High rep or low rep ?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Supervinesse, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, as said in the title i don't know what is the best to gain muscle, specially legs. I've been following a program but i havnt seen a lot of changes so i was maybe thinking to change it. I've been running this program since 3 months, my upper has improved but not my lower. So i do a Jeff Nippard's PPL, so 2 times legs per week, if you want me to precise how much reps i do and what exercices i do, i will detail.

    Actually my routine is squat in heavy 5x3 but i was thinking that this is maybe low, that i should do higher reps, around 15 rep.

    What do you guys think ? I tried to find something on internet but all and nothing is said so i dont know what to do.
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  2. F14

    F14 Fapstronaut

    Low weight and higher reps is what you want for hypertrophy. I can’t speak to the exact amount of reps to shoot for. No matter what you do don’t stop getting after it brother
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  3. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, i go to gym since 2 years ! wish you the best for you !
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Generally for hyperphotry (bigger muscles) low reps with heavier weights is what you want.

    How much are you lifting? Low reps you should be pushing 70-80% of your 1 rep maximum m. That last rep should be hard to finish

    Rest? Are you taking rest days between workouts? Are you resting between sets? You should need at least 1-2 minutes between sets of a given exercise.

    Lower body--for legs it can take a lot to see results b/c they can require more stimulation to grow. Square will usually do the trick. If you are doing enough weight, then try changing the exercises btry sumo squats, slit squats, leg press, one leg deadlifts Step/ups with dumbells are another good one.
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  5. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    In the past, I have kept volume low to 6 reps per set or less for a exercise like squat or leg press; 8 reps for leg extension. I built very strong and large legs with that technique. I am experimenting now for the first time with higher reps in the 12-20 range. I have a journal here in this section if you are interested in looking at it.
    Ketherlonk likes this.
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    I like higher reps myself b/c for me I get more muscle endurance and some strength gains. But I also use bodyweight primarily which means you're always going high reps.

    But for the OP, I think that rep range you use is great for low rep sets.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  7. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    First of all I am very tall so I struggle a bit to squat but I love it so idc.

    I can squat 115 kg for 4-5 reps. I take 2min rest between set and between my leg workout I let 3 to 4 days, depending if I feel ready.

    I stopped deadlift because it was killing my low back and also because I hate this exercice. When I do my hamstring workout I can do deadlift but with dumbbell
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  8. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    Would love to see your journal if you don’t mind !
    Ketherlonk and jw2021 like this.
  9. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    Feel free to take a look. It is in the Fitness section with this thread.
    Ketherlonk likes this.
  10. F14

    F14 Fapstronaut

    Here’s a resource I just found breaking down sets. These guys are great I’ve been using them to guide me in the start of my barbell training journey. They’re well respected and the info is good. Hope it helps.

    Ketherlonk likes this.
  11. penisman1984

    penisman1984 Fapstronaut

    The age old adage is low reps = power, high reps = bodybuilding.

    I do low reps because I'm a grappler. I don't lift weights to gain muslce, I lift to gain strength.
    uplift, Ketherlonk and F14 like this.
  12. Coolbreeze

    Coolbreeze Fapstronaut

    I mix up every week but generally use low reps high weight, as I want to train for power and not for muscle. if you want muscle, train medium-higher reps to failure, if you want pure strength, go low reps with insane high weight.
    Embark39 and Ketherlonk like this.
  13. starsandsuns

    starsandsuns Fapstronaut

    Personally when I was younger, I used some heavier weight.

    But now as I am getting older, my main priority is to avoid injury at all cost, so I can stay focused on my projects. I can maintain muscle size and still increase it with higher reps. I find higher reps and lower weight easier on the joints and the nervous system. It may not be the ideal program for someone into developing maximum power/speed or doing competitive sports but it's completely suitable for me.

    This is one program modelled on the French bodybuilder Serge Nubret (contemporary of Arnold's):
    Ketherlonk likes this.
  14. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys for the replies. I am mostly looking for muscle, strength is not my priority tbh. Today I tried a high rep leg workout, squat between 8 and 12, lunges 15, and targeted machine between 12 and 15 and I feel that my legs have well worked. Maybe I should add a low rep exercice because I know that during a workout you have to get a mechanic stress and the other one stress so I will modify my workout !

    Appreciate for the link but I don’t think following a workout of someone who’s using gear is a good idea. Tbh I haven’t made research on the bodybuilder you are talking to so I will look deeply !
    Gabriel_1462 and jw2021 like this.
  15. Ketherlonk

    Ketherlonk Fapstronaut

    I often ask myself the same question (though I mostly care about upper body). I got to where you are now (best squat workout was 3x5 @ 256 lbs and 5x3 @ 258 lbs) after about a year of Stronglifts 5x5. I am 5'10" and weighed about 165 lbs at the time. I made good strength gains in this period (was a total newbie before) but I can't say my legs have grown massively, an inch or two at the most.

    I like the 5-rep range though. In the 8+ rep range on squats, I always hit cardiovascular failure before muscle failure, i.e., I just can't catch my breath. So it doesn't sound optimal for hypertrophy (?). For the big compound lifts I stick with 5-6 reps, with higher reps on isolation lifts which aren't as taxing on my cardiovascular system.

    Also: make sure you are eating enough... I don't think I was eating enough to gain size, I barely gained fat even.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
    jw2021 likes this.
  16. Supervinesse

    Supervinesse Fapstronaut

    I am 6ft6, around 90kg, and I honestly struggle to get my minimum protein amount because it’s expansive, and annoying. I try to eat a lot of almonds and banana between lunches but this is not enough :(
    Also I have a good genetics for the chest and arms but shitty legs
    jw2021 and Ketherlonk like this.
  17. Gabriel_1462

    Gabriel_1462 Fapstronaut

  18. Studies have shown that the amount of reps isn't all that important for hypertrophy. What's important is going to failure (and that's a living hell if you're doing 30 reps, so wouldn't recommend).
  19. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    High reps for Bodyweight calisthenics.

    Weightlifting sets of 5-12 plus cardio should = good fitness
    penisman1984 and Ketherlonk like this.