Myers-Briggs Types, Common Threads?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by bean, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. bean

    bean Fapstronaut

    So I've recently been delving deep into Myers-Briggs types again as I transition (hopefully) into a new career path. I was last typed in college as an INFP, but recently took the questionnaire again and came up as an INFJ (which I think better nails me than the first test did.)

    One big thing about the personality profiles that Jung created, and Myers and Briggs expanded upon, was the idea of separating our strengths and weaknesses into three types of functions: dominant, inferior, and shadow functions. The biggest areas of growth for all of us come from our inferior function: that function which is highly active in our subconscious but does not arise until our subconscious takes over.

    For example, as an INFJ, my inferior function is Extroverted Sensing (Se), which relates to being able to be receptive to the outside world and more fully engage the senses in the present moment. This is because my dominant functions are Introverted Intuition (Ti) and Extroverted Feeling (Fe), which means I take feedback from the external world and tend to try and make it congruent with my worldview. Basically I'm in my head a lot. So when I get flustered or excessively stressed ("in the grip," as they call it) my inferior Se function tends to go wild because it has a chance to express itself after being unconsciously suppressed. This often results in "cutting loose," so to speak, which can be brief bouts of anger, loss of touch with factual details, or binging on sensory experiences in a hedonistic way. This includes, but is not limited to, alcohol, drugs and -- you guessed it -- PMO.

    I bring this up because for two reasons: First, I want to know if other Fapstronauts here are aware have been typed before and have found effective ways of creating good habits and lifestyle changes based on their personality type to replace abstaining from PMO. Second, I wonder where there are commonalities among the Fapstronauts here and the Myers-Briggs types represented here, and whether there are commonalities about us that might help explain why this communities members struggle with PMO.

    Any insights are definitely appreciated! The more data the better, right?

    EDIT: Here's a brief (and I mean BRIEF) introduction to the 16 types.

    There are free tests online you can take which are exactly or close to the questions asked on the official MBTI test. Worth taking if you ask me, if only to understand yourself better.
  2. Congrelous

    Congrelous Fapstronaut

    INFJ reporting in. Howdedoo?

    The more I've looked into the type, the more I have noticed a dual nature of the INFJ.

    Ni-Ti versus Fe-Se

    I can chameleon in different groups very easily, but at the same time I can be very stubborn in my "inner" beliefs.

    When I'm not using Fe-Se I become isolated in get caught in a Ni-Ti loop. "This is my hunch and I'm right because I'm thinking about like X, which reinforces my hunch..."
  3. BlackCoffee_

    BlackCoffee_ Fapstronaut
