Nofap's Influence on Spirituality - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by c-l-a-s-h, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. c-l-a-s-h

    c-l-a-s-h Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, c-l-a-s-h here.

    Ever since I was young I wanted to find out who I was as a person. Only recently have I actually started doing that. I always thought it would be cool to be 'that guy with rock-solid confidence' or 'that guy that meditates and really seems at peace with himself'. But I never really did anything. Until recently. I attribute my starting of meditation, researching Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, etc.,etc., reading personal development books, and keeping a journal to nofap. It gave me the motivation to do these things that I'd always pined after but never had the courage to partake in.

    My question to you nofappers is thus: how did not jerking off influence your views on life? Did it allow you to become more spiritual/true to yourself? Did you become closer to God?

    My purpose for asking this question is I recently read a book on Buddhism and it's various philosophy's. However, I am constantly on a quest for improving myself and I want to explore further into religion and meditational practices.

    I guess my question would be for the more veteran nofappers who have continued on this path for longer than myself. Actually, this is a much better summarization: where did not jerking off take you spiritually?

    As always, stay strong. I'm looking forward to reading some of your guy's answers :)
  2. fapcultative

    fapcultative Fapstronaut

    Altought not beig religious I always had great tendence for philosophical and spiritual research, and with about 20 yeras I started my NoFap challenge

    In my opinion spiritual tendences and not wanting FAP comes together, independently of wich one of the two subjects arises to the counsciousness or is put into practice earlier.

    Every person has spiritual development on a natural way, but if is done at slow pace can be easily disguised and not noticed.

    Anyway not because of being more abstinent you are more spiritually developed, but is one of the many items that helps.
  3. CrazyGopher

    CrazyGopher Fapstronaut

    Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I find it to be a double-edged sword spiritually. If you are able to control the extra energy, then it can be helpful in propelling you along your path. But if you can't control the energy and get caught up in pursing casual sex, etc, then it can easily be a hindrance.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015