Dream Job

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. 2023 was the worst year of my life. I took my “dream job,” which ended up being a nightmare that turned my whole world upside down. I worked so much that I hardly saw my family. I had terrible anxiety because my boss was extremely critical and never gave me the resources I needed to be successful. I made less money with them than I did with the job I had before. Most of my hobbies were put on hold because I did not have the time to do them.

    Masturbation was my way to cope with stress. Before work. After work. Before bed. Whenever I had the time. My porn consumption increased dramatically. I became a stranger to myself. No motivation. Trouble concentrating. Low self-esteem. Addicted to a thing that made me feel horrible and disgusting.

    I applied for dozens of jobs and scheduled interviews during my lunch breaks. I was given a conditional job offer. The position required multiple certifications. I left my job and began studying. Progress was slower than it should have been. I felt stupid and foggy. I was still masturbating 3+ times per day. I got through the process and started my new job at the end of the year.

    I want 2024 to be a year of healing, embracing change, and feeling my emotions. I made a resolution to quit pornography and masturbation. The only way I have been able to stick to this resolution is by telling it to other people, writing it down in a journal that I look at every single day, and taking steps to make pornography more difficult for me to access. I set up a porn blocker on my phone, set a time limit for how much I can use my phone and use individual apps, picked three close friends to be my accountability partners, and started meeting bi-weekly with a support group.

    I'll always ask myself why I had to hit the bottom before taking all these steps to resist and fight back. I feel a million times better about myself.
  2. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    Yeah work stress sucks. Many of us use masturbation to cope work issues. I use to have problems with hobbies too while work. When I go home from work I’m so tired that I couldn’t do what I like, doing sport, read, write, I’m just so tired, so I go sleep and repeat, this does not look a worth exchange, all the money I could do don’t feel worth if I am unable to do what I want. I receive money, but I can’t do anything of what I want due to less time.
    Honestly modern day work is going to be to mere slavery, with the difference that it is masked and gave you the appearance that you are free and have rights while in fact your employer treats you like a number and fire you when he wants.
    Go Outside and kenshin81 like this.