What is the best time to think about NoFap and the addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ThePerspicacious, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. ThePerspicacious

    ThePerspicacious Fapstronaut

    I want to make a daily schedule, and I am planning to dedicate an hour, or two hours daily to work on my addiction, depending on how busy my day is(I might evenm reduce it to 30 minutes a day if I am having a busy day full of tasks, and I might make it even 3 hours a day if I have an empty schedule, and I feel like doing so), either by reading threads, or posting on NoFap forum, or attending 12 steps meetings, or reading books about the addiction or reflecting about the day or whatever, you get my point. I need your suggestions, what's the best time in the day to do this, is it in the morning, should I wake up early and dedicate an hour for this before starting my day, even though i don't think that waking up and starting thinking about the addiction is the best way to start your day, or should I make it in the middle of the day, or at night, before sleeping, but before sleeping I be lazy and tired, might not give it 100% of the effort it deserves, I am not making excuses, but each time has its pros and cons, what do you personally do, what worked for you.
    Zeso and The Pennsylvanian like this.
  2. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I would say the time of day is far less important than doing the practices consistently. If you have the flexibility in your schedule to say, "okay, at XX:XXpm, I'm going to do 30 minutes of recovery work, come hell or high water"--and if you stick to that--then you'll be doing two things at the same time: 1) you'll be educating yourself about your addiction and recovery, and 2) you'll be building self-discipline by doing something innately good for yourself, which increases your self-esteem and makes you more resilient against relapses.

    I wouldn't overthink it. Just make a firm decision to study/work at a specific time, for a specific duration, and then follow through on it.

    (I would suggest against browsing the NoFap forums right before bed, since using the internet late at night might easily drift into a PMO binge--but only you know your triggers).
  3. ThePerspicacious

    ThePerspicacious Fapstronaut

    thank you so much, that is more than useful