Love Kills Porn.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Battlemaster Lotus Praxis, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. That's great man! Keep it up :)
  2. @Landomike Couldn't even listen to more than a couple seconds haha I hate country so much man. The lyrics are inspiring no doubt, but the whole vibe of alot of positive uplifting male singer country is like some kind of masculine emo romantic shit I just cannot tolerate hahahah.

    "Lay your pretty head down on my shoulder
    You don’t have to worry anymore
    This old world is cold and getting colder
    And I know how to lock and bolt the door

    I’m strong enough to hold you through the winter
    Mean enough to stare your demons down
    The hard times put the shine into the diamond
    I won’t let that keep us in the ground

    I'm a riser
    I'm a get off of the ground, don't run and hider
    Pushin' comes to shove
    Hey I'm a fighter
    When darkness comes to town, I'm a lighter
    A get out aliver, of the fire

    I like certain masculine emo romantic stuff, so it is just the country formula that makes me wanna vomit I'm sorry haha.

    Here is a male emo lovesick band I can get down with LOL if this genre description makes any sense to you, perhaps it is just my biased incorrect opinion I am projecting onto country music in general,

  3. Alright back to the Monday and Friday schedule, just dropped in to reply to @vulture175 and got bombarded a bit haha, only going to post here M & F.
    vulture175 likes this.
  4. Ah shit, can't help it. M & F posting regimen hah! Masculine Mondays and Feminine Fridays perhaps...interesting. The post right above sparked this idea.

    Hmmm, a video until Friday :)


    Be well :D

  5. Thank you for your post. Some of these images are good for a wallpaper :)
  6. Ledz93

    Ledz93 Fapstronaut

    I just found them and signed up for the pledge, if I had the money I would get a shirt. I know people would look at me funny (but thats what's wrong). If people look at you funny for declaring that porn is bad, then that just shows how back asswards society is.
  7. Society has been brainwashed.

    Porn is bad (moral opinions aside) in the sense it ruins people's lives and all around harms many people involved in the production of it not to speak of the consumption of it.

    Porn supporters generally only see porn as consenting adults more than happy to perform, and that if you get addicted well that is because you just can't control yourself lol. If only they could see the entire truth. And the truth is the American industry is bad enough and has its share of dirty secrets, but the European and Russian industry is far, far worse. Organized crime rings, rape, coercion, and even murder are all inseparably linked to the indsustry in a very big way. As if manipulating, lying to, and basically raping poor women from countries surrounding Russia, and the worst being Russia, isn't bad enough. These tyrants just lure these poor women in and turn them into sex objects and brutalize them against their will on camera. The women of course have already been lured into it and deceived in such a manner they cannot do anything but go along with what is being filmed right on the spot.

    I'll stop there.

    My journey must come to an abrupt end here. I have to go off the grid and abandon my presence online for sometime. You will know me no more here as Battlemaster Praxis. Perhaps a success story with my real first name in the future will be due :D

    I wish we could all meet for tea or coffee, or even hold a world NoFap conference hahaah wouldn't that be something. But alas we are mostly anonymous here. I wish you all the best and hope you all recover fully and achieve your goals here :)
  8. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    Dr. King Schultz likes this.
  9. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut


    Happiness, compassion, intimacy, friendship, affection, loyalty, beauty, authenticity, warmth...

    Porn can't offer anything close to these things, but real relationships can. This is why we fight for love and reject the hollowness of porn.
  10. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    Hello my lovelies. I'm going to share some love poems in this thread. Love is a crazy thing. But it's also a wondeful thing and is healthy unlike the opposite L word if you know what I'm sayin.

