Sun/Moon Connection On Semen Retention

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  1. Maras

    Maras Fapstronaut

    It is common knowledge that the celestial bodies have a direct impact on our planet and, consequently, on our lives. Several ancient civilizations knew this fact very well. The Romans, for example, elevated the planets to the level of deities. In particular, heliolatry (sun worship) and solar deities can be found throughout history in various forms. Egyptians, incas and aztecs placed special emphasis on solar cults.

    I always hid from the sun, nourishing fear and anger towards it, being totally uncomfortable during daylight. A completely nocturnal being.

    "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." - John 3:20-21

    Some months ago, I read a book called Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima; to quote it:

    "Little by little, I began to feel uncertain about the night in which I had placed such trust during the war, and to suspect that I might have belonged with the sun worshipers all along. It may well have been so. And if it was indeed so—I began to wonder—might not my persistent hostility towards the sun, and the continued importance I attached to my own small private night, be no more than a desire to follow the herd? The men who indulged in nocturnal thought, it seemed to me, had without exception dry, lusterless skins and sagging stomachs. They sought to wrap up a whole epoch in a capacious night of ideas, and rejected in all its forms the sun that I had seen. They rejected both life and death as I had seen them, for in both of these the sun had had a hand. It was in 1952, on the deck of the ship on which I made my first journey abroad, that I exchanged a reconciliatory handshake with the sun. From that day on, I have found myself unable to part company with it. The sun became associated with the main highway of my life. And little by little, it tanned my skin brown, branding me as a member of the other race."

    Back at that time, I couldn't understand the meaning of those words; the colossal depth of this beautiful relationship between man and the physical manifestation of life itself...

    After my last semen retention streak (longest one until this day), I started actively exposing myself to sunlight and it was legit changing my life ! Just felt an inexplicable attraction between my individual and that star, almost as if I was in love with it. Perhaps there's a correlation between retaining your semen and the sun. Our seed is an obvious male attribute and the sun has always been depicted as having a masculine polarity, being synonym of masculinity and virility.

    Passing the mark of one month, I was sitting at night on my balcony, casually gazing into the sky, and felt a feminine energy emanating from the moon as I looked at her.

    Then, I relapsed after 40 days... My night habits came back... The connection with the sun/moon is now entirely gone... Like I was now ashamed to show myself in front of them... I've been addicted to porn for about seven years now, I strongly think the damage done to my brain during puberty will never go away and it completely breaks my motivation in trying to beat this monster.

    Anyway... Have any of you experienced something equal or similar ? Being more linked with nature, etc.
    jcl1990 and Ignis Divinis like this.
  2. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    Brother your words are real, and as I keep reading your word more conviced I am, my best streak of nofap was a year ago I think it was a good age with more than 2 months of nofap, I was exposed more than 4 times in the week to the sun, I would go to the park and play basketball, run, push ups, that was my best streak as soon as I came back to my normal life and I stopped to go there and take the sun my relapses come again, in the night only thoughts about P come, dreams wish I like to have and don't action, one day 6 months ago was a meteor shower as loong I stared and look the meteors, the moon the more I thought about sad thoughts, the more, I was sad about things, so it's as you say we need to expose I think that's a needed thing to overcome this addiction for sure
    Maras likes this.
  3. Of course the sun is good, regardless of any religiosity involved. But so is the night sky and the moon, here and there I like to go out by myself and stare at the night sky and I have not had any negative effect out of it, in the contrary, exposure to nature (be it day or night) is generaly a good thing. The moon is considered masculine under Norse mythology and the sun is considered feminine, so it is really a matter of perspective. Because in reality one is made of gas and the other of cheese, like we all know, they are not really feminine or masculine.
    Ignis Divinis and Maras like this.
  4. It is true we turn into ghouls of all sorts, vampire, zombie, werewolf, all manner of undead creatures lurking casting demonic thoughts by moonlight, low vibrations can't last in the sun, irritability and social problems arise when we are in the light and around other well developed vibrations, we are seen in true form all pale and slack in ability and appearance.

    Sad really, how many good men and women are relegated to the dark, pain inflicted on them when they see themselves in the light, they don't like what they see and then crumple back into shadows. It is all symbolic of a psychological state, all books depicting internal lack or abundance.

    It's in the dark where we can hide our problems from our own eyes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2022
    Ignis Divinis and Maras like this.
  5. Ignis Divinis

    Ignis Divinis Fapstronaut

    yeah it's as @Sir Übermensch III said the Moon in some countries it's masculine as in Germany but I consider as @Whispers that we can't relagate to only one, we need to have both celestial bodies in our lives, we need to expose to both of them to have an equilibrium in our lives, the sun it's good to the skin, the moon to the sleep, the sun to the vitamin D, so we need both, and the sun helps to the emotional state
    Sir Übermensch III and Whispers like this.