46 year old male loser :(

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by curadh, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. curadh

    curadh Fapstronaut

    Hi Everyone.

    I've been addicted to porn since I was about 8 years of age when my cousin showed me a lot of magazines. We used to share a lot of videos until the era of the internet took hold, clips became longer and longer. Right now I am completely addicted to 3D porn which is hentai. I fucking hate myself for it. It has twisted and addled my mind and I no longer function as I used to.
    The descent into this type of porn seemed to happen about 7 years ago when my gf dumped me. I dated a girl for a few weeks about 3 years ago but had the same problems, jacking off to porn on the same day she is supposed to arrive, or just not being able to ejaculate or even stay hard. Just no libido.
    I seem especially vulnerable when I'm tired. Or if I put myself in front of the computer at night, or lie i bed with the phone in my hand. I'm compulsive and reckless. I've spent the past 4 years in a cycle of shame then recovery then shame, mostly shame.
    I'm so fed up of it, my life has flittered away from me as I sit in my room like a teenager jacking off then feeling like shit. The day after doing it, I purposely do less, because I am afraid of being punished, things always seem to go really badly for me the day after doing it, but maybe that's because of my avoidance and mindset.
    I tried using an old nokia phone for a while which was quite effective, but things have become completely internet based now for bills and banking etc that I can't go a day without it. All I can think of is to leave the phone outside the room at night. But my PC is sitting there all the time. I have tried becoming really religious, praying a lot etc, but the addiction is there all the time gnawing away at me.

    I don't know what to do and then I came across this site.
    Toni7, rooftops, call me mila and 5 others like this.
  2. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    Welcome @curadh. Glad you are here.

    Taking some time to learn about this problem will really help in your recovery. Plus, it will take you away from Porn for a while. Read the reboot material (available here => http://www.nofap.com/getting-started) and then come up with a plan for what you will do when you are faced with urges. It has good information and good advice, so don't skip it! :)

    Also, this is a great post from a nofap veteran about what kind of things could help you during your reboot => https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/time-to-be-done-with-this.140257/page-25#post-1442099

    As you start your recovery, perhaps start writing a journal? If you feel comfortable telling people about happened and what's going on now, you will start to feel accountable to them. You may even inspire others. It's a nice feeling! This will help your recovery.

    Also, stopping bad behaviours is only half the battle. This fight will probably also involve a lifestyle change. So try to add things into your life that makes you the kind of person who doesn't want to engage in PMO. Think about doing:
    • Something you enjoy
    • Something you're good at
    • Something important
    • Something for somebody else, without thought of reward (and if you DO get an unintended reward, do something ELSE, perhaps for a different person or group).
    Read the journals of others - we all learn from each other, and you may find very useful insights from someone outside your age group or part of the world.

    Look around the forums, get to know people. Be kind to others and others will be kind to you, both here and IRL.

    I wish you a successful reboot.

    Toni7, again and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  3. curadh

    curadh Fapstronaut

    Thank you Orphan, your follow up message has given me hope this morning to make changes and get out of this mess. Grateful to you for helping provide this resource.
    MrMaster, Jefe Rojo and Orphan like this.
  4. Hi Curadh,

    Welcome here on nofap between hundreds of fellow sufferers.
    You're definitely not alone in your situation.

    It's time to dismantle the self-destructing habit completely.
    Check out other journals, you can learn so much from it.
    Also consider to start meeting a recovery group or counselor.
    Overcoming an addiction is not something you can do alone!
    curadh and Orphan like this.
  5. Linerider

    Linerider Fapstronaut

    You can make porn inaccessible on your computer. Look up the windows blocker thread on this site.
    I recommend a combination of host file editing and blocking + pluckeye + coldblocker.
    Then on your phone, it depends on which os you have but on android you can make it inaccessible aswell (andoff etc.), and only allow a safe browser.
    curadh and Orphan like this.
  6. Saul3

    Saul3 Fapstronaut

    I want to do more praying, like you definitely.
    I'm Saul
    curadh likes this.
  7. YellowDog

    YellowDog Fapstronaut

    It will help to stop thinking of yourself as a loser!
    curadh likes this.
  8. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    curadh likes this.
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Welcome, and be encouraged--there is hope. Addiction doesn't have to be your destiny.

    First, I hope you find some comfort in the fact that this isn't purely a moral issue. It's primarily an issue of brain chemistry. Your brain has gotten addicted to cheap, easy, potent surges of dopamine. No matter how hard you might try to "be good," your brain is going to kick and scream for that dopamine hit.

    Watch this video and you'll learn all about the brain chemistry behind porn addiction.

    Second--and I can't encourage this strongly enough--you need to install filters on your devices that block porn and hold you accountable. Covenant Eyes is amazing for that, but I'd say any filter is better than no filter at all. It won't solve the problem for you, but it can be a very important speed-bump that interrupts the "trigger-to-PMO" chain of events. Without a filter, you're like an alcoholic trying to get sober while sitting in a bar where every drink is free. You can imagine how well that would go.

    Third, start looking at positive behaviors you can use to push back on the triggers that have brought you to porn in the past. You've already mentioned a few of them--

    So maybe instead of getting in front of the computer at night, you come up with a bedtime routine that involves zero screen time. You sleep with your phone across the room, and not right next to you on the nightstand.

    Fourth, start to develop just ONE healthy habit you can do every day. It can be exercise, meditation, prayer, reading recovery literature, reading self-development books, cooking yourself something nutritious--whatever seems most fitting to you, start doing it, and schedule it for the same time every day. And, come hell or high water, make sure you do it. You'll be doing something good for yourself, and that helps build your self-confidence. And when you're feeling good about yourself, you won't want to resort to pathetic PMO.

    Fifth, keep sharing your story and your progress here. This addiction thrives in isolation, so keep us updated on how you're doing. This will be a difficult battle, friend, but it's absolutely worth it, and you can do it.
    rooftops likes this.