Fantasizing before falling asleep

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by reZist, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. reZist

    reZist Fapstronaut

    I usually have a hard time falling asleep as my brain continues thinking about something. Over the past year, I have started to fantasize about sex, power and glory to make me sleep. I know it’s fucking up the next day. I know it’s a waste of time. I think it’s also make me more vulnerable to relapses. I need to stop this fantasizing. How can I fall asleep without having to fantasize. I don’t want to think about something and get stuck in the thought. Please provide any suggestions that you might have or something that works for you.
  2. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    First of all how is your sleep hygiene? I find sleep deprivation tends to make the mind prone to fantasize.
  3. ArtOfOld

    ArtOfOld Fapstronaut

    i also experience the same think, i stopped once, i can't remember what i id then, but its back now, am trying to figure out what is causing it, what d yu think might be causing it, how long have you been fantasizing ?
  4. reZist

    reZist Fapstronaut

    Its pretty bad. I have used PMO when Im unable to sleep. Some days I am up till 3 or even 4. It could be because of a show that I am watching or PMO. I am gonna have to have to get a solid bed time going.
  5. reZist

    reZist Fapstronaut

    Long time. But almost every night now. It mostly about harem stuff and being a ruler. I think the cause could be a not steady bed time. I think if I am able to have a solid bedtime, I’ll be able to go to bed and knock out immediately. In a way, The causes an improper bedtime. I can’t really think of any other cause tbh. I feel like having someome to sleep with would help or even someone to call or message during the nighttime. So that if I’m not tired, I can still have an outlet
    GhostWalker likes this.
  6. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    What I've found helpful is start having consist time for everything, even if it's not directly related to sleep. I finish dinner around 6 so after 12 hours I have to get up and go to the bathroom, no alarm clock for years. Also physical activity at set times would help, they know we have clock genes in muscle cells so all that will help with a consistent schedule.
    reZist likes this.
  7. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Before bed:
    1.Cold shower followed by warm.
    (Bath is even better)
    2.Breathing exercise

    During the day:
    Plenty of fresh air, sunlight, exercise.
    reZist likes this.
  8. ArtOfOld

    ArtOfOld Fapstronaut

    that might help, goodluck to both of us