Navigating Life's Challenges: My Journey and Reflections.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Homo sapien., Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    "Turning Overthinking into Action: Navigating the Path from Thought to Implementation in Study and Work."
    If we really wanna improve ourselves all we can do is the work out of comfort zone. Stress and pressure yourself only to pursue a piece of knowledge that is having goals been done by yourself. But we do a mistake when we stress and overthink about the fact that "either we would get successful or not" or "will it be possible or achieved or not". But this thing develops a doubt to one's (my) abilities and potentials.
    So do never overthink or stress about the fact rather work for the task your are supposed to meet.

    Actually these words are representing my life problems, I'm not that next level stuff just reflect on these things as such issues and stress gave me a tough time during my teen age.
    At job! Exam third exam tomorrow! You can!
  2. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    No doubt this video was the turning point of my life.
  3. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    -Sometimes when

    You are in dark place You think You have been buried, but actually

    You have been planted!"-
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
  4. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    You are not the main character in everyone's story.
    I think in no one's story but OK with the previous one.
    Disclaimer: I didn't say that...I heard a woman saying that, found it good.
    Abe YouTube pe...
    Kierann likes this.
  5. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    آقا کا گدا ہوں اے جہنم تو بھی سن لے
    وہ کیسے جلے جو کہ غلام مدنی ہو

    اے کاش ! میں بن جاؤں مدینے کا مسافر
    پھر روتی ہوئی طیبہ کو بارات چلی ہو

    پھر رحمت باری سے چلوں سوئے مدینہ
    اے کاش ! مقدر سے میسر وہ گھڑی بو

    جب آؤں مدینے میں تو ہو چاک گریبان
    آنکھوں سے برستی ہوئی اشکوں کی جھڑی ہو

    جب لے کے چلو گور غریباں کو جنازہ
    کچھ خاک مدینے کی میرے منہ پہ سجی ہو

    جس وقت نکیرین میری قبر میں آئیں
    اس وقت میرے لب پہ سجی نعت نبی ہو

    صدقہ میرے مرشد کا کرو دور بلائیں
    پورا میرا سرکار بر ارمان دلی بو
    Resurrection is inevitable!

  6. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    Haha, that’s really funny bro, because it’s true!
    ZenYogi likes this.
  7. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    May u live long Tawwab hope u r doing well.
    Aahh..yes, I think it is just difficult for me. Woman are need to reform themselves. Don't know what im saying.
    ZenYogi and tawwab1 like this.
  8. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

  9. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    Disclaimer: when he say dating interpret it as marriage. I do not consider dating good and allowed by God so I'm mentioning it. Besides that video is awesome. Emphasizes on the fact that we should invest energy gained through NoFap abruptly on any sort of habbit building so that will be fuel to carry on the ups and downs. And should not keep in mind the "No" phrase which implies abstinence should not be remembered that adamantly.
    I agree with these latter points and also mention that I thinked like that, it helps.
    دعاؤں میں یاد رکھیے گا اس بندہ ناچیز کو۔​
    tawwab1 likes this.
  10. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    ہم جیسا کہیں مل جائے تو کہنا! لوگ سمجھتے نہیں۔ ​
  11. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    Times of hardship, when endured patiently and calmly, become the most memorable and aesthetically nostalgic experiences of life. I've experienced one; not just saying. Ahh... but in my case, there was a sad aspect as well because though my mother survived, her friend over there couldn't. We happened to stay in a guest house during my mother's treatment in Ramadan 2021. I've experienced such moments when I met and greeted someone for the last time. Ahh... sad.This is Ramadan 2024. Taraweeh is awesome, Sehri is awesome, and Iftar is awesome as well. So, after all, I think most obviously, we are all about to have a time where if we stand patiently and hopefully, it will give us a lot more back. We'll learn from it, develop some hobbies, meet new people, and kind of, you know, stuff, and thus we'll have a slightly changed life than it was before. Patience and hope.It's Sehri of the 11th Roza of Ramadan. Time: 5:00 AM. Mode: Hopeful we will be... Feelings: Alone, fewer talks. Motto: I must reform myself. It is hope that keeps us going. That humanity has walked so far, even amidst all these challenges (not talking about that one, huh?). Over and out.
    FallingPetals and tawwab1 like this.
  12. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    Moon today is having shine of blessings seems like its arguing, effort is done firstly to reach a height and then blessings are there as well.
    Our elders are leaving us as time is passing by. I'm having less seniors with the passage of time Ahh...I am becoming solitary.

