is there anyone on nofap that have started believing in god?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    i been christian since i was a little baby and have always believed in god that he can do miracles and great things for me. and he will always be in my heart regardless what i do.
    and i was wondering has anyone started beliveing in god since they began nofap?
    CarP, Toni7 and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  2. I will admit that I spent most of my early childhood as an agnostic, I spent most of my teenage years being a secular atheist, I realized the errors of my ways, started reading the Bible frequently, My journey to God started at Evangelical Christianity, then to Orthodox Christianity, Then Catholicism Then I looked into the Shriners which is when I started looking into The Freemasons, and then I realized that I was best off being Catholic as the Freemasons are a fraternal order rather than an actual Religion.
    Takeyourfreedom and YoungLenny like this.
  3. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

    And here iam losing faith, still going to temple daily.
    CarP and YoungLenny like this.
  4. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

  5. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Maybe bcoz of science
    brokenmillennial likes this.
  6. I'm pretty much agnostic, but still believe in the divine. I don't necessarily believe in the Christian god from the bible, but I really feel like there's something/someone up there. I know Jesus actually existed though - one of my teachers even said there's more proof of him existing than Julius Caesar, whose existence is considered fact (take this with a grain of salt I didn't check this out myself lmao).
    YoungLenny likes this.
  7. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    I don't believe in the Judeo/Christian God, nor any eastern thing. Tho, as the cowboy here, I rather believe there has to be something holding all of this together. It's just TOO strange, man. Just think about it. Genes have the ability to take matter and organize it into living, changing things through time. I don't necesarilly mean that it all MEANS something but it's just too complex and intelligent to just be as plain as this material, observable, "thoughtable" life.

    And though I don't believe in the bearded guy in the clouds, I certainly believe in the power of pray and channeling oneself with a greater something.
    YoungLenny likes this.
  8. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    Thats an interesting claim from your teacher. I will have to look into that.
    The Cowboy likes this.
  9. Pls tell me what you find. That claim isn't the reason why I think Jesus existed though.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  10. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    i have never had that tought before and yeah it is strange
    greenishmoon likes this.
  11. honestly not much, though I do feel like it made me more connected to religious people because of the community
    btw raised christian now a kinda spiritual agnostic
    YoungLenny likes this.
  12. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Why is it, then?.

    Oh and also, lately I've been feeling more connected to religion or to the preachings of Jesus sort of speaking too. It just makes sense with what I believe to be a good way of living. I didn't wanted to be like that, I actually rejected it, but something about it just clicks with me sometimes, with my own problems and ways of seeing.
    YoungLenny likes this.
  13. More so just gut feeling, but also because he's just too well-known worldwide and has been for over 2000 years - so he must've actually been a real remarkable person to be remembered this long. I'm not saying I absolutely believe in all his miracles and stuff, but I do think he actually existed. I just checked for myself, there is evidence of his existence but obviously not as much as Julius Caesar because Caesar was a powerful dictator and Jesus was just a carpenter with a small following - who's gonna leave more evidence behind to examine?
    YoungLenny likes this.
  14. I can't recommend this website enough:

    It was always one of my life goals to understand the mysteries of the Bible. I never bought into the literal word of the Bible (although I do believe there was a historical Yeshua) and I knew there was a coded message underneath.

    The problem is that I don't speak any of the languages the Bible was originally written in, a lot has been lost in translation, and quite frankly it is an enormous undertaking. This website does an excellent job of decoding what the Bible is really trying to teach. Hint: it is not about going to a Sunday morning fashion show and listening to some child molester tell you that you need to give him 15% of your income.

    I've always believed in a divine Creator and I'm happy to report that I've cultivated a relationship with Him as a result of my new disciplined life.
    YoungLenny and SickSicko like this.
  15. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    God is real.
    YoungLenny likes this.
  16. YoungLenny

    YoungLenny Fapstronaut

    i too believe that you have to decide yourself what is right or not and don't listen to the priest what is best for you or not. instead listen to god, listen to your heart. read the bible for yourself. then you will make right choices in life
  17. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Hey I'll give that a look.
    I think similarly. Truth cannot be teachen.
  18. It's a bit of the chicken or the egg thing maybe? So there's either doing NoFap because you're religious or becoming religious from doing NoFap. I hate to say it but it seems more likely for the beliefs to be something like superpowers from doing NoFap alone, but that's just a general majority. Also, keep in mind the gamification framework vs. something like the 12 Steps, the latter is a lot more likely to lead to a religious experience than the more mainstream perspective as a result of NoFap.
    YoungLenny likes this.
  19. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Hey, thank you for the link.
    I've had so many questions and disonant points of view my entire life, but somehow things are slowly merging together, starting to make sense. I almost can't believe it but I am starting to...well, to believe. I hope I'm not taking a foolish step here, but anyway I enjoyed reading some posts there, I'll keep reading.
  20. I'm glad you enjoyed it! When I discovered the site I spent hours reading as much content as I could.