapstronaut

    Eden a APP on the Itunes store. Basically like Minecraft but an open world builder, amazing for opening creativity and exploring. Allot of professional maps to explore that are cities and fantasies. I highly recommend for people who have tablets Ipads or Phones.

    Another is Zelda: Majora’s Mask it’s finicky and can take your mind off stress. You will need a guide book in the process.
    Orphan likes this.
  17. Mr. Unhappy

    Mr. Unhappy Fapstronaut

    I’m sorry for the people that don’t think video games help. But Zombies on COD always took my mind off everything. I believe Video Games do help. They can certainly advert your mind from the internet.
    Ammar2 and Orphan like this.
  18. Mr. Unhappy

    Mr. Unhappy Fapstronaut


    If you need another good Skateboard game SKATE is a good one. You have tasks and it’s more open maps. I have played one and two had the graphics are pretty decent and vivid.
    Orphan likes this.
  19. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    As long as they're not used as a way to continually avoid our problems, they can be a great source of relaxation and happiness. Handy when our dopamine is in freefall while we're rebooting. :)
    Mr. Unhappy likes this.
  20. The Binding of Isaac, with the game audio muted and Spotify playing over it. Recently I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2. Didn't like it that much back in 2018 but I think if you are willing to take it slow and not just play it like GTA then it's a good time, and simply exploring the map can be very relaxing.
    Orphan likes this.