Getting Started with Sexual Energy Transmutation

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mark, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    There will always be counter arguments to everything but if people have experienced problems that are definitely down to this then is worth checking out. If I was to recommend a precaution it would be to do own research and if you decide to proceed with his go slowly as I guess we are like electrical appliances and if we are only used to a certain type of/level of energy we need to introduce it slowly or risk causing problems. I'll add something to original post when I get a minute. Quite often with energy work stuff that has been lurking in the shadows rises to the surface so it can be released etc and that can be unpleasant and interpreted in various ways. All depends on individual I guess and is a subjective experience but worth adding something.
  2. That's a good point. This particular reviewer mentioned he got started at around 14 which I think is far too young to understand one's own emotional universe... Things like meditation and cognitive therapy have helped me to understand my conscience so perhaps I'm more prepared to deal with whatever hidden problems may arise.

    Cool stuff though. I've been doing Kegel(pelvic floor) exercises and that seems to help with a bunch of stuff. Since starting them regularly, mood and emotional stability seem to be increasing along with physical control of that region.
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yes the pelvic floor exercises are fantastic and ive done those for years and are even brilliant if people just want help with premature ejaculation etc.

    My ex wife was/is a therapist (dealing with energy based treatments) and the very first thing she tells people is that things will probably get worse before they get better. Like washing really dirty soiled pots the water will get dirtier at first but with subsequent cleans it will get clearer etc

    Whether or not thats what happened with the people in the reviews is impossible to say and on closer inspection Mantak Chia does add a warning at the beginning of his book. Having said that I have never seen an exercise book or similar that doesn't have some sort of disclaimer as it must be some kind of legal requirement? Or people need to cover their backs etc??

    But ive never been to the doctors and seen a disclaimer on their walls or on their literature as allopathic medicine appears to be (is sold to us as) the 'unquestionable' norm whilst everything else is considered 'alternative' and to be wary of which is more than a little odd considering western health care is said to be one of the top three killers in the western world (bad practice, wrong medication etc) and my own personal experiences have left me feeling I have just taken a space ship to a back street mechanic whenever ive been to the doctors etc. Yes they are great at stitching and fixing etc but when it comes to understanding and treating the nature of disease the pharmaceutical 'mafia' definitely have the monopoly because the sad fact is that where theres tradegy theres 'trade'. And dont they know it!!

    Having said that people should be aware of all the pros and cons and be free to choose for themselves (even if they choose 100% allopathic) so good on you for pointing that out.

    Im also really interested in Karezza at the moment (even though I'm single, am just curious) but know very little about it, worth mentioning though :)
  4. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Excellent interview with Lee Holden and Rachel Carlton Abrams, authors of Taoist Sexual Secrets...

    Taoist Sexual Secrets
  5. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut

    I have been quickly through this thread... and I have a request:

    Could you please indicate me where I can find the very basics of mediation and that kind of practice (I truly don't not anything about that... but I feel the need to give a try since I started NoFap) ?

    I need to precise: For some reason, I can only have access to online documents/contents

    Concerning the Sexual Energy Transmutation, it seems a bit far from reach for the moment (is that proper English?), but do you think I would be able to be successful in it if I start in two months?

    Concerning the "pelvic floor exercises", how do you, guys, notice the improvements? I've been exercising for quite a long time, and I is hard to appreciate the changes...

    Thanks a lot !
  6. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi, probably the best way to get started is the 'Taoist Sexual secrets' audio set described in original post which is also available as an app for phones etc.

    I'm currently 152 days no O (not even a nocturnal emission) and am sure that breathing/pc muscle exercises like 'fanning the fire', testicle and pelvic floor massages, and other breathing/energy circulation exercises have been a huge help for me and i just keep refining the techniques etc and the way I combine them with other exercises which will be an ongoing practice for me (I'd even go as far as to compare it to a 'hobby' or something as i certainly don't see any of this as a 'task' if you know what I mean)

    If you only have access to online stuff you can download the Mantak Chia book also referred to in original post but it is extremely detailed and so requires much patience etc.

    Concerning the pelvic exercises and improvements I guess they would be more noticeable if in a sexual relationship and you wanted to withhold external orgasm either to prolong things or to send the orgasm 'inward' so that depends on personal circumstances/requirements but to my knowledge they are also good for prostate health etc (just don't squeeze too hard and they will slowly get stronger) I am not in a relationship at present but with sustained/gentle/regular practice I can vouch for previous experience that strength in this area can be a very big plus indeed.

    All the best :)
  7. prabakarv1990

    prabakarv1990 Fapstronaut

    thanks for the thread.....Motivating one
  8. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot !

    I'll try to get started with "Taoist Sexual secrets", it seems to be quite interesting!

    For the exercises, I hope it will also be a 'hobby' for me! I'll keep trying and hopefully it will work! If I can find a video/website with detailed exercises and techniques, I'll share it here.

