Could years of seed lost lead to zinc deficiency?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Epsilon guy, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. Epsilon guy

    Epsilon guy Fapstronaut


    I wish you all are ok. I post this thread to discuss about one thing that i have been reading for years in nofap forums. And it is, that if you are lossing your seed in daily basis during years, it can lead to vitamins and minerals deficiencies.

    For example, zinc. This information that i'm going to share, maybe is not 100% accurate because it is what i have read in internet, so it could be wrong.

    One eyac, weights between 3 and 5 grams, so let's take the mean, 4 grams. That is 4000 miligrams. I have read that 0,3% of one eyac is zinc. 0,3% of 4000 mg, is 12mg of zinc. So, in only one eyac, you lose approximately the daily dose of zinc recommended for men (11mg).

    Imagine that you fap during years, daily. And sometimes, more than one time in a day. Could this lead to zinc deficiency?

    Also, i ask it because i have read that some people have symptoms like: hairloss, acne and dermatitis, joint pain, slow wound healing and they start to take zinc and all that symptoms go away. So maybe they had a zinc deficiency, but why they had it in the first place? Because some of them have good diets (some not). And this kind of hormonal problems have grown a lot in the past 20 or 30 years (curiously, when porn consumption and fapping have increased a lot).
    27_CHRIS_REDFIELD_27 likes this.
  2. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    I really just think that compulsive masturbators are more likely to have deficiencies like these, due to a variety of lifestyle differences and factors.
    gordonfreeman14603 likes this.
  3. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    only if you dont eat zinc which is impossible if your still alive

    The body is always trying to find equilibrium. Intake and outake of nutrients minerals calories energy . everything taken out needs put back in . ie food water sleep sun

    but a zinc deficiency from expleting cum i doubt it

    did Genghis khan have a zinc deficiency

    just eat a steak chicken eggs milk chocolate nuts yoghurt zinc is almost in every food source so its impossible especially with our modern man diets.

    we have an abundance or this shit lol to the point its killing us faster
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
    rob13_ likes this.
  4. Epsilon guy

    Epsilon guy Fapstronaut

    it could be, because a lot of people that masturbate have a lot of weird symptoms like skin issues, hairloss, etc.
  5. Epsilon guy

    Epsilon guy Fapstronaut

    I think that that is true. But you have to have two things in consideration. The first one, masturbating is currently destroying your body balance, the semen has a lot of nutrients that aren't supposed to be lost in daily basis. Second, what kind of diet Genghis Khan had? Because they mainly ate meat, that is the best source of the majority of nutrients and with the best biodisponibility. Nowadays, we eat a lot of grains and sugars that fck our gut and absorption of many vitamins and minerals.
  6. xuledywo

    xuledywo Fapstronaut

    Yes, frequent ejaculation, especially over the years and multiple times a day, can potentially contribute to zinc deficiency. Some individuals have reported symptoms like hair loss, acne, and joint pain, which improved with zinc supplementation. This raises questions about a potential link between hormonal changes, increased instances of these issues in the past decades, and elevated porn consumption. Your thoughts or experiences on this topic would be valuable.
  7. I think there is some truth to it.

    Like the other people said it.

    Zinc deficiency can be caused by a combination of poor diet & excessive ejaculation.

    This causes deficiencies in the long run.

    IF you feel weak or tired, try taking a multivitamin so as to fill in the nutritional gaps you have.

    Also focus on meat, fish, eggs, dairy.
    foods of animal origin are usually higher in zinc and other stuff like B12 and Iron.
  8. zinc is a funny supplement. high levels of zinc has been proven to support immune function and clearing up cystic acne and warts which are directly related to insulin resistance within 4 weeks, but must be taken with copper, as high levels of zinc lead to low levels of copper. do not supplement with more than 30mg per day. and i believe the ratio to copper is 8:1 but don't quote me. high levels of zinc have been PROVEN to halt hair growth (1)......aswell as low levels of zinc (3) i see many many articles claiming that "PMO" doesn't cause hair loss. which is complete nonsense. dopamine agonist medications used to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's cause hair loss.....dopamine is a DIRECT inducer of catagen hair growth...catagen phase is when hair stops growing and the follicles rest. (2) prolactin is also linked to hair loss..(4) prolactin rises which it does massively after orgasm, dopamine is signalled to inhibit and control prolactin levels. which can lead to a feedback loop. more fap....more prolactin....more dopamine through fapping.....prolactin is inhibited and more dopamine signalled to control the levels....more orgasm...more prolactin released.....more prolactin signals more dopamine.....and on and on. prolactin is released in huge amounts after orgasm to prevent further orgasm,. it inhibits sexual function. however....dopamine inhibits the prolactin....which can cause serious issues. especially when energy drinks and other high caffeine foods are introduced, (5) caffeine increases prolactin enormously. which will also with it trigger dopamine...and the loop continues. its a really bad dysregulation of the HPA axis. which in turn causes mood dysregulation. also.....relating to caffeine....caffeine is proven to effect the absorption of many minerals and vitamins (7)......low iron will also cause hair loss, fatigue....and so on. zinc deficiency is also heavily linked with prolactinoma or high prolactin (6) its also a known proven fact that ejaculate contains high levels of zinc, calcium and magnesium, also sucrose, altering the balance of these minerals will also cause issues with blood sugar, immune function and also the stress system. (8) in conclusion id say you are correct.

    (4) is accompanied by an,, acne vulgaris, and hirsutism.&text=This may be related to,in vivo and in vitro.
    (6), zinc has been shown,with a tendency to hyperprolactinemia.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2023
  9. FastNCurious

    FastNCurious Fapstronaut

    nah zinc is in alot of food sources any excess is excreted in urine
  10. Zinc is only absorbed around 20-40%of total ingested zinc.....more of that is contained in ejaculate
  11. FastNCurious

    FastNCurious Fapstronaut

    Your body doesn't need a large amount of zinc. The recommended daily allowance for adults is 8 - 11 mg. It’s common to have slightly low levels of zinc, but taking a multivitamin, plus eating a healthy diet, should give you all the zinc you need.

    zinc is im.every part of the body not just jizzum we still dont need alot of it

    It's rare for people in industrialized countries to be seriously deficient in zinc. Low zinc levels are sometimes seen in the elderly, alcoholics, people with anorexia, and people on very restricted diets. People who have malabsorption syndromes, such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease, may also be deficient in zinc. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include loss of appetite; poor growth; weight loss; lack of taste or smell; poor wound healing; skin problems such as acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis; hair loss; lack of menstrual period; night blindness; white spots on the fingernails; and depression. Zinc reduces the amount of copper your body absorbs, and high doses of zinc can cause a copper deficiency. For that reason, many doctors recommend that you take 2 mg of copper along with a zinc supplement.

    #in for zinc and copper for huge loads
  12. mateorosi

    mateorosi New Fapstronaut

    zinc is really important for our body and it is recommended to consume it from time to time,it is also very useful for our pets, I was lucky to find pet medication without prescription, now I give it to my dog every day, I see positive changes
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
  13. Linerider

    Linerider Fapstronaut

    Yes zinc is important. The levels can be restored though in a week or two. So, no worries, just supplement it at the beginning of recovery.