What's your worst experience with porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by vulture175, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. VK2019

    VK2019 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the writing your opinion.
    I agree that they existed long before porn, it's just my opinion.

    I love research in general, you made me realize that I don't have all sides of the "story" if you will. Will sure check it out as I'm a curious person, but I still hold my opinion on porn. It's very common among serial killers. Again, it's not only P that makes them it's also extremely traumatic events and a very, very bad childhood.
    vulture175 and need4realchg like this.
  2. This and worse. My explorations on deep web gore sites didn't end well. I lost faith in humanity basically.
    vulture175 likes this.
  3. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    Oh where to start? Well let's begin by saying i have been an addict for 13 years before i decided to seek help about it last year with a therapist. Before that i've had plenty of bad episodes, so telling which the worst one of all is could be a bit difficult. However i will mention two things which happened to me last year regarding PMO which made me realize i seriously needed help before my life sunk to the abyss.

    1) At the start of the year i had acquired the habit of turning on my computer first thing in the morning so i could either go on social media or like i usually did search for the PMO material i made use of. Back then i had recently acquired the responsibility of opening my workplace and as you can already tell, doing that in the morning consumed time, i said to myself it'd only be five minutes but that turned into more and as a result i begun to arrive to work late so this landed me into a lot of trouble with my boss and was called out nastily for it.

    2) I watched what you could call a regular video for PMO purposes in one of the most known sites for that on the internet one day and i won't go into detail into what happened there as to avoid potential triggerings, but all i am going to say it was homemade and there came a point in which the girl was clearly not enjoying it anymore and in fact clearly in a lot of pain, yes...... i PMO'd to that. It was here i realized i felt geniunely disgusted, that i was beggining to realize how much i was starting to lose my humanity finding excitement and joy in the suffering of others. I came to understand how far i had gone as an addict, and that if left unchecked this could escalate to gradually messier stuff so i had to do something about it.

    It was these two things which led me to seek help and i've been seeing a therapist since last year. I've been fighting really hard, and at times like these days it doesn't get any easier. Oh and also i forgot to mention i've been into the whole waifu culture thing, in fact that is where most of my PMO consumption went to instead of regular porn which i only used from time to time.

    Anyway that would be it.
    Ogikubo and Homelander like this.
  4. Homelander

    Homelander Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you also suffered enough from this terrible porn addiction.

    Can I ask you how the therapy sessions are helping you and what unique thing you get from this person in order for you to stay fully commited to the no pmo streak?

    I'm still concidering seeking proffesional help but since I started this no pmo streak and had so much help from you guys. I feel no therapist can truelly help me. Unless the therapist also suffered from porn addiction otherwise he doesnt has a fucking clue what he is dealing with.

    I have had zero urges to watch porn again, but still have a hard time not to masturbate. I feel no libido at this moment and constant feel the need to test if my dick is still working.
    But compared to the past 28 porn years I'm doing very well.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
  5. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    I sure have, and it's been a long and tough journey.
    Well about the therapy sessions. I started with them in May last year, so it's been over a year and needless to say that i have indeed seen many improvements if we compare how things were when i first began the process. The therapist i'm seeing is a really good one, who for starters does not judge me and has helped a lot during this process. The thing to note here is i originally went for help because of my PMO addiction, but as time went on we covered deeper, darker and messier issues with my own person. Facing these issues terrified me at first, because they involved polarized thinking, depression, anxiety, panic/anxiety attacks and so on, but i knew i had to do my part because these things were heavily linked with my addiction, not to mention they were also linked to health problems (intestine ulcers, gastritis, reflux which had caused some damage, etc. all at the same time). However scary as this may have been, was highly benefitial, because i was prompted to face these problems head on instead of using porn as a means of escape from my reality. This has helped me both with my addiction and in being a better human.

    The good thing about the therapist i'm seeing is she has a vast understanding about addictions, trust me this can be a real game changer. I had to do an extensive research on who to see, and i'm truly glad i made this choice.

