I need some help. Hear me out.

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Anonymous86, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    To say he triggers you is a cop-out and a denial of your own responsibility over yourself and your decisions. He doesn't trigger you. You willfully engage with him in video chats that you know will trigger you. You are responsible and you have the power to change your behavior.

    I would agree that it would be far healthier to meet in person; however, I think this sounds like a really unhealthy relationship for you unless you're willing to be honest and up front about your feelings for this friend. You're otherwise putting yourself in a really self-detrimental position continuing to engage in this one-sides fixation. It does in fact seem to me that you would be much better off either putting it out there and attempting to engage in a mutual relationship with this guy, or move on.
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Yeah you're right. This is hard. I'm scared and I can't get my mind off things because of this issue...but thanks for your continued support even if it's stuff I'd rather not hear.
  3. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    You are stronger and more powerful than you are making yourself out to be. You know that there's a problem and you want to fix it, that's amazing and it means you're on the right track. The next step is to stop believing that you are powerless in this and to start making the tough decisions to really recover. You've got this and I will call you out if you keep pretending you don't.
    Thatguy167 likes this.
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I just wonder what should be the first step in this direction. I need to make a reboot plan and stick with it.

    I would like to try and be upfront but that scares me for a multitude of reasons. And the one-side fixation you said, I agree with because it's not just unhealthy for my reboot. Forget that for a second.

    It's unhealthy because I'm obsessed. An unrequited love if you will. And I don't want this. At all. This happened before and it sucked and I ended up getting really, really hurt from it. I didn't know how to process these feelings.

    This is why I'm sick. I always have had issues with my sexuality (being gay has been a struggle for me). It's better now than it has been in the past though.

    I am just very scared and afraid. But there's a way out of this, so I gotta man-up and stop with the self-pity.

    This is my chance to really better my life, IMO. Keep busy, meditate, look for new opportunities, etc. I'm glad this e.d. happened to me because it woke me up to some of my issues, but I'm also struggling with the emotional part. And I don't know how to handle that except with meditation and that's something I'm new with.

    The struggle is real. scorp81, do you believe in meditation as a recovery tool for controlling urges, emotional well-being, etc., and such or no? Just curious. I know there's a meditation advocacy in these communities so I don't know how well this would even help my issue even.

    The depression comes from the fact that yeah, maybe I want to be with someone. But I realistically cannot have someone in my life at this time for a multitude of reasons.

    I feel like I need to keep busy in order for these feelings to go away. And that's not easy for me right now because of how I conditioned myself over many years of thinking about sex, sex, sex and leading to porn use long-term.

    This is why I feel very much stuck emotionally. Perhaps the loneliness board will help me out?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  5. scorp81

    scorp81 Fapstronaut

    There is so much good stuff in this post. It is a struggle and it's difficult. I agree the thing that seems to be making it unhealthy for you is the obsessive part of it, it just seems like this isn't a healthy interaction for you to be engaging in. I have heard that meditation works for a lot of guys; if however for you that means continuing to dwell and obsess over this stuff then maybe it's not for you. For you, I would really just say get away from the computer. Go outside and do things outside more. Walk places. Be by yourself and be comfortable being by yourself without porn or a cyber partner. You aren't in an emotional state to be with a partner right now, and if you had a partner right now it would not be healthy and it would not last. It seems to me that you have to spend some time just getting comfortable with yourself and then when you are comfortable with yourself you will attract healthy relationships. But really- get away from the computer. Go to a coffee shop and read a book. That's what will help you I think.
  6. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I have read through this entire thread very carefully. I feel that many of the responses you have had here are not helpful and not fair. Please @Anonymous86, do not follow a course of action just because an individual has a forceful way of putting their point of view over. Yes, an individual point of view. That is all any of us can offer. No one has the monopoly of the right response in a certain set of circumstances. You have to take what you are hearing on board - go away, think it over and you decide what is best for you. I have read nothing that has changed my own personal observation about all this...

  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thank you scorp81. It's extremely difficult right now. I'm very afraid and I expect myself to continue failing, until something clicks. I can't even sleep at night well because I'm just so overwhelmed and anxious. Getting over someone is difficult in itself. I literally go to bed, wake up, bed, wake up, with anxiety in me that cycles because I'm just so distraught by this condition and everything. I can't live peacefully because of this.

