Nofap is the final stage of sexual absitance

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by supjerkoff, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. supjerkoff

    supjerkoff Fapstronaut

    Nofap whilst a humble cause.

    Quitting porn should be the starting point, none of this...shaming people because they break a streak, it happens. days are merely a measurement of 'time'

    blockers? work well, what works better is using your mind. able to look willingly at the devil at say, what bro. come at me.

    the most progress I had was during the hardest times, you need desperation or you need inspiration.

    causing men to feel shameful about their masturbatory habits is not why nofap exists, it's done more harm than good.

    Please don't force people to conform to your tastes because you read some book that said 'xyz'

    OH and btw.
    You should quit jerking off.

    I lost my relationship due to my porn use, she was the love of life.
    Do I miss her
    You bet

    Struggling? Think about all those women you could be sleeping with, those partners you'll never have.
    Yes it may not work for everyone but If I could turn back time to stop touching my cock, I would
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