    A lot has improved, for example one of the things which had pushed me to my previous lifestyle was i was desperate for a significant other, and even went deep into the waifu culture thing. As of now while i don't hate the idea i do not view it as necessary in my life or a big deal like i used to, a great amount of emotional independence was reached. However the process is far from finished, as urges come at times and there are still issues to tackle but that would be another story. It's been 13 years of addiction, and the damages and effects will not disappear overnight, much has been achieved in a bit more than a year but there are still a lot of things to do. Qualified therapists help a lot but you must do your part in this fight, and most especially be patient and forgiving with yourself. Mistakes are to be learned from and move forward, not dwell on them. Also don't expect changes overnight, worthwhile things in life take time and effort.
    Homelander and need4realchg like this.
  6. Thanks for sharing your stories. Best wishes to all!
    vulture175 and need4realchg like this.
  7. For me, it was this past year or two. I discovered the hookup community, and just how much amateur and homemade porn there was of real people having real FWBs and threesomes. It made feel inadequate and jealous. It still does, really. It resulted in a severe depression for me. At one point I was so depressed I couldn't move. Worst part was, this was happening during law school finals. I almost failed. Probably should have and would have if it wasn't for grading curves.

    So, I decided to get back into NoFap for these finals and the Bar Exam. I can't risk porn doing that to me again.
  8. @47Vision hang in here bro. I enjoyed reading your story. It is so great you can share it. Hey— I am curious too- what was it like for your mind and reset living in the country? Did you embrace it or struggle the same when you changed your scenery and surroundings ?
  9. @need4realchg hey, thank you. I grew up on 40 acres so the woods is home to me haha, so it was swell to be out of the city and all, that forested solitude always provides a wealth of internal spaciousness too which would have been a prime thing for me if I wasn't working through my first full-on mental breakdown lol. So it wasn't the best timing, but yeesus, if you're looking for a mirror for your soul, I def recommend moving to the country for a spell!
  10. Wow. I have 40 acres in Baja and honestly I have been thinking about doing this for a while. Can I ask how did you mind the access or lack of access to Internet ?
  11. Saurav04

    Saurav04 Fapstronaut

    Yeah it used to happen like this, I can feel that
  12. EmanuelLimas

    EmanuelLimas Fapstronaut

    I can see myself in a lot of your experiences and it reminded me of how awful my addiction was. I've been PMO-free for two years and even now my mind still tricks me into believing that acting out is a good idea. It isn't.

    My worst experience was sexting a stranger at work and setting up a meeting during lunch to have sex. The guy followed me into the bathroom and tried to grab me and I got scared since I'd never done anything like that before and I realized that I did not want to cross that line. I told him to stop and he refused to let me leave. I was terrified and pushed him out of the way. Once I got out all I wanted to do was go home and cry, but I was in public and I had to get back to work. I spent the rest of the day wanting nothing more than to die, because I didn't know how to handle almost being assaulted, or the self hatred I felt for causing the situation, all while pretending to be ok on the outside.

    Hopefully someone else can read this and know they aren't alone.
    Deleted Account and need4realchg like this.
  13. @need4realchg ohhh man I'm so damn jealous, that sounds heavenly. Well for me, I can't control myself with the damn internet, I don't even want to think about all the life I've wasted on pornhub and youtube and netflix... So removing it for a while was incredibly painful, but it was really really good for me, as I finally began to catch up with myself in a way... And after spending a few weeks basically just working and sleeping, I started doing stuff again but it was like things I actually wanted to be doing, like reading and writing and walking and playing the guitar, so yeah... Besides this site, a few podcasters and the occasional meaningful email... Fuck the internet! Lol
    need4realchg likes this.
  14. SPW69002

    SPW69002 Fapstronaut

    My worst experience - turned out to actually be a good one, because it changed my life. My porn addiction, which had really ramped up over the last year, led me to cross some line to where I was living deeper and deeper into some crazy delusional fantasy world. I was consciously aware of the dangers and realities that lurked, but compulsively plowed ahead into more and more porn, then to sex-fueled IM sessions with strangers on Instagram, and then to hiring escorts on a couple of occasions (where I was ironically unable to function due to PIED) - hiding all of this from my loving wife, and getting deeper and deeper into shame and self-loathing - but unable to stop.

