Should i make a tinder account?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by seth, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    @seth good luck with it. lol.
  2. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    So I decided to throw my hat in the Tinder ring for shit's and giggles. Only a few matches, but that's mostly because I'm not in an overly large town. However...this morning I recognized one of the girls as one who is in one of my classes at school who I've talked to a couple of times, nothing major. We both swiped right and began chatting. After getting her to laugh a few times I asked her out which she is down to do, so we might be going out Thursday. I'm being very brief with her and left it at that, I'm trying to keep everything short and sweet to not appear needy. She's into cross fit and told me I'd like it and that it'd be cool if I joined her. I want to see if I can get her to chase me.

    I'm basically using this as practice for me to get comfortable and to learn what works and what doesn't and this is my first time using new techniques so I don't come across as someone who is needy or desperate. For me, I've been at my current streak long enough that something like Tinder isn't a p-sub because anytime I see overly sexual pictures I just laugh and move on. If you are still in the beginning it might be harder though and probably would be avoided to keep you from relapsing.

    On a side note, this chick doesn't look nearly the same as she does in person and they're all selfies, which is funny because she's short and a little chubby, lmao. She's still cute but it took me a minute to realize who it was haha.
  3. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    That sounds Awesome man, I hope your date goes well. I saw someone who I have talked to a few times and I was hoping she would swipe right too. But no such luck yet! I'm hoping she just doesn't check tinder. Otherwise, I'm just going to asj her for coffee next time I see her
    ruso likes this.