Happy Be-A-Better-Me Journal

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Liege Blåhaj, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Xue Hua Piao

    Xue Hua Piao Fapstronaut

    Keep it up man. This thread gives me a lot of motivation
  2. After giving up for about a year, getting back on my diet. Lost about 8 pounds so far. Will try to update you all here regulary.

    Thankfully I've been very consistent with working out the entire year... this is the most consistent I've ever been with working out ever. That makes me happy. Alternating weightlifting with cardio. Anyways just wanted to pop back and a commit to my diet again. Hope to post daily if I can.
    ZenYogi likes this.
  3. Ate some junk food today that I shouldn't have eaten. Feeling awful. Not guilty or anything like that. Just an icky body feeling. Need to remember this feeling. Good nutritious food, as well as healthy amounts of fasting, is the optimal way to keep the body feeling healthy and well.