    Better work, better people, better will be the life, With each passing day, embracing both depth and strife. Though elders depart, their wisdom guides our way, In solitude, resilience blooms, come what may. He is servant of Allah, may he become one genuine, With each passing day!
    عبد لله، لعله يصبح مخلصاً، مع مرور كل يوم، يتجاوز كل
    شيء بعمق وصراع.
    دل ناداں تجھے ہوا کیا ہے
    آخر اس درد کی دوا کیا ہے

    آخر اس درد کی دوا کیا ہے آخر اس درد کی دوا کیا ہے
    آخر اس درد کی دوا کیا ہے آخر اس درد کی دوا کیا ہے
    ارے دوا کیا ہے؟

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
  13. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    Enjoy the inexorable pain.
  14. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    This sapien, after accepting the reality, whether good or bad, has forged a friendship with someone known as a book – a companion with whom conversation is challenging, yet whose company yields immense value when time is shared. Yes, it is the book.
    It used to be with me since I was a kid, but I could never fully understand its significance.
    FallingPetals likes this.
  15. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    رمضان ٢٠٢٤ کی چودھویں کے چاند کی روشنی اور ہر سمت سے فجر کی اذانوں کی صداؤں میں، پاکستان جیسے پاکیزہ ملک میں، دعا کی اپنے رب سے اپنے اور تمام مسلمان بہن بھائیوں کے لئے کہ
    لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    وَ اُفَوِّضُ اَمْرِیْۤ اِلَى اللّٰهِؕ-اِنَّ اللّٰهَ بَصِیْرٌۢ بِالْعِبَادِ(44)

    ہم ٹھیک ہو جائیں گے۔۔۔انشاءاللہ
    FallingPetals likes this.
  16. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you may be experiencing a lapse in self-control or willpower when you're tired or drowsy. Fatigue can weaken our ability to resist impulses or engage in self-regulation. It might be helpful to prioritize getting enough rest and managing stress to strengthen your self-control abilities. Additionally, creating a supportive environment and setting clear goals can also aid in maintaining desired behaviors even when you're feeling tired. If this continues to be a challenge, seeking support from a therapist or counselor could be beneficial in developing strategies to address it.

    ChatGPT replying my query. Ahh I relapsed yesterday night. But wanna continue effort and not let disturb routine. Sorry AP bhai, relapse batate hoe...bataya nahi jata WhatsApp pe mujh se. Pata nahi kiu...
  17. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    From Crescent to Crescent: Embracing Life's Cycles:
    Have you ever observed the moon throughout the month and noticed how it changes its shape? Today, it just flashed through my mind. For someone like me, it's an amazing reflection on a part of reality and perception—to observe the objects around us and, ultimately, the matters of life. I thought about how the moon changes its shapes. It starts as a very thin, negligibly lighter crescent, depicting the beginning of a journey. Later on, it reaches its maximum power in terms of beauty, light, and shape. Ultimately, things start getting simpler again, and a time comes when the moon becomes negligibly smaller and thinner. What does it depict? An end? No, a new start! That's the perception. If we assume it as a start, only then we can imagine a new month rather than the end of a journey. Though it marks the end of a month, a good perception lies there as well. Furthermore, keeping in mind a good ending also gives us a sense of meaning, purpose, calmness, and hope for a meaningful ending during that whole process. Consequently, it helps us navigate through the climax of hardships, distress, hard work, hopelessness, and the ups and downs of what is often described as struggle. Even if we lose, it will be a new beginning, at least because we were prepared to see an ending after all. We won't stick to the same month (metaphorically speaking); rather, we will step into a new part or activity of life. We will endure and try to practice new things.
    So embark every journey keeping in mind how it will look at the end of it. Hopeful, having gratitude for small blessings. And things get under control, I think, yes seems good n meaningful.