    A close friend of mine told me that I need to start viewing this person (if I'm to save this friendship) as a friend more than a sexual interest. And that's hard in general. I don't know how it can be done, but I think I'll get over him in time. It happens. I lost sexual interest in friends over-time. This one just seems harder. It's not just for this friendship, but also for my sanity. This is all built up from loneliness over the years and struggling with my sexual orientation, conditioned self-hate, self-conditioned hypersexuality, depression from a traumatic childhood, low self-esteem. I wonder if I am the one to blame fully? Or if it's just a negative consequence of how I groomed to see myself in the world? My self-image of myself is low. I do not like myself. Porn was the coping mechanism of pain. This is/was my heroin.

    My therapist believes this was a good thing and sees hope. I can't agree more. It's just so painful. A pain I will escape one day.

    I'm not committing to a journal because I know I will fail. I'm afraid, I'm scared, but I need to welcome it. It's Halloween afterall! :p

    I'm very grateful to be in therapy, having a supportive psychiatrist, having a supportive family. I'm even grateful for this addiction because it woke me up and clarified the pain I've been causing myself for 10 years until it all hit me at once.

    This will be a gradual change. Not just in my penis or brain itself, but in my own personal life.

    I've already ordered the "Slight Edge" book to start my journey of recovery. I need to digest this all.

    It's a journey that's not easy, no doubt.

    I may not be ready for a relationship, but I may be ready for real social interactions. That could help start the healing process. I'm possibly committing to driving lessons too, as well.

    As a late bloomer at 29 (almost 30), I've missed out on a lot, didn't go to college (yet) but also learned a lot. My 20's were painfully isolating. Now's the time to take initiative and love, learn, and laugh. I think this is where me and Noah Church identify (I think?).

    This isn't a venous leak. This isn't cancer. This is a porn addiction. Porn kills erections. I can heal from this and live life as the gay man I want to be as.
    Tommy_0113 likes this.
  8. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your help. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. This whole process requires a lot of self-introspection on my end.
  9. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Maybe you need some alone time. Like do activities that dont require a friend for now. Like gym or swimming or reading a book or listening to music.
    U can continue the friendship but maybe adding more friends or more activities in ur life can dilute the thoughts ur mind is giving to this friend.
    Like maybe the obsession can fade when other activities enter ur life.
  10. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    That's what I was thinking. it's just such a challenge though because my social anxiety is to the extreme. I think it's possible.
  11. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Well if the social anxiety is bad then perhaps give a try to those activities that can be done alone but you enjoy. Like i enjoy growing plants. So i've grown some in a pot. Maybe you can get a pet.
    Hope things get better :)
  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I was thinking of going back to school. But stress and pressure are a terror to me. That's why I am considering more meditation to my schedule. I haven't started it yet though. I kind of don't know where or how to begin.
  13. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    You can always go back to school. When i was about to return to college, even i was scared as to
    where to apply
    will i be able to manage it
    what if it all goes waste
    what if i feel out of place

    its all right to be stressed about it. Maybe give it another thought. Returning to studies might be a good option.
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    This is the part of you that you need to nurture and allow to grow (just like @recoome's seedlings). Keep this positivity! :)
  15. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Thank you IGY. Stupid question but, did you ever have PIED/flatline and successfully recover from it?
  16. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Oh yes I did, everything is fine now, thanks. :)
  17. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How'd you heal? Do you have a journal anywhere? I'd like more advice and a success story to read (if you have one).
  18. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Oh and I know that someone's first thoughts would be to just forget about this guy and reboot but I just don't think giving up a friendship out of the blue is good, IMO. He did nothing wrong. This just a weird situation I'm in.

    I want to try and save the friendship and reboot but I don't know how to. Where there's a will, there's a way IMO.

    My close friend has told me that I need to try and view him as a friend because not only for myself, but the fact that he's taken. I think it can be done. I've lost feelings for straight and gay guys before.

    I feel like such a horrible person, ugh. What did I get myself into?