Any favorite Youtube channels?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by TheLoneWolf88, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I don't have many subscriptions, but the ones I am subscribed to are

    Aging Wheels - largely automotive-focused channel with a family friendly yet humorous host

    I Do Cars- love the engine teardowns. It's like a murder mystery on what made the engine bad. He mixes in innuendos, both intentionally and unintentionally. The times where he didn't mean to say it that way, it's funny to watch him struggle to correct it

    MetPro SOWC - French GTA 5 Youtubers

    UncleCoolie Productions - he posts dashcam journeys throughout the US and Canada

    Sciencephile the AI - interesting science topics mixed with memes and humor

    cs188 - the king of rauchy Youtube Poops
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
    SethLCU and zap2861 like this.
  2. I have been more into computing and electronics more than anything else on YouTube:

    Ben Eater - he built two different 8-bit computers on breadboard: one of his own design and one using the 6502 CPU.

    Deramp5113 - he does a lot of demonstration videos of the 1975 hobbyist computer: Altair 8800

    Adrian's Digital Basement - he does a lot of repairs on older computers and various electronics

    Those are my go-tos usually. Every now and then I watch some of Zebra Gamer and that's with the kids.
    SethLCU and zap2861 like this.
  3. All Things Secured, Mental Outlaw, Naomi Brockwell, Techlore (Privacy/Security YT Channels)
    SethLCU likes this.
  4. Vice Grip Garage is a great channel, I really like when he finds old beater classic cars that have been sitting in a field for twenty years and brings them back to life.
    SethLCU and zap2861 like this.
  5. Lazy Masquerade - true crime, horror
    Timeline World History - documentaries
    Simple History - animated history
    zap2861 likes this.
  6. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Looking at my YouTube history now and it is 80% music, 10% self improvement type videos and 10% random stuff like vlogs, horror, true crime, Asmr etc…
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