Need Help, On the verge of a new addiction: School/Work

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SirQwerty, Jan 22, 2024.

  1. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    Lately I've been noticing that I get highs from accomplishments at work and in classes. So much so, I spend long hours to ensure I create my best work. That in and of itself might not sound bad, but couple that with thinking about work during breaks and not being able to rest/feel bad for doing nothing at times. It feels like I'm happiest when I'm pushing myself at times. I simultaneously feel satisfaction and pain (mental more so) when I push myself, as if the pain is just expanding my tolerance and abilities. I think "People have done this and more, so what I'm doing shouldn't be that hard, toughen up"

    The big thing that has me thinking this is recently one of my classes was cancelled for the day, and instead of naturally being relieved, my first reaction was to get upset.

    I feel something's wrong with me.. I need a life
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  2. Hey, I feel the same way. This "addiction" really could hurt and improve your life. Sure, you could work hard and produce the best results. However, other supporting fields which includes health, social life, entertainment will be sacrificed at some point. Just make sure don't push way past your limit because I have to tell you, PROTECT YOUR HEALTH PLEASE. Also, balance your life by making friends and spend some time in the weekends to wind down. It's not a sin to balance between work and leisure.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    The biggest litmus test for addiction is "does this behavior cause me serious negative consequences in my life?" It doesn't sound like you're really experiencing anything negative from your work ethic. If you start neglecting other responsibilities and relationships in your life, then it might be worth considering. But it's completely natural to feel a high from personal or professional accomplishment!
  4. SirQwerty

    SirQwerty Fapstronaut

    Thank you for responding! Those are good points. I think I use work/school as an escape from my loneliness, I don't really have anyone I can hang out with on the weekends. As much as I appreciate family (I'm part of a very small family), I think burnout is making me more irritable. I slowly see this becoming more of a problem, and lately I've just resolved to forfiet the balance because I feel like "I'm not missing anything, the world isn't the best place right now". Work has made me happy a bit more than it should have, and I need to find different ways to cope.

    Hey man, thanks for responding! I'm starting to see the negatives unfold, after some recent situations and some reflection, I've been failing in some of my tasks at home, leading to my mother nagging me more often (it's my fault though). I feel tired, but after having a break, I feel bad for thinking I'm tired. I really try to do what I can, and I enjoy working around the house (I do help a lot), but sometimes I fall short at home and get really embarrassed, and begin to feel like less of a man, more so a child due to how stupid my mistake was. I think I sometimes put so much effort in at work, school, and house projects, I begin to make stupid mistakes with small things, and it just so happens to add more to my mother's plate and stress her out at times.
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  5. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    My ex was a workaholic. One time she stayed in the office so late that she almost fell asleep while driving home. Another time she drank alcohol in the office just so could work longer. She would cancel dates because she said she had to work. My theory is she worked so hard that she could forget her problems. She was sexually abused by her stepfather and overworking meant she never had to address what happened to her.