    My world came crashing down just 5 weeks ago when a woman I had been sexting with decided I wasn't paying enough attention to her, and forwarded all of the embarrassing texts and videos to my 19 year-old daughter and my wife. Needless to say, the shit hit the fan in a major way.

    I nearly lost my wife, and it's still not a 100% lock that we'll make it, but I believe in my heart that we will. My daughter still will not speak to me. I was shocked back into reality with a massive force. I immediately started therapy, and am learning to turn my life around. I joined this forum, which has been a major help. I no longer identify with the porn addiction, and know without a doubt that I will never watch porn again. I am awakening a new, better person within me, finding the kindness, working through the social anxiety I've always had, and striving toward a life of honesty, integrity and authenticity. It's a process.

    Ultimately - getting caught was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was brutally painful, but ultimately I am so glad it happened...
    Eternal_14, Chemical, marr708 and 4 others like this.
  15. Dude. That is scary how close I was to all that happening to me, too. Porn lead me to sexting, too. And like you, I'm married, too. It really messed me up (as I detailed above).
  16. That is a hell of a story. I have never been involved in sexting, but it really sounds like playing with fire. I mean, it takes two to tango, but what psycho she was. But as you say, it turned your life around. Sometimes the worst turns out to become the best. Onward with your recovery.
  17. My worst incident was years ago. It scared the shit out of me and made me ponder suicide, briefly. But it was in the days before nofap, and I was such a bonehead I didn't realize it was a wake up call to quit.
    I am a high school teacher. In the early 2000s, when we still used floppy disks, a kid asked if I had an extra one. I gave one to him. A few minutes later, he seemed upset and asked if he could leave. After school, I got a call from his dad. Did I know, he asked, that there were porn pics on that disk? I played the shocked teacher and had a good alibi and said I was sure I knew who the culprits were and boy oh boy I'd be having a word with them. Of course, we all know who put the pictures on the disk. They weren't even that dirty, just kind of suggestive, but I felt like if it were pursued I would lose my job. My wife, who already had a hunch I wasn't reading National Geographic while on the internet, didn't say anything when I told her my polished version of the story. I am sure she suspected I was lying. I remember driving down the highway, thinking, my life is over, I should just undo my seatbelt and send the car off a bridge. I prayed like crazy too. Well, you would have thought I had learned. I didn't. It took me until 2019 to finally look in the mirror and get myself to wake up. I have lost years and years to this piece of shit addiction. Guys, work your asses off to quit PMOing. It will eat your soul. I was given the chance to learn my lesson years ago, but I blew it, look at me now. Quit now!
  18. Thank you for your story. You are very insightful and brave. I just want to add that I was seeing a therapist for years and I never, ever got around to talking about my PMO addiction until early 2019. It was very difficult, but I had to do it. It's not like she was surprised. I am lucky as my psychologist is very intelligent, professional, and of course does not judge or tell me what to do. When we open up about porn, it quickly goes beyond porn, and suddenly you discussing things and people you'd never given much thought to before. At least that is how is has been for me. Will power alone would never have worked for me and I wish more guys would take the step.
  19. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    I started seeing a therapist who specializes in sex addiction almost two years ago. It has been life changing. I strongly recommend this for anyone struggling with this addiction.
    LEPAGE and Ogikubo like this.
  20. Holy cow okay, So when I was still living at home we were fairly poor and at the time I went through a stage where I was looking at gay porn. In my late teens early 20s and we had a family computer, only one that everybody used. Well this was when the internet was new and I didn't know what a virus was on computer or the like, and (The computer was in the living room) and we had a get together, people over and somebody just had to use the computer.

    And that's when all f*cking hell broke lose. Pop up after pop up of GAY porn pages, ads hell I DONT KNOW lol kept flooding the screen in front of about 10 people.

    I wanted to DIE. LOL
    +TenPercent, Ogikubo and marr708 like this.