I'm finding porn more arousing than my wife, any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by nomo, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Hopefully, this is not a trigger for you, but I'm discussing parts of my sex life and wondering how to be more attracted to my wife.

    I've been with my wife for 25 years, and married for 15 years. When we first met she was a wild girl in bed who loved a fetish that we shared. I don't want to trigger anyone, but we loved forms of BDSM.

    As our sex life became more vanilla, she said she wasn't into our fetish as much as she got older. Now we are down to about 3 sex positions in bed, and there is nothing creative or fun about it. We never had a lot of intimacy in bed, our sex was more about hardcore lust.

    Lately, I have had problems with erectile dysfunction. I think it's more mental than physical. I've recently looked at porn to see if I'm still aroused and I become very aroused when looking at the fetish porn that used to turn both of us on.

    My wife is attractive, I find a lot of her conversations boring, we don't have a lot of mutual interest, but she's still a pretty good wife. I'm 65, she's 61, and I'm not seeing any women my age that I would think would be more attractive for me. All I want is suggestions on how to have more intimacy and hopefully, that can lead to a sex life that would be more interesting for me (us.)

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Aside from the obvious (cutting off porn and M), you could try lowering your sex frequency or maybe SR.
    nomo likes this.
  3. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply. I've never considered SR as I don't see benefits and feel it's unnatural. The problem I have is not watching porn created a low libido, and at the same time, I was feeling less attracted to my wife. I was starting to feel no longer interested in sex, and that's not my goal with Nofap.

    Perhaps a renewed try of no porn combined with no M. I'm able to not look at porn, but I do MO to keep the edge off.
    I appreciate your suggestions.
  4. legendsneverdie

    legendsneverdie Fapstronaut

    1) stop looking at porn
    2) as user above said decrease frequency of sex so that when you do have it the desire is stronger. esp at your age of 60 years old, you should be dramatically decreasing frequency of sex, as it drains you
    3) read cupids poisoned arrow by marina robinson. thank me later. It’s about intimacy based lovemaking. the animalistic sex with orgasm is the worser lower quality way to have sex and it leaves you drained and eventually bored with your partner. her book will show you the exact answers you are looking for
    nomo likes this.
  5. legendsneverdie

    legendsneverdie Fapstronaut

    it’s the most important thing to fix your situation. i can’t impress this enough

    then you’re using porn just to feel aroused and hence when you are with your wife the arousal is partially coming from the porn, so no wonder you’re not very attracted to her… bc the porn you are watching is hotter than your wife

    what you said is supposed to be the opposite- you stop watching porn so you become more attracted to your wife. that’s how it works w everyone else’s what you’re doing by stirring up lust watching porn just so you can be in the mood for your wife is very unnatural.

    if you aren’t aroused naturally you shouldn’t be having sex, you are just exhausting your body without you realizing it

    so you MO and sometimes watch porn at age 65, and you wonder why you have ED?… lol

    everything is wrong here.

    if you want no ED and more attraction to your wife it’s imperative you cut out porn and M and only let her be your source of sexual arousal and also stop having orgasms.

    the rat experiment from the book i mentioned explains how once a male rat orgasms w a female, he is “done” with her and is onto the next. when you orgasm you get bored
  6. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    Im a lot younger than you, but when I was at my lowest in my addiction I was also finding porn more arousing than partners. Maybe it has nothing to do with your age or the age of your wife. Sometimes I could not get as erected as I wanted, because I indulged too much recently in my addiction. I felt like the biggest fool on earth having the oppurtunity to have sex with a beautiful women but not being able to, because I choose to masturbate too much to porn. But at least I was conscious about it and it made me change for the better. Some people eat fast food all the time, dont finding vegetable anymore delicious and dont even know what they are missing. Real taste and real health. What a tragedy.

    When I had my first streaks of temporary abstinence every girl on the street was double as attractive. Every once in a while I have seen a women as beautiful as the goddess venus herself. There is a big chance you will be so much more abel to appreciate the beauty of your wife more. I personally re-learned how great sex can be. Maybe you will too find out, that not 3 positions, but just even one position is all you need to get the feeling, that this moment should never go away.

    There is a saying here in Bavaria thats called: "Hunger is the best chef". Same thing in the sexual realm. So put away your porn and masturbation "snacks" and wait patiently for dinner!

    Two food references in one post. Time to go to the kitchen. Goodbye and good luck!
  7. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    I would echo what everyone else says about cutting out PMO, but I would emphasise also cutting out the BDSM content especially if that's the thing you're primarily getting off to.

    If she's just not into it anymore, I think it may be time to hang up the ole gimp mask. I believe if you starve yourself of the content and fantasy that feeds that fetish, you'll be able to effectively rewire yourself towards alternative triggers for arousal.
    MerseyPhoenix and hope4healing like this.
  8. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    You make a lot of good points here, and I'm willing to go without porn and MO to see what happens. Thanks for the response and best of wishes for your Nofap journey.
  9. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    You may be right, and since I posted this and listened to everyone's suggestions, I'm going to give up porn and MO. I'll miss the "gimp mask" lol, but for over a year I've only experienced my fetish by watching it on porn. Since it's not playing out for me in real life anymore, I guess it won't be too hard to stop wishing for a more exciting sex life. A vanilla sex life was never really my thing, but if it creates more intimacy with my wife I'll give it a shot.
  10. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I appreciate your advice