start from today

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by reverse, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. reverse

    reverse New Fapstronaut

    I will stop this addiction. I have been addicted to porn and masturbation for a long time. It has changed my life badly. I tried a lot to stop this addiction, but I relapsed, and the reasons for the relapse were because I was not serious, and the reason for my not being serious lies either because of fear, anxiety, or pressure, because of my addiction in the previous years, I did not learn how to deal with all kinds of pressure because of addiction.

    First, I will learn how to deal with stress above all else. like

    - Relaxed breathing
    - Meditation
    - Exercise daily
    - Spend a lot of time with friends

    secondly, Doing my work and getting it done and not procrastinating.

    I only go back to the bedroom when I need to sleep.

    Every day I will write updates.
    I'm sorry if my English is bad.
    Thanks and l hope you have a good day.
  2. reverse

    reverse New Fapstronaut

    After seven days, I have only relapsed three times, which is a good start. I will continue .

    I started exercising for 25 minutes just to keep myself going. and I reduced the time I use the Internet, and if I want the Internet, I use my computer, not my mobile. I started spending time outside the house with a few friends. I will try to increase my exercise time over the next seven days.

  3. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut


    Every relapse is a significant set back. This isn't Mario, we don't have unlimited lives.

    Wishing you good long-term recovery
    Yin&Yang-Yūki likes this.
  4. reverse

    reverse New Fapstronaut

    After 15 days I relapsed 5 times. And for 10 days I did not relapse.

    I started making great friends and getting out of my house a lot, which is great.
    I spend more time in the gym.

    I will continue like this for a period of a month, after which I will try to reduce the number of relapses and not hurt myself if I relapse, because there is no life without failure.

    waynebruce and MindfulWarrior like this.
  5. reverse

    reverse New Fapstronaut


    I'm not looking for perfection, this is your own concept not me << For me, I do what I want, where I want>>Don't waste your time searching for a perfect life.
    netizen and MindfulWarrior like this.
  6. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    Look up "kindle effect"

    I am not looking for perfection. I am looking to stay abstinent.

    Most people do not recover from this awful addiction. Repeated relapses lead to longer recovery periods. Eventually and with enough relapses there is a very good chance that you will never recover.

    Good luck
  7. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    This is about 3 weeks old. How has your journey been so far?
  8. This is my philosophy too. I think progress is more important than perfection, but I see many people here that are looking for perfection and when some of them fail, they give up for some reason.
  9. Олександр

    Олександр Fapstronaut

    Спасибо тебе)
  10. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Ultimately we are free because we dont play the Fools game anymore. Trust me with time things clearing up me vs 3 months ago and i understand the flatline better and im mentally stronger. Not where i want to be yet but not where i started.

    Im still flatlining but now i understand it better then 3 months ago and also im mentally stronger if that makes sense.
    Be Inspired likes this.
  11. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    This is where you activate the amygdala, instead saying exercise daily, say which small step can i perform per day to improve my mental strength. Also i suggest you to learn about rebooting articles because when i did not the train hit too hard.