    There's a lot of precious information in this thread, I'll try to read it more in detail in the coming days.
  9. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Cheers chaps, if you do get into this stuff please be sure to let us know how you get on etc :)
  10. I found online PDFs of Mantak Chia's Taoist Secrets of Love and The Multi-orgasmic Man. Secrets got to be a little hard to follow. Multi-orgasmic has been an easier read. Some of the exercises are pretty much edging. I would say that I have masturbated, but no P or O. I am able to retract my nuts and visualise the energy going up my back. I don't know if I am really doing this, but I do seem to be thinking less about sex and more about what needs to be done. Not really struggling with sex urges.
    I still don't know if this stuff would work with my wife. She has no interest in this stuff, and I need to pound away at her clit with my penis head when we have sex to make her happy. It is hard to avoid ejaculating when you are doing that. I am not resetting for the masturbation exercises as it was pure physical sensation and no fantasies, and I haven't looked at anything like porn for quite a while. Thanks Mark for sharing all this stuff.
  11. Peaceful Warrior

    Peaceful Warrior Fapstronaut

    Ok finished the Jay Onwukwe book which was great giving lots of fantastic information as to why we would do this. Nothing practical for me at least but I don't have a partner and not planning on any sex for a good while yet.

    Just downloaded the Taoist Sexual Secrets App on my phone and will go through that next
  12. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut


    I came here some days ago to ask for advices... Here are my feed backs:

    - You were right about the PC exercises! I practice every day; sometimes even without thinking about it! I think I'm starting to like it!

    - I was totally wrong about one thing: meditating is not easy! For my first tries, I couldn't manage to focus more than 30seconds on my breath... I try to feel my body, to be conscious about each part of my body only with my feelings (without trying to visualize it in my mind). I see some improvement in my practice... yet, I haven't notice any change (outside the meditation itself); I've read it was aimed to be a long term practice, so I guess I just have to patient!

  13. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @JegErFransk yes you really have got to stick with this stuff and patience is most definitely the key, as is total acceptance of precisely where you are at right here right now offering no resistance whatsoever as resistance 'blocks' progress as can even the the thought of progress itself (good old paradox!;)) See if this helps Meditation

    @Peaceful Warrior- I found the app/audio programme to be the most practical (not perfect as can be a little vague in places?) but it certainly helped me get a 'routine' in place

    @Randy yes some of the exercises (more specifically the Power Lock) are very similar to edging but the intention is completely different and so I for one see them as two very distinct activities. And yes, I'm currently single and to be honest I'm finding it hard to imagine describing all this to a woman and there's certainly nobody whatsoever I can think of right now that wouldn't think I was completely mad!!;) But I honestly don't want to ejaculate ever again (bearing in mind I am 47 with 3 kids which probably does have a significant bearing etc!) as the feeling after an 'internal' orgasm which has been 'circulated' FAR outweighs that shitty 'depleted' comedown you get after an ejaculation (and it's far less messy!!;)):eek:
    ned123 likes this.
  14. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Here's an online resource to gain a basic understanding of Taoist sexual 'yoga'/practice,

    be warned it contains graphic sexual descriptions, and K9 will block it, but there is nothing P related on it, it's simply Taoist sexual practices and energy cultivation description:

    Another resource for those interested in Taoist sexual practice is Daniel Reed's excellent and informative book The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  15. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Many people may not completely understand the value of sexual energy. For both men and women, it is a very vital and precious energy. Wasting it through masturbation, is a waste in every sense of the word because it goes against the very design of nature. Nature created sex to be shared between two partners, for there is a mutual exchange of energy. It is a give and take, even though you may give your essence with an orgasm, your partner can give you their essence with their orgasm, nourishing your energy. Non-ejaculatory sex is always stressed however as one is able to keep their sexual energy within, and transmute it as they like.

    Anyways here is a link to learn more about semen,

    A few excerpts from the site:

    OK, let's face facts, we have no idea how the cheez puffs we eat turn into a nice well formed mass of stool a few hours later. Our body just does it. If we get cut we don’t have to tell our body to heal the cut. Bodies in nature have remarkably similar mechanisms. The cuts in animals heal similar to the way our cuts heal. In other words, there are many mechanisms in our body which our conscious mind is not aware of and scientists for millennia are trying to document and understand. Yes folks, science is busy trying to understand how that well formed piece of turd came into existence and how to maximize that efficiency.

    So what does semen do in our bodies? Well it is something our body produces (duh). Our body produces a bunch of different substances, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and other hormones which are necessary for our good health and well being. Our body also excretes by-products of these functions; stool, bile, mucus, sweat, etc. So is semen something like blood where you don’t want to lose too much or is it like mucus where you can blow all you want?

    So where does semen fit in? Well you can analyze the semen into its chemical constituents and try to figure out where it fits in. We can run a pH test, we could smell it, tell its color, tell how many different chemicals per each gram, etc, until we get bored.

    So what is semen? (for the third time)

    Well any teenager with a sex drive and a few unanswered questions will end up finding out how good it feels to masturbate. It releases tensions, and stops the excitement that is just eating you alive. So, getting rid of semen feels good for awhile.

    So when our body ejaculates it feels good. Therefore keep doing it more and you will feel even better!!!!!!!! Right?

    So lets get started as to the basis of semen from a point of view of ANCIENT WISDOM.

    Hey wait, aren’t those contradictory terms, ANCIENT and WISDOM? Why should we listen to what people USED to think. Now we are modern, we got cell phones, microwave ovens, XBOX’s, not to mention Tupperware, water that comes in bottles with bubbles in it, chewing gum and fast cars.

    OK, you are right, you are modern and advanced, still, lets hear out the voices of the past, just so we may sit back disdainfully, laugh and understand our intellectual superiority in a more complete way!

    Dr. Charles Arthur Mercier

    With each reproductive act the bodily energy is diminished; the capacity for exertion is lessened; the languor and lassitude that follow indicate the strain that has been put upon the forces of the body, the amount of energy that has been abstracted from the store at the disposal of the organism.

    Now, the seat of the reservoir of energy is the nervous system, and any drain upon the energies of the body is a drain on the nervous system, whose highest regions will, on the general grounds already familiar, be the first and most affected. Hence the reproductive act has an effect on the highest regions of the nervous system which is of the nature of a stress, and tends to produce disorder.

    With a normally constituted organism the stress of the reproductive act is not sufficient to produce disorder, unless it is repeated with undue frequency ; on the contrary, by providing a natural and legitimate outlet for surplus activity, its influence is distinctly beneficial. But in an organism whose energies are naturally defective, the tendency of the reproductive act will be to increase the deficiency ; and in an organism which is inherently below the normal stability, the tendency of the stress of the reproductive act will be to produce disorder.

    This tendency will be especially severe when indulgence in the sexual act is begun at too early an age.

    Hence it is in males chiefly that are exhibited the ill-consequences of excessive sexual indulgence ; and in the male sex a very large proportion of cases of dementia are either due to, or are aggravated, enhanced, and prolonged, by undue sexual indulgence. there are an enormous number of cases, forming together a considerable proportion of the total population, in which premature decadence of the mental powers, premature exhaustion of the energies, premature inability for vigorous and active exertion, result from excessive sexual indulgence in early life.

    The young man, full of vigour, boiling over, as it were, with energy and activity, recently let loose from the restraint of school or college, unaccustomed to control himself or to deny himself any gratification, launches out into excesses which at the time appear to be indulged in with impunity. But sooner or later comes the day of reckoning. He has felt himself possessed of abundance of energy, and he has dissipated it lavishly, feeling that after each wasteful expenditure he had more to draw upon ; but he is in the position of a spendthrift who is living on his capital.

    Had he husbanded his resources and lived with moderation, the interest on his capital would have sufficed to keep him in comfort to old age, but he has lavished his capital, has lived a few short years in great profusion, and before middle life he is a beggar.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
    ned123 likes this.
  16. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    This is an amazing little talk,

  17. free_testosterone

    free_testosterone Fapstronaut

    Awesome. These book titles excite me to my very core, i'll order them online right now. Thanks!
  18. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this post Mark, I tried to download the books you recommended but i couldn't find them on net. Anyways I've download this Book "from sex to super consciousness by Osho. & I've downloaded the audio clip,i'll listen to it and get back to you. Cheers.
  19. Vajradhara

    Vajradhara New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!
    Thanks for the amazing thread. Exactly what I was looking for.

    Mark, I got in touch with Mantak's book more then a year ago and started practising some of the exercises on and off by myself and when with my wife. I got some great results such us 90% of control over ejaculation, reduction of over excitement and increased awareness and power of the muscles (pc and ug) and the energy moving in my body.

    My desire still quite high in daily life which sometimes converts into fantasying and that requires mindfulness to re direct the thoughts and so.

    I'm in a break from my job and decided that I want to practice the exercise with more discipline and dedication. I'm 40+ days without loosing the seed and having sexual interaction.
    I'm practising the testes breathing and power lock (power lock doesn't require me a lot of muscle effort, I use gentle muscle contraction and mind). But I'm getting really bored and tired about the power lock (edging and pulling the energy up). In the past 3/4 days I did 2/3 rounds of 10 times each; but now I can't do even one round of 3 times. And I'm getting a hot/burning sensation on my p's head and blue balls.
    I'm not doing any other exercise suggested my Mantak Chia (warming the stove, scrotal compression, etc)

    I would like to hear some feedback from people who have being working with this exercises.
    Suggestions are also welcome: whether I should do other exercises, if I keep trying the power lock even if takes much longer to reach the edge each time, what to do with the discomforts (burning and blue balls)