    My mother's medical report showed some serious issues. She was weeping as I got home back after Taraweeh. My father is also anxious. I consoled her and she got strong again ماشاءاللہ. As I believe in good words and hopeful stance. May she get better with the blessings of Ramadan kareem.
    Life is full of challenges and serious matters, something to be taken seriously. Life is not like we see people presenting it on social media. Rather its a dynamic struggle to survive and play our best for everyone and everything around us.
    Tuesday, 26 March.
    Everything will be Alright!
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024
    InnerMan and FallingPetals like this.
  18. InnerMan

    InnerMan Fapstronaut

    Ameen...Shifa 'ajil inshallah.

    Really good post by the way...The stuff about the moon cycle reflecting inner journey is on point
    Homo sapien. likes this.
  19. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    ایسا کیوں نہ ہوا کہ اللہ، جو کہ میری شہ رگ سے بھی قریب ہے، مجھے اچھے اور ستھرے راستے کا حکم دینے والا ہے، اس کی یاد میں میں گناہ سے رک جاتا۔
    آخر میں کیسے خود کو بلا جھجک اللہ کا بندہ ہونے کا دعوہ کرتا ہوں؟ اللہ کے راستے میں تو دنیا کا بھی فائدہ تھا اور بہتری تھی، آخر میں کیوں اللہ کی طرف متوجہ نا ہوسکا۔ اے کاش میرا راستہ اس ذات کی طرف راغب ہو جائے۔ اس کے لئے دنیا بھی کماؤں اور آخرت بھی۔ اس ذات کی مناسبت سے آگے بڑھوں، میرا مقصد اللہ کو راضی کرنا ہو جائے۔ کیوں نہ اس دنیا کی رنگینیوں میں میں اپنے آپ کو اللہ کے منع کیے ہوئے سے روک دوں اور اللہ کے بتائے ہوئے کی طرف متوجہ کر لوں۔ میرا رب اتنا رحیم ہے اتنا رحیم ہے اتنا رحیم ہے کہ ہمارے لئے جو حکم ارشاد فرمایا اس پر عمل کرنے سے آخرت کا بیڑا بھی پار اور دنیا میں بھی کامیابی اور عزت ملتی ہے، اللہ دنیا میں بھی کسی سے پیچھے نہیں ہونے دیتا بلکہ ایسا نوازتا ہے کہ اللہ اللہ، بس رحمت کا نظارہ دیکھو! کبھی شمار کر سکو نہ کبھی شمار ہو پایا۔ اگر الواحد کی رحمت جوش میں آگئی تو مجھ جیسے مجھ جیسے کا بھی بیڑا پار لگ جائے۔
    اور ان کا ذکر ادب سے کہ با ادب جو نہیں تو ایمان گیا! میرے نبی ﷺ، کاش ان کے طرز عمل کی پیروی سے میری گناہوں اور نافرمانیوں سے بھری ذندگی بدل جائے!۔​
    عجب کیا اگر رحم فرما لے ہم پر
    خدائے مُحَمَّد برائے مُحَمَّد صَلَّی اللہ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہ واٰلہ سَلَّم​
    جہاد با النفس جاری رکھوں گا۔
    انشاءاللہ عزوجل

    FallingPetals likes this.
  20. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    آمین Inner Man.
    نعم، ستتعافى، أعلم. لم أر امرأة أقوى من أمي ​
    Yes, she'll be fine, I know that. I've never seen a stronger woman than my mother.
    She didn't even used wheelchair during her chemotherapy rather she walked by herself unlike anyone else there.
    May you live prosperous. Thanks for the good words.
    InnerMan likes this.