the things that I can't avoid, That make me feel anxiety.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by crackwall 021101, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. crackwall 021101

    crackwall 021101 New Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I want to stop time and try to understand myself. Why am I like this? why I can't be normal? Why is everything here so difficult to confront?
    I have been lost in the depths of my mind and have focused my attention on what a loser I am. Two days ago, I visited my uncle and grandmother. At first, I enjoyed my time with them. However, my uncle is currently in a critical condition. I am currently unemployed, studying full-time at university, which consumes all my time. During vacations, I try to take on different jobs, regardless of whether they are related to my career. I have taken on various jobs because I need money to buy the tools required for my studies.
    By the way, after a quick visit to the drugstore, my cousin picked us up. I feel inferior to him because he currently has a job, a car, and is now practicing to get his motorcycle license (He is younger than me, I'm 24 and he's 21). I don't harbor resentment towards him, but unconsciously, I want to be like he is. I find myself grappling with these thoughts almost on a daily basis:

    • You're dumb.
    • I am very slow to make decisions.
    • You're an idiot; you're a coward because you aren't brave, you don't face your fears.
    • Everything here is so fast and overwhelming.
    • I don't want to grow anymore."
    Those were some of the different thoughts I've had. I have turned to psychologists, and I do not feel any different; I always feel scared. I am not able to speak 'normally' with people; I continue being shy, as I have been since my childhood. I engaged with porn; maybe that was the pleasurable solution that I could find to calm my anxiety and my low self-esteem.

    thank you for read this, I appreciated that, see ya bros.
    Don80 and Adie1983 like this.
  2. Adie1983

    Adie1983 Fapstronaut

    Hope this doesn't sound Kilshay. But it's a day at a time man. If you can not manage this. It's 5 minutes at a time. Or a moment....Using porn for emotional regulation. Is a dead end bud. I think you know this. Is Thier any hobbies that you could replace the porn with? When you start replacing negative habits, with good ones. Your Serotonin and Dopamine levels will begin to balance out. Then your anxiety will calm down. In terms of comparing yourself to others. I recommended reading Marcus Aurelius's Meditations. Thier is a really go translation of it by Donald Robinson. It's free and comes as a PDF download. If you Google search it. Also to get your journey started. I would recommend trying self CBT. Its cheaper than CBT. Thier are loads of questions, you could ask yourself. If you type into google CBT questions. My recommendations would be, when you get an anxious thought: Is this thought actually true or is it an emotional view I'm having of the thought? Then, whatever your answer is: Is this thought within my power to do something about it? In a positive light? Hope this maybe a good springboard for you. To start your journey. But please do some more research. As this is only a start. If you like any more suggestions. Just ask bud. I wish you luck on your journey.. I'm on day three. Onwards and upwards dude .
    Don80 likes this.
  3. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    Same here.
    What you can do is Accepting. In my case it helped me. Im almost same as you do and afterall my life at this time I'm getting it rightly that Not Accepting something that should be accepted is my fault. So I'm Accepting, yes this is a fault, a drawback, a problem, a challenge and wrong understanding about something that I must change so it is there. But thankful I'm successfully "Accepting" it. Unlike my past whole life where I used to just fight with the facts in a way I think i can win. Ahh...
    You can!
    I too...
    I'm weak...yes I'm and I accept it...That's life from now on I'll change my perception. That's it.
  4. warrior59

    warrior59 Fapstronaut

    I'm a 28 years old and i can somewhat relate to you. Try to see life in a different way, learn to accept what you are going through and know that it is not permanent. It won't always be tough, you will also have times when you feel confident strong. Try to get out of you comfort zone slowly one step at a time. Spend time with trusted friends, call them, talk to them, some of them will help you and DON'T compare yourself with others. I personally think comparison is one of the best ways to make yourself miserable. Do you own thing, learn to love yourself more. Try out new things and try to have fun whatever you are doing. Try to go after what you want in life, if you want something, set goals and do them at your own pace. As long as you keep trying there is always a way.