Still addicted

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by cutegurl, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. cutegurl

    cutegurl Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone cutegurl here ! I have not been watching any I p lately! Last two or three weeks I haven't. I would like to stop but been addicted for years and years. I only get the urge every now and then to watch videos so I am not even sure if its a addiction! I don't mean any disrespect here but I am feeling a little frisky and want to watch some vids right now! I want to know if anyone here is feeling the same right now! Thanks❤
    Sonata and +TenPercent like this.
  2. Hi @cutegurl

    I wouldn't say that I feel "frisky" at the moment, but it comes and goes definitely. But since I've been porn free for 130 days and haven't masturbated for 19 days now, I have feelt a slight calmness in those feelings because I have stayed away from porn and masturbation. My brain will slowly begin to reboot itself from my bad habits and long as I don't relapse, I actually think my brain will be rebooted when I reach day 90 if I manage to make it!

    Sorry to hear that you have been trapped and stuck into the porngraphic world. Unfortunately it's very common to do it these days, so you aren't alone.

    Since you and I are in the same age, haven't you considered those "urges" to be your brains/bodies way to tell you "it's pregnant time"? I don't think all my "urges" is only because of my porn and masturbation addiction. It can also be that my body is ready to "reproduce" with someone, and that my normal "sex drive" could also be responsible for those feelings. But that's only my way to see it, you might see it differently.

    I'm not saying that if you went and got pregnant, those "urges" would all of a sudden disappear, no. I was only thinking from a logistic perspective. We have those "sex drives" for a reason, but I'm sure you already are aware of that.
    cutegurl likes this.
  3. Mickay

    Mickay Fapstronaut

    I think everyone's a little different tbh, I've definitely experienced a chase affect. But abstaining from videos and filling that time in productively has helped basically channeling that urge or energy into something positive and beneficial also. Exercise for me perosnaly has been a great help. That friskiness you're talking about is pretty normal and natural. I'm not sure what you're situation is like or you're exposure/addiction if any tbh but maybe try pursuing a real partner or casual dating and nurturing that in a healthy safe positive environment without porn and you're onto something there I think.
    cutegurl likes this.
  4. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    All the addictions (being drugs, smoke, alcohol or others) can be removed replacing them with other jobs. If you keep your brain "free" to think, you'll always fall down again to your addiction. You need to fill the void, if you let your brain think to something more healty (a job or a hobby) and you can build a "routine" on it, you will not get the urges anymore and you'll break the chain of that addiction.
    cutegurl likes this.
  5. cutegurl

    cutegurl Fapstronaut

    Hello. Thank you so much for response! Wowww that is such an i nteresting observation about having baby! I have been wanting a baby actually. I am in a relationship now! Maybe lol
    +TenPercent and Operation Change like this.
  6. Happy to help!

    You see, maybe those urges of yours is your bodys response to cooperate with you to make your baby wish come true. But when it happens, it should not be your bodies decision, it shall be you and your partners. A baby is a big thing to bring to this world and it takes both responsibility and money to be able to get a good and healthy life.

    Hopefully one day your wish for a baby will come true, I wish you luck when that day comes!