    Lost love
    May 29, 2015

    "I love you"

    1000 nights of you
    500 days without you
    It only took one day to fall in love with you.
    Im glad I share it with you.
    I love you.
  11. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    Jun 18, 2015

    "Unknown Love"

    To you, my one and only unknown love, I bestow unto you my heart and burning desires.
    I've dreamed of our wedding day, and much more to come.
    But still with a blank slate, for you, my one and only unknown love.
  12. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    Be back on the yonder for a few more! Love really does kill porn! #LoveKillsPorn

    Tim Loves Tankas
    Jun 5, 2016

    "My Love of Poetry"

    I love poetry
    an easy way to express
    my inner most thoughts
    laying them out on paper
    makes everything seem so real
  13. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Best read
    Eye opener
    Dr. King Schultz likes this.
  14. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

  15. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    "Platonic love"

    Heart in embraces of a platonic love is the most highest form of
    affection we share with another person.
    It is because one will jump into the fire for his love,
    knowing that the only kiss he'll get may be a kiss of death.
  16. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    'Will You Love Me When I'm 80?'

    Will you love me when I'm 80
    When I walk and talk real slow?
    Will you love my wrinkles
    If I let them show?
    Will you hold me every night
    And kiss me in the morning light?
    And when I see my last sunrise
    Will you hold me when I die?
  17. Dr. King Schultz

    Dr. King Schultz Fapstronaut

    Toodles my lovelies.

    "Justice and Love"

    One frequently hears justice referred to as being opposed to love. Such an error arises out of lack of understanding of the profound and comprehensive significance of these two principles, for two divine laws cannot stand in opposition or contradiction to each other. Two basic laws, both admittedly good, must harmonize; otherwise one would be evil, for good cannot oppose good. The antagonism which men place between justice and love does not exist in reality; it is an error arising from ignorance of the true nature and right application of the principles involved.

    The element of kindness is never absent from justice; if it were, it would be weak emotionalism and not love. There is often more love in a server reproof than in a yielding acquiescence. The father who has little love for his child, though he may not treat it cruelly, will not take pains to train it properly; but the father who has great love for his child will train it with a firm yet gentle hand. He will be just to his child because he loves it. He will administer correction and reproof when necessary, that his child may profit thereby.

    Justice is not separate from love; love is not separate from justice. The essential oneness of the two principles is simply expressed in the divine edict: "Whatsoever a man swath, that shall he also reap." It is in accordance both with perfect love and perfect justice that man should reap the good results of his good deeds, and the bad results of his bad deeds. All men admit this theoretically, though the majority refuse to recognize the operation of such a law in the universe, arguing, when overtaken with trouble, that in their case they are not reaping what they have sown, as they have never done anything to call for such misfortune, but are suffering innocently (unjustly), or are afflicted through the wrong-doing of others.

    Such a law, however, obtains, and those who will search long enough, and look deep below the surface of things, will find it, and be able to trace with precision its faultless working. Nor would a right-minded man wish it to be otherwise. He would know that the kindest thing that could be done to him would be that he should suffer the full penalty of all his mistakes and wrong-doing, so that he might thereby grow more rapidly in virtue and wisdom. Petitions to Deity to abrogate the just punishment of sins committed are without avail, and can only spring from an immature moral sense. Woe indeed would descend upon man if the law of justice could thus be set aside.

    Self-afflicted and torn with sorrow as he now is, there is hope in the law which bestows no special favors and is unfailingly just. But if man by offering up a prayer could escape the effects of his bad deeds, then justice would be non-existent; and as for love, where would it be? For if one could thus be deprived of his bad earnings, what assurance could he have of not being robbed of his good earnings? Thus the ground of salvation would be cut away, and caprice and despotism would take the place of love and justice.

    As a coin, which is one, has two distinct sides, so love and justice are two aspects of the same thing. Men do not perceive the love that is hidden in justice, nor the justice that is hidden in love, because they perceive only one side, and do not to turn these principles round, as it were, and see them in their completion.

    Justice, being a divine principle, cannot contain any element of cruelty. All its apparent harshness is the chastening fire of love. Man himself, and not the law per se, has brought about all the afflictions which are working for his ultimate happiness and good. Love reigns supreme in the universe because justice is supreme. A tender and loving hand administers the rod of chastisement. Man is protected, even against himself. Love and justice are one.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
  18. You are an inspiration to us all, sir.
    I Am that I Am likes this.
  19. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

  20. You know I like these terms. Can I add a thought? I think wisdom and emotional intelligence also kill porn so to speak. Just my 2 cents! Nice thread!