Why live if God doesn't exist?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. uhm you're calling me negative when you just said repeatedly that the world is fucked up? That seems off, my friend.
  2. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Ahahahah, this one was funny.

    "The first is real, the second is not" lmao.

    Thanks for the laugh.
  3. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Saying that the world is fucked up is not being negative, it's just being real and describing the world. What's wrong with that?
  4. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Hey by any chance you begin your comedy routine yet, my friend? I know we talked about it like a month ago.

    I usually say to people that they'd starve, but I think you could make it.

    This whole rationality, common sense, logic routine without elaboration you do. Could really find success, like acting like someone who thinks they know something but they don't. You know what I mean, buddy?
    SickSicko and Billybrasco like this.

  5. If there wasn’t Love the world it would be nothing or worth living for. Love is a force gifted from god so that we could live. The universe gave out a loving frequency to its creation.

    I’m not atheist because I’ve had experiences. People have their own views and that’s fine I respect that, a buddy of mine from high school was an pure atheist . But explain seeing apparitions, one giant black mass darker then the darkness itself. How does this occur? It’s no light anomaly or prank in my eyes.
  6. Yes but killing oneself to avoid the unnecessary burden of life is also real. It completely circumvents your (very real) observation that "the world is fucked up". Why even bother being positive when you could simply be dead?

    Look, you all might not like what I'm saying. I don't like it much, either. But that doesn't make it any less real.
  7. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Are you saying that people with bad morals cannot be rational?
  8. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Those people who conducted the Milgram experiments were pretty rational, but they were not good doods.
  9. I'm starting to think you're just a troll. You are arguing that anything other than immediate suicide is irrational, there's just no way that you're serious.
  10. because you're apparently not ready to accept that rationality alone fails you. That's all.
  11. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    I already elaborated everything to you in our previous conversation a month ago. The problem is that you didn't understand anything of what I said, I see.
  12. I have never claimed to be purely rational, I don't think anybody is. I agree that rationality by itself is not enough, people need something more. That's where philosophy comes in.
  13. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Id hate to stray this topic off topic, but you just continually said “because it is”
  14. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    The things you are saying are symptoms of an unwell being in your mind, dude. That is straight up being negative about life. How can you truly think the things you are saying? Beware, that's an indicator of a mental instability. You simply can not be thinking those things. Of course, you need to keep going and live, death is for weaks and it's wrong to die, it ends your life, you won't solve anything like that.
  15. He doesn't actually think these things, not for himself at least. He seems to think that this is the ultimate logical mindset for an atheist. I actually am mentally unstable and I won't even deny it, yet I strongly disagree with the point of view that he is expressing.
  16. Hmmm you're starting to sound a lot like a Christian, actually.
  17. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    I already explained multiple times what is common sense in that conversation. The "because it is" was said later to enlight that it is what it is.

    But I'll explain again with some add ons I did not say before.

    Common sense doesn't necessarly correlates with rationality, because a certain population may have a sense that is common with everyone within that population. But that does not mean that sense is the same for another population, it just means it is common within that population.

    Now, when generally talking about common sense, we usually correlate it with good sense. Common sense is an instict in choosing the right judgement. Common sense in my view is also rationally thinking in a certain situation.

    Good sense or as I view it, common sense, is thinking about how to resolve a certain problem with the right and logical solution.

    Rationality is the quality of having reasoning in you or the ability to think within a reasoning and logical outcome towards a certain problem or subject.

    Intelligence is the ability to comprehend various subjects or understanding a certain problem while being able to solve it with constructional ideas
  18. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Nah, I'm just using my brain. Christians usually or always spill nonsense when preaching.
  19. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Well, if they have bad morals, they certainly are not rational, because they have bad morals in the first place.
  20. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    What? Black masses darker than the darkness itself in your eyes? I have those apparitions as well. Black masses darker than darkness creating themselves in my eyes when they are closed. I also see lightnings and perceive sensations of rain and wind on my body. What the heck is all of this?