Sign this petition to shut down Pornhub is you still have not

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Boxerito, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

  2. iamfree777

    iamfree777 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for this
    FX-05 likes this.
  3. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    I think in this case we have to be overly careful.

    All poodles are dogs but, not all dogs are poodles.

    Some porn contains actors who are trafficked but, not some porn is done by adults able to make their own decisions.

    I don't view that site, I don't view other sites and I think the way to shut them down is to not watch them.
    restart314 likes this.
  4. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    WARNING ----

    OK, yeah. When I saw the name "Exodus Cry" my BS detector went up.

    That is the same name some of the "Pray the Gay Away" so-called Christian reparative camps used to "cure" gay men and make them straight. Tens of thousands of people were hurt at those camps.

    This guy, Benjamin Nolo, that runs "Exodus Cry" is a right-wing nut-wing job. I wouldn't sign a receipt for gas he handed me if he worked at a Shell station.

    Christian Filmmaker Under Fire for ... - Charisma News

    Benjamin Nolo has a hidden agenda. He is not anti-sex trafficking. He is a moralistic snot wad that should crawl back into whatever hole he crawled out of.

    chronicbator likes this.
  5. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Look @DrabToLight . I am more atheist than Richard Dawkins. If you want to compete with me to see who is more atheist, I bet I win you. For instance, yesterday, I was reading a Nietzsche's book, the twilight of idols, which demolishes the christian faith...

    ...and despite of that, look at this, what you did is a fallacy as an argument. I can support an organization that wants to shut down p*hub, in spite of my beliefs (or better said, lack of them). You cannot conclude if I share a petition suported by them, that means I am making an apology of christianity. This is simply nonsensical as an argument.

    An example. You and I may vote to the same political candidate, that does not mean my reasons were the same as you. You might have voted to a candidate because, let's say, you are gay and this candidate wants to give more rights to them. I can vote to the same candidate, and it is a fallacy to think I am gay as well. Do you get it?

    I want to support this petition for itself, and I don't fucking care if it stems from religious or atheists. If I agree, I agree from my own convictions. My convictions are that the porn industry is profiting from screwing my generation (and this is scientifically based by YBOP), and if that puts me in the same line as other religious people, I just do not care at all, nor I want to discriminate anybody. They have their angle of approach, I have mine. The fact that we arrive to the same point does not imply. 1. our angles are identical, 2. I am supporting their angle (religiosity), 3. Just because a religious person gets to same point as you do, that makes you wrong. All these are fallacies and non sequitur.

    Is it clear?
  6. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I’m totally against Pornhub but I don’t believe signing a petition will do anything.
    WesternWolf and Timecop like this.
  7. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    If 1 million peopke had reasoned like this, it would have not reached that level.
    FX-05 likes this.
  8. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    @Boxerito ,

    Exodus Cry is a 501c non-profit organization closely tied with the hate group C-Fam and the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM), whose cofounder wrote a book on “sexual purity” which was basically a rehashing of the same hate speech Anita Bryant and all those who followed her continue to spew.

    I never said I was an atheist. I am a spiritual person, I am not a Pauline Christian, I belong to no organized faith. Yet, I can still find inspiration in the red letters of the bible and in fact find it strange how little most Pauline Christians know about their own faith's historical development.

    It has been said that religion is for those afraid of going to hell and spirituality is for those that have already been there.

    I oppose Benjamin Nolot because he is a fraud who is selling his lies to make himself rich. To anyone who has signed this petition, I ask only one thing. Please, tell us how many requests for donations you receive. I don't oppose him because he is a Pauline Christian.

    Lay down with dogs you will get up with fleas and I will not get near the nasty poisonous fleas infesting Benjamin Nolot.

    @Boxerito , I do agree with you that no two people will agree on everything and that deciding to support someone whose goals are the same as yours does make sense - even if you don't have the same goals for the same reason.

    Where we part in logic is not Pauline Christianity -vs- atheism. We part in logic because Benjamin Nolot couldn't care less about child trafficking nor about shutting down a porn site.

    Benjamin Nolo cares about putting lots of money in Benjamin Nolot's pocket and that is all. Any issue he can find that will outrage people enough for him to appoint himself CEO of an organization dedicated to clearing the world of such evil allows him to pay himself handsomely.

    I can vote for a politician who I think will agree with me even if for different reasons.

    However, there is no justification for supporting, even with a signature, a man who openly aligns himself with hate groups*.

    - D2L


    *Benjamin Nolot's Ties to Hate Groups at this Article
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    @Boxerito it's good to sign this petition. But the problem is that the whole mainstream medias are controlled by liberals. Recently there was a scandal against the new movement called MAP-Pride . MAP stands for 'minor-attracted person'; in other words it's the normalization of pedophilia. According to it's 'activists', if the rest of the LGBT have obtained their rights why shouldn't they given the same treatement ? aka being treated as an 'oppressed minority' that deserves to be 'liberated'.
    They have been posting in Youtube and Twitter for a while. But since liberals control everything, they weren't given any warning. The only parties that will benefits from the normalization of pedophilia are the prostitution and porn lobbies. As well as the makeup industry and social medias in a lesser level. The 'MAP' people might also benefit from legal immunity if they go and rape some child under the context of sex tourism in 3rd world countries. The main criteria in the west whether or not to give 'freedom' to anyone is if it benefits the economy. Otherwise, if the main concern behind any new freedom is the stability and happiness of the global population, the porn industry would have never flourished.
    so @Boxerito I understand what you feel in all of this. It's hard to watch your society collapse and no one willing to realize it. Because they are absorbed in a broad and unrealistic idea of freedom. But the truth is that as long as we live in a community, our acts have the potential to influence it. Whether on a small or big scale, positive or negative way. And if by chance, the concept of gender, empathetic and harmless sexual intercourse, the innocence of children, the stability of families are challenged, it's very normal to be at least uncomfortable and wary of those trying to push this agenda into you.
  10. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    It makes no sense to point out to any website. Mindgeek is the problem,....and even if you shut down Mindgeek you will still find thousands of other porn websites. Thats a fact. And what about websites like Chaturbate or any kind of webcam websites? This is a tough topic. You can only forbid underage sexual intimacy on this webiste and if this doesnt work you can give them several times penalty payments for their disregard acts until its finally get shut down.
  11. No, but you are making an apology of mob rule. You want to shut down a private business because of hurt feelings? Seriously?

    Threads like this are why people think NoFap is a radical website.
  12. Smormad

    Smormad Fapstronaut

    It would be good if we could do it in this way, but I don't think it is possible.
  13. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Who the heck said hurt feelings? Do not put words on my mouth I did not tell. Read again what I said.
  14. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    that guy had been justifying incest in another thread. So please do not take what he says to heart.
    Boxerito likes this.
  15. Олександр

    Олександр Fapstronaut

    Я посоветую тем кто откликниться спасибо)