Where have you guys been all my life..

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by objective_x, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. objective_x

    objective_x Fapstronaut


    3 days ago i had started to masturbate after breakfast and slowly started to search for terms on google.. you know the usual.. and i thought to myself i'd try searching instead for quit masturbation and i found this nofap comunity..
    seriously.. where have you guys been all my life.. i mean i can't say how many times i tried to quit.. and just because i'm trying on my own alone makes all effort reward-less (or as it seemed) and nobody to tell you to keep going.. feels too lonely.. nobody cares if you stop.. nobody cares if go back
    i've been addicted for probably 22 years or maybe more .. i mean years before i knew that nice feeling at the end is called orgasm/ejac.. and one day a white liquid is gonna come out.. and that feeling is supposed to come from sex not a discovery you make from playing with the tip of your penis..
    i honestly learned how to masturbate to fantasies long before knowing what a vagina looked like.. i remember how i used to hide to do it.. and the ruin that brought on my life and all the unhappiness and the disorders..
    anyway i spent the first and second day just reading through those long pages on this website and the explanations - they just fit into my life and my conditions..
    i kept trying for years and years to quit.. and everytime i keep going back.. the longest i went was 5 weeks and that was 2 years ago..
    almost every other attempt goes between 3 days and a week..
    tbh i don really know if this nofap comunity can help but i've lost hope that i can do this by myself.. i've accepted the fact that i need external help.. so please.. help
    kaylee time and Buzz Lightyear like this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut


    A lot of us have found help and hope here. You can too.
    objective_x likes this.
  3. objective_x

    objective_x Fapstronaut

    Yes I have indeed. Just thinking that there's somebody out there you're doing something for gives a lot of strength to push forward.. It